Welcome to my Traffic Robot review. When it comes to outrageous claims these guys are usually at the forefront of things, can we really believe that you can get free unlimited traffic in under 60 seconds? Do they even know what ‘unlimited‘ means?
Here’s what Collins Dictionary has to say about it
[su_quote]If there is an unlimited quantity of something, you can have as much or as many of that thing as you want[/su_quote]
I don’t really think they’ve thought this one through, but we’ll see if it’s possible to actually get that as we go through the training
NAME: Traffic Robot
OWNERS: Billy Darr, David Kirby,
Justin Opay & Rajinder Sidhu
PRICE: $22
WEBSITE: http://trafficrobot.co/exclusive
what is traffic robot about
Well according to the sales page this is BRAND NEW SOFTWARE that’s never been seen before.
Uh Oh, why are they saying that?
This software has been released by them on a number of occasions under different names, including this one I reviewed here.

And here is Traffic Robot
Apart from the name, color and changing around the social platforms a bit they look a lot like each other don’t they, but I must be wrong because the sales page says this is brand new and they wouldn’t lie about that ……… would they??
I smell a rehash!
The sales page could be taken from any of the above products because they all say virtually the exact same thing apart from the Push Button Traffic one where it says you’ll get unlimited free traffic in the next 44 seconds!
Now the problem I have is none of these worked very well if at all, perhaps that’s why they are saying this is brand new never seen before software.
The one I reviewed was so bad I didn’t even bother with the other ones. I thought that because they are still releasing this under different names I needed to do another review just to let people know about it.[su_divider top=”no”]
- not a lot really
- sales page hype
- clunky software that isn’t reliable
- never going to get free unlimited traffic in under 60 seconds
- having to have a big social following
- takes a long time to build that following
- wasting my time
- need I say more….
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who’s going to use this
If everything on the sales page were true then I think everyone would use it wouldn’t they? Unfortunately the only people who are going to use this are the ones who either haven’t seen their other ones before or someone who is new and is looking for traffic that is free and unlimited and believe what they say.
Anyone who has experience in this industry won’t even look at a product like this.
If you are going to look at buying this then just a quick heads up, if you go to leave before buying you’ll be presented with a $5 off code, then if you go to click away again you’ll get access to the first training video.
Even though it is just an overview of the system it would be worth taking a look at it so you know you have to have a decent following in the different social platforms in the first place to make this work.[su_divider top=”no”]
what’s inside the training
As well as access to the cloud based software you’ll get 6 videos of training to use it.
- Video 1 – Overview – 4.48 – Here’s where Billy Darr tells you there is manual work to do to build up your following
- Video 2 – Setting Up Your Social Sites – 2.47 – Showing you how to connect the different social media accounts
- Video 3 – The Campaign Builder – 2.11 – A very short video that just about shows you how to start a campaign
- Video 4 – Finding Offers & Bonuses – 3.20 – Starts off by telling you that now you have traffic …… what ….. you need an offer to promote and just shows you Warriorplus and JVZoo, but doesn’t tell you HOW to get approval.
- Video 5 – Creating Your Affiliate Review Video – 8.50 – This is a video from VIDEO PROFIT MACHINES giving you a very basic outline template to use when you create your review video, didn’t know you’ve got to do a review video did you, well you do now.
- Video 6 – Getting Mass Traffic – 2.19 – This video shows him uploading a small video.
Now this is where I had problems with the uploading, it would just sit there processing and not doing anything
It was like that for ages, in fact it didn’t do anything, just like the other program Video Profit Machines I would have been better off just uploading to them myself, it would have been a damn sight quicker that’s for sure.[su_divider top=”no”]
the oto’s
As if buying the main product isn’t bad enough they even expect you to buy 5 expensive upsells!
- OTO #1 $32 – Diamond Edition – The diamond edition includes 4 additional social sharing sites also including additional video training and bonuses.
- OTO #2 $37 – Auto Traffic Robot Edition – This upgrades gives your customers 20 additional accounts as well as the instructions on how they can automate the entire Traffic Robot software
- OTO #3 $42 – $1,000 A Day Edition – 25 Part Video Training Program With Worksheets, Templates, $1,400 In 36 Hour. Case Study Walking Them Through How They Can Make Up To $1,000 A Day Promoting Affiliate Offers
- OTO #4 $47 – Money-Machine Edition – They get the rights sell Traffic Robot and keep 100% commissions throughout the funnel
- OTO #5 $197 – Luxury Edition – We setup a proven sales funnel for your customer so you can build a list and start making consistent sales online
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final thoughts
Another waste of time just like the last one I reviewed. You would be better off just doing it yourself, after all the trouble of putting your details for all the different platforms only for it not to work is so frustrating.
The training if you can call it that is so superficial it’s hardly worth it being there in the first place.
I hate the way they’re trying to make out this is brand new software when it’s clearly not. They don’t seem to ironed out any of the bugs from the first one which to be fair they’ve had plenty of time to do in it’s many reincarnations.
It’s just another case of releasing a product that there is no real need for and trying to create a need for it by over hyping the sales page.
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what now
I am going to tell you a secret that not a lot of people know and feel that you deserve to know about and that is you don’t need fancy software to upload your videos to YouTube to build an online business. The most effective way is having your own website.
Having your own website is like building your house on rock solid foundations, without that your house will crumble and fall and the same goes for your online business.
The best way to build those foundations is to create a FREE Starter account at Wealthy Affiliate.
Click the banner below to get instant access and start your amazing journey
It is catastrophical how these guys lie. If there is a option to submit the links to their social sites, then ok, but, this is useless.
Thank you.
No problem, my personal view on this is to stay well clear
God, this is TERRIBLE! I just got an email from a marketer saying something about a new Traffic Robot 2 software. I guess it may be being released soon. Anyways, I thought that name sounded familiar so I came here to see if there was a Traffic Robot that had been previously released. Oddly enough I had a feeling about who the vendors of something like this were
Yeah this is bad, but I wouldn’t expect much more from Traffic Robot 2.0 either.
Dear Sharon:
Thanks for such a candid review of Traffic Robot (i.e., Push Button Traffic, Auto Affiliate Machine 2.0, Video Profit Machines, Video Profit Machines 2.0). You truly saved me from even more chaos, as my experience with such “products” has already been horrifying, for too long a period of time.
It is shameful that so many developers and vendors are doing precisely what you have described here, with their “products”.
Thanks for your comment and yes your choice of the word ‘chaos’ is very apt for these types of ‘product’