Welcome to my Velocitii review. Jason Fulton and Mosh Bari are constantly releasing products with a bit of software that claims to make you money on complete autopilot even if you have absolutely no experience.
I’m not really sure why they keep releasing new products if the other ones did what their sales pages claimed. I mean they obviously didn’t work did they or they wouldn’t have any buyers for their new products because they’d all be rich!
The trouble is I’ve not had the greatest success with their software even working in the first place and that makes the whole product pretty useless.
I’m sure by now you’ve seen all the other reviews that give it a 9/10 stars, tell you how great it is and throw a ton of bonuses at you just to get you to buy through their link, bonuses that you’ll very likely never ever use by the way.
Well I’m different and what you’ll get here is good old fashioned honesty, no bonuses, just the truth. If you want bonuses I suggest you go to one of the many that are trying to bribe you with them.
NAME: Velocitii
OWNERS: Jason Fulton & Mosh Bari
PRICE: $12.95
WEBSITE: https://www.getvelocitii.com/earlybird
what is velocitii about
Let’s first take a look at the sales page to see what information we can get from there.
I have to say this headline looks like any one of their other numerous products, but let’s just break it down.
So this is point and click software that’s going to earn you $231 in commissions every day without any experience or having to pay for traffic all in 24 hours or less.
That’s a tall order, but we’ll go through the training and see if it’s true.
Having been through the sales page with a fine tooth comb I can’t see where this software is hosted because as they say this is 100% newbie friendly and you don’t need any technical skills so I assume it’s cloud based, but on their other cloud based software they make a big song and dance about it.
They wouldn’t expect someone with no skills or experience to set up a website just to host the software, so it’ll be interesting to find out what it is.
What I can tell you is Velocitii is basically affiliate marketing using done for you sales funnels that the software sends your traffic to via your affiliate link.
The funnel consists of a landing page followed by an email capture page that then leads on to the product sales page. But you have to have traffic in the first place to send to the landing page.
Which brings me to the “no paying for traffic” claim, the first part in the training under buyer traffic is all about using paid traffic and the people he recommends are not cheap
See what I mean. and there’s no guarantee those clicks are even going to buy and then there’s the fake bots that get used all the time, they’re never going to buy anything are they, LOL
To be fair they do have free traffic methods, but these are mainly Facebook groups and something called “safelist Mailers” which I have heard of before, but not in a complimentary way and with this way of getting traffic you’re never going to start making money in 24hrs or less.
Anyway that’s what Velocitii is about, sounds good, but it has its flaws which I’ll go over soon. For now let’s take a look at what you’d be getting if you buy this.[su_divider top=”no”]
inside the members area
Velocitii consists of 4 modules with a different number of videos in each:
- Welcome To “Velocitii” – This is simply a welcome video outlining what Velocitii does.
- Velocitii Case Study – Tells you how he made $1,619 using this system, one thing you have to remember is he has a massive email list to send his link to.
- Done For You Funnel Builder Plugin
- Builds 6 Figure Funnels in 59 Seconds – This is where you find out where the software is hosted ….. on your website! so that doesn’t make any sense, why would they make such a big thing out of telling people you won’t need any technical skills or previous experience and then let you know you have to install the plugin on your website? He actually doesn’t make any reference to what he’s just done either, it looks like he’s trying to brush it under the carpet and hope you don’t notice.
- Access The Velocitii WordPress Plugin – This just shows you how to access the plugin via his Facebook page.
- How to Apply for Affiliate Link – I would consider the ability to get an affiliate link one of the most important parts along with traffic. No affiliate = no money. He gives you a script to use that he says will get you approved, not sure if that’s the case or not.
- Basics Of Making Money From Internet – A 4 step process showing a problem, with step #4 showing their problem solved and you making money.
- FAQ/Common Problems/Trouble Shooting – This is a section that outlines 2 common problems – offers no longer available to promote and vendors don’t approve affiliate request.
- Velocitii Buyer Traffic In Easy Steps
- Paid Traffic – This is what I meant earlier about the paid traffic video being given prominence over free traffic. He talks about getting Solo Ads
- Free Traffic – This is that ‘safelist mailers’ option and using Facebook. I just have to say this video is from December 2016 so not sure how relevant it is nearly 2 years down the line, I know Facebook have changed their TOS a while ago. Sorry just realized the safelist mailers video was from June 2017 as well
- What’s Buyer Traffic – Now these next videos are taken directly from a previous product of theirs called Blistering.
- Winning Mindset
- Understanding Problems
- Buyer Traffic Method-1
- Buyer Traffic Method-2
- Buyer Traffic Method- 3
- Buyer Traffic Method – 4
- Buyer Traffic Method – 5
So there you have Velocitii.[su_divider top=”no”]
This is a bit of a bugbear of mine, I really don’t like the upsells and this one has SIX of them:
- OTO #1 $37 with a downsell to $17 – Done For You Velocitii Campaigns – Not sure why you’d want this if the main product is as easy as they claim.
- OTO #2 $197 with no downsell – Velocitii Auto Cash Funnels – That’s a lot of money and what you’ll get for it is 20 upcoming funnels so you can promote to your list before anyone else
- OTO #3 $197 with no downsell – Velocitii $1k Paydays – Apparently you’re going to find out a secret method to generate 1k paydays without a domain, website or hosting. Yeah right.
