Welcome to my Affiliate Accelerator review which promises to uncover the real truth behind this latest Billy Darr product.
As usual the first page of Google is full of all the “This product is great, buy it through my link” brigade, I’ve actually just gone through one of those “reviews” and it’s just saying exactly what the sales page says.
What’s the point of that?, you can go the actual sales page if you want to hear all the sales talk.
What you need is an objective review that doesn’t just point out what’s good about the product, no, what you want is a review that is just that, a review.
A good review will also let you know any problems the product might have and that’s exactly what you’re going to get here, no just repeating what the sales page says.
NAME: Affiliate Accelerator
OWNERS: Billy Darr & Justin Opay
PRICE: $97 $18.59
WEBSITE: http://affiliateaccelerator.org/new
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The People Behind The Product
Billy Darr and Justin Opay are 2 people who’s products I’ve reviewed a number of times before. There used to be 3 of them, but recently they seem to have parted ways with David Kirby for whatever reason.
They are generally known in the game as people who release software, usually one type of software that gets released again and again under a different name.
Sometimes they don’t even bother adding anything new to it, but worst of all they don’t always work. I’ve had people tell me how disappointed they are with their products, like Mike said in the comments here.
However, it seems that they’ve dumped the dubious software and decided to actually teach people something useful.[su_divider top=”no”]
What Is Affiliate Accelerator About?
I’ve learnt that it’s always a good idea to take a look at the sales page when I’m doing these reviews. I do that mainly to see what sort of claims are being made by the vendors.
I’ve seen so many pages that are just full of hype to get you to buy the product, then when you’ve paid your money and get inside to the training you find out it’s nothing like the sales page was telling you.
So, because I’m in a unique position to see what actually is inside the training I can tell you whether or not to believe what they’re claiming.
It always amuses me that vendors that are continually releasing products can say things like that at the top of that headline.
Are they saying that all their other products that claimed the same sort of thing were all lies??
Without even seeing the training I can tell you now that the ‘3 easy steps is all it takes’ claim is terribly misleading.
A lot of people will see this and think it really does take just 3 steps, but step #2 is applying the Affiliate Accelerator method and at the moment who knows how many steps are involved in that?
Can I ask you what this picture says to you:
It says to me that this person is a beginner and getting those results.
Ginouchka Eugene is not a beginner, in fact she has partnered up with Billy Darr and Justin Opay with a product called Video Profit Machines.
Not only that, but she has been releasing her own products since around 2015, so not exactly a beginner.
So, they’re claiming, like most other products, that this is beginner friendly, but that next one “be up and running in the next 60 minutes” is hard to believe at this point.
This is also meant to be completely brand new which is a bit confusing seeing as the sales page says the training inside is responsible for transforming the lives of dozens of their students who took their high ticket coaching?
So, basically this is about getting traffic, sending that to an opt in page and a thank you page. You then send them offers via email.
We’ll go over the mechanics in more detail in the next section.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Process Explained
OK, so now that we are inside the members area we can start taking a look at the training and seeing what’s involved.
As you can see this has 4 modules, all containing videos relating to that particular subject.
Module #1 – The Fundamentals
This module gives you an overview of the system as well as choosing your niche and selecting a product you want to promote as well as going through the tools you need to run your affiliate business
Module #2 – The Setup
This covers things like choosing a lead magnet and setting up your affiliate funnel using Clickfunnels which does cost by the way, I think it’s about $97 a month.

Module #3 – Getting Traffic
There are 3 methods here: Facebook, Solo Ads and Influencer marketing. The Facebook method is free whereas the other 2 are going to cost you. If you use the Solo Ad vendors recommended in the training you can expect to pay around $175 for 500 clicks
Module #4 – Consistent Sales
This last module concentrates on what you do once you have leads coming in and how to market to those leads to hopefully make sales.
It goes over different types of bonuses you can use as part of your promotions and setting up a bonus page, again in Clickfunnels.
And that is what you get with Affiliate Accelerator.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
If this is the very first product you’re thinking of buying then you need to be aware of the upsells. As soon as you buy the front end product you’re going to be presented with 5 upsells that I would say you don’t need.
If you are new to this game then getting seduced by those sales pages and buying all those extra bits is only going to serve as a major distraction.
One thing I’ve learnt in this business is you need to focus, so just stick with the front end, not only that, but you’ll save yourself a bucket load of cash as well.
- OTO #1 – $97 – Automated Edition
- OTO #2 – $47 – Traffic Edition
- OTO #3 – $97 – 1K Daily Edition
- OTO #4 – $47 – License Edition
- OTO #5 – $197 – Diamond Edition
One noteworthy point is that they all have the money back guarantee apart from the last one, so just be aware if you do decide to buy them that last one doesn’t seem to be covered.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
Having reviewed around 7 of his other products and them all being cloud based software this one is a very welcome addition.
Talking about the guarantee in the OTO section, I was shocked to see the time period for this on.
I have to say I have never come across a guarantee like they are offering with this one.
Obviously, I’m not sure if they will honour it for the full period, but that’s just a crazy amount of time to guarantee something.
You’ve got 365 days to test this out and if you’re not 100% happy for any reason, you’ll get a refund!
Now, I’ve had people contact me telling me the trouble they have getting a refund from some vendors, take a look at the comment left by Stephane in the comment section here.
It will be interesting to find out if people have trouble with this one a year down the line. My gut feeling is they will.
As far as this product/course is concerned it’s not bad, you are going to need to spend some money. For instance if you are new you’re going to want to follow the training to a T and that means getting Clickfunnels.
And then of course you’ve got the expense of Solo Ads if you’re going that route. If you’re not using Solo Ads then this is going to take some time to use the Facebook way of getting traffic.
To be honest I really don’t think you’re going to have this up and running in 60 minutes.
Can the training work? Absolutely it can.
I haven’t approved a single one of his previous software products, so approving this one is quite a big deal, but just goes to show, you offer people something of value and the rest takes care of itself.
I just hope he hasn’t tarnished his name to badly with those other products.
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What now
One thing that I found unusual was the fact that he’s sending people directly to the affiliate offer from his emails. Now, everybody knows that your conversions are better when you send people to a review first rather than sending them straight off to the affiliate offer.
To be able to do that you’re going to need a website and that is where I can help you.
When you have your own website you open up so many more possibilities to make money, but you need to learn how to do that.
The trouble is you need to believe that the people training you know what they are talking about which is why I’m still at Wealthy Affiliate after joining over 4 years ago.
If you want to know more about what’s involved and who they are then CLICK HERE to find out or alternatively you can sign up for FREE with no obligations whatsoever by clicking the banner below.

I’ll meet you on the inside and help you every step of the way :)[su_divider top=”no”]
Oh wow, not too bad. Least they didn’t have software; that’s what I was expecting. Their “method” is one that can obviously be effective, but I think they are probably either leaving a lot of stuff out or simply do not know what you need to do to get elite-level results
Yep, that’s exactly what I was expecting too, more crappy software.
I think this is more targeted to someone just starting out than anyone with any experience and as such it does have some merit.
It’s never going to show everything you need to know …. that’s what the upsells are for, Lol.
Oh no.. Not Billy Darr. How is acceleration of affiliate marketing success possible? It takes time, as we’ve discovered countless times on your blog. Let’s see what happens with this one, but I’m sure you can guess what my prediction on it is