Welcome to my SuperSonic review. This is a new product that was released just 4 days ago. The vendors are two guys who are very familiar to this blog as people who produce very mediocre products such as Proximity, Golden Ticket and Compoundly to name a few.
Now, Paul Nicholls I’m sure is a really nice person, but hell is he boring! When I was reviewing one of his previous products, I can’t remember which one it was at the moment, I found it incredibly hard to stay awake.
He has this drone about him that just makes me want to mute him lol. Like I say I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but please don’t let him be the one doing the talking!
As this has been on release for a few days now i thought I’d take a look at some of the other “reviews” to see what they had to say.
Normally you see all the same old review sites, but something seems to have changed, the people I’m seeing on the 1st page are different.
Now, I know Google had a core algorithm update a little while ago so perhaps a lot of those fake reviews have now been banished to the depths of the serps.
We can only hope.
Anyway, let’s crack on with this review.
NAME: SuperSonic
OWNERS: Paul Nicholls & Anthony Mancuso
PRICE: $12.95
WEBSITE: https://getsupersonic.net/live
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What Is SuperSonic About
When it comes to vendors actually telling you what their product is about they can be, how shall I put it, slightly economical with the truth, shall I say.
Sometimes they don’t even tell you what it is you’re going to be getting in return for you giving them your money! How crazy is that!
Well the good thing about this product is they do actually tell you what it is.
You know the other thing I like about that headline? The lack of any outlandish claims of the amount of money you’re going to be making in 24hrs crap.
When you look at the sales page, what do you immediately think?
Do you think that just by buying this product you’re going to finally make some money online as an affiliate marketer and that you won’t be needing anything else to make that happen?
I mean, look at the image above, it says no technical skills or marketing experience required.
So, I’m reading that as this product is basically for anyone regardless of their online experience and if I were a newbie, I’d be thinking this is all I’m going to need.
Is It? …….. NO![su_divider top=”no”]
What You Really Need
First of all you’re going to need a website which is something I think that they just assume that you’ve got seeing as they never mention it on the sales page, in fact they make it sound like it’s a piece of software that you use rather than needing a website.
Why do you need a website? Because you’re going to be installing their plugin which you use to import their reviews from their websites.
Now, if you are new you might not have seen the glaring problem with that ……. duplicate content.
That means that your website is never going to rank in the search engines which means that to get eyeballs on your offers you’re going to need to pay for your traffic.
Do they provide training on that? ….. NO.
Actually I couldn’t find any training on getting any kind of traffic for that matter, even though the sales page categorically states that is included. Perhaps that saving it for their upsells which would be wrong when it’s supposed to be part of the main product.
OK, let’s assume that you’ve just got your website and you somehow manage to figure out on your own how to set it up correctly.
When you import their reviews you’ll be importing them into an out of the box WordPress theme, so there is going to be a lot of theme searching looking for the right one to use.
Do you go with a free theme or use a paid one?[su_divider top=”no”]
Email list
At the bottom of each campaign are email swipes. Theses are ready-made emails that you can use to send to your list.
Sorry, I didn’t quite hear you.
Did you say you haven’t got any marketing experience and so you actually haven’t even got an email list.
Back to the paid traffic again.[su_divider top=”no”]
Getting Approval
The other you’re going to need is an affiliate link and these guys really skim over that part, so much so that they don’t even really mention it, there’s just a link to the affiliate page where you can request it.
Now, everyone knows how reluctant vendors are to let newbies have an affiliate link, they want to see a track record of sales first, but then it becomes a chicken and egg situation where how can you get sales if no-one is going to let you be an affiliate?[su_divider top=”no”]
Inside The Members Area
A quick word about the upsells before we get to see what the members area look like. Assuming you buy this, before you actually get to the product you’ll get the “chance” to upgrade your purchase, don’t bother.
If you really want to get them they are readily available in the members dashboard so don’t fret about missing out.
So, once you’re inside you get presented with 15 blocks, 12 of which are the campaigns. One is an introduction video, one is a bonus section and the other one is where you can access the plugin.