- OTO #4 $47 with a downsell to $27 – Advanced Velocitii Tactics – These tactics will bring you faster results. Really? faster than 24hrs? LOL
- OTO #5 $77 with a downsell to $47 – Set This Up On Autopilot – shows you how to outsource everything
- OTO #6 $97 with a downsell to $47 – License rights – Keep 100% of the profit.
That’s an incredible $652 if payed full price for that little lot.[su_divider top=”no”]
final thoughts
So this is meant to be 100% newbie friendly right, but nowhere do they even try and tell you how to go about getting a website set up.
Now I know a lot of people will already know how to do that, but a lot of people won’t know how and after reading that sales page will not give it a second thought because it says no technical skills needed or experience.
So there are going to be quite a few people being left in the dark over what to do with this product when they don’t have a website and don’t know how to build one or even get a domain and hosting.
The product funnels being offered with this are quite old in MMO terms and have been promoted to death so don’t expect to suddenly find masses of people willing to buy because chances are they’ve seen them all before.
Getting affiliate links is another area that they make out is really easy if you just mention their names.
One of my main gripes is the actual plugin itself, how long are they going to keep it updated for? A plugin that is left without an update for any length of time can present a security risk on your website.
And I thought I’d leave this till last, you know there’s a money back guarantee with this right, well you might want to take a look at the comments in this review of one of their products before you test that guarantee.
I’d give this one a miss if I were you 🙁
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what now
If you want to learn affiliate marketing the right way I can wholeheartedly recommend the training I used to get me where I am today.
You’ll get 1 FREE website and 10 FREE lessons on how to set them up ready to make money online. Simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.

I’ll meet you on the inside 🙂
I have bought from Jason Fulton before and was refused a refund when requested. I couldn’t get the product to work. I was given a lecture on being a IM that just flitted from one shiny object to an other. After several emails to and fro I did gt my refund but just on the the main product.
6 days ago Jason and Mosh pushed out a product called Infinitii which is an alternative to shopify. I was interested in the product as I am a ‘drop shipper’ but could not find out enough about the product so left it alone knowing that I could not get a full refund if I was not satisfied.
Thanks for your honest review.
I am so sorry to hear that getting a refund has been such an ordeal, unfortunately I’m hearing more and more of this type of thing. Why put a money back guarantee on the sales page if they have no intention of honouring it? It really makes me mad!!
If anyone else has had problems with refunds then feel free to let everyone else know by commenting on this site, perhaps together we can make a difference.
yeah they only refund the main product, not any of the bonuses. there goes 600 bucks. I find it ridiculous and inauthentic. I suppose I should have read the terms more thoroughly but they never ever mentioned anything about having to have, or set up your own website, or buying an auto responder email service, or anything like that. which is not something I am willing to put the time or money into for using their product, and would have never purchased it in the first place had this been mentioned.
I thought this was a stand alone software. I guess that’s how they get you and get their money. I have been trying to find reviews on this after buying it and every review is basically just a sales pitch. It seems like it works for people but I really don’t get it.
So the product you buy is basically the right to sell their product, which is an affiliate product ,to sell their product? So you aren’t really selling anything but just finding more people to buy the product, to sell what? there wasnt even any affiliate links to use in the 20 free affiliate products bonus or whatever it was called, maybe they will be added later?
Idk, seems kinda like it goes in a circle in a weird way. I am actually really disappointed because this is not really what they seemed to advertise, as I understood it. They do give you the stuff but fail to mention what you need to run it. To me, in my humble opinion, that’s false advertising. I don’t even want to try and use it because the fact they weren’t straight forward with me about what I needed to use their product puts me off.
I suppose its the nature of the game. Maybe I’ll mess around with it and see just cause I cant actually get any money back for any of the bonuses. Although I question what it is I’m actually doing with this software, I don’t want to set up a website to try and sell their product to get other people to sell their product, to get other people to sell their product, ad infinitum.
what a confusing product to use. no technical skills needed? Ha!
I’m fairly tech savvy but this requires some technical skill man, and its out of my range of experience. and getting 12 bucks back for the main product which is the only thing the money back guarantee covers? screw it. Not even worth the hassle.
I’m super bummed on this, I really thought this would be a good product, I should have researched more. I feel slighted.
I’m so sorry to hear this Matthew, but thanks for sharing this with everyone, at least people will be aware of this problem now.
And yes I agree a very confusing product.
Hey guys,
If you purchased all of these scam products using Paypal, open a dispute in Paypal, and if they will refuse to order a refund, escalate it to Paypal. Paypal gives 90 Days refund period and may they will refund you. In fact, when you are paying with Paypal, the vendor the scammer who sells these products receive your money in their Paypal account. So Paypal will deduct your refund from their profits to pay you. So you will need to punish them. Order refunds and escalate them to Paypal. Soon PayPal will ban them.
At this time I have an open Dispute Case with a product with the title: “News profix pro” Do not purchase this product, they host it in their server and their server is down because it is not able to sustain their customers. The basic version has a limit for only 1 site and the pro allows you unlimited sites. The product has to do with automated news feeding sites that you place Amazon links in the automated posts. But you will not able to log in and maybe their plugin will never work.
In general, all of these assholes who release a new product every day and especially in warrior plus, platform and in Clickbank are scams.
Thank you Sharon, great review. Glad I wasn’t foolish enough to buy this so called beginner friendly package. Great honest review
Hey Stuart,
You’re very welcome, glad it helped you out 🙂