In each campaign you get a video which is basically just either Anthony or Yes Paul talking about how successful that particular campaign was for them, nothing about how they got traffic to that offer or anything like that.
Under each video you get links to be able to request your affiliate approval, the email swipes to use for your list that you haven’t got and bonuses to incorporate into the review.
The campaigns are:
- Blistering
- Contenu
- Fuego Multiplier
- Proximity
- EZ Passive Paydays
- SuperSonic
- El Bandito
- Limitless
- Golden Ticket
- Compoundly
- Flipadom
- The Trinity
And that is Basically it.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
There seems to be a tendency at the moment to really load up the upsells and this one comes with 5 of them, why they have to have so many is completely beyond me, but it is what they all do now.
- OTO #1: $37 – Traffic Explosion Pro – with a downsell to $27
- OTO #2: $197 – Unlimited Traffic
- OTO #3: $47 – Done-For-You Campaigns – with a downsell to $37
- OTO 4: $397 – Super Affiliate Classroom
- OTO 5: $97 Reseller/License Rights – with a downsell to $47
I’ve got a couple of points to make regarding these and the first is about the warning they give you at the bottom of oto 4, the high priced one.
It says that you’re going to miss out on this forever if you close that page, here’s a screenshot:
Well that’s just not true, he even makes reference to being able to get access to the upsells in the introduction video.
The other point is about the same oto. That is the only one where there IS NOT a 30-day guarantee, all the rest have one, but I guess what they are doing is hoping that because you’ve seen the guarantee on the previous 3 upsells that you’ll either not notice it not being there or just assume that it is covered as well, which it isn’t.
That is a very underhand tactic and they should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for doing that.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
When I first heard about this I thought that the idea sounded quite good, but after going through it you discover the problems with it.
Now, I’ve already touched on the duplicate content issue, but it’s worth mentioning again in my opinion. Say for argument’s sake you’ve got already got a website and you’re putting your own content on it and it’s starting to get some traction in the search engines, as soon as you start putting other peoples content on your site that’s it, end of ranking.
Or even if you start a brand new website, sooner or later you’re going to have to start putting other content on there you’re never going to get rich with just 12 review posts are you.
Because think about for a second, I don’t know how many of this product they’re going to sell, but everybody who buys it is going to have the exact same content on their sites and they are going to get penalized.
The original content creators will be fine, but you won’t.
Now, it maybe you’re not concerned with ranking, well that would be a massive, massive mistake, huge. Not only is it going to cost you a small fortune in solo ads, if you use them, but the fact so much of the same content is out there is going to piss people off who keep seeing the exact same thing over and over.
You then have the security side of things to worry about. How long are these guys going to keep that plugin updated?
Plugin that aren’t kept updated are a security risk to your website, not so long ago the GDPR plugin was compromised and websites got hacked because of not keeping that particular plugin updated.
Then of course you have the whole getting affiliate approval from those vendors in the first place. This just smacks of desperation and making up a product that doesn’t really serve any real purpose.
If someone did have any success with this, which I highly doubt, it would be severely short-lived.
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So, What Now?
You need to start off on the right foot and learn the right way to build an online business that will not only rank in the search engines, but be a source of income for years to come, but you need to do it the right way to begin with, not just copy some other peoples work.
There is one platform that stands head and shoulders over everyone else in this industry and one that I’m proud to have been part of for the past 4 years.
So if you want to learn at the very same place simply click the banner below for totally FREE access, NO credit card needed and 10 FREE lessons along with 2 FREE websites you can build as you go along with the world-class training
When you sign up I will welcome you personally and help you in any way I can to make sure you’re successful :)[su_divider top=”no”]
It’s refreshing to have an honest review rather than the typical “buy-this-great-product” review.
Thanks for stopping by
Yup, pretty much what I expected. I expected it to not deliver on sales page promises, and also suspected that there would be a LOT more moving parts than they would have you believe. A LOT more. As you say, even if you get short term results, it is not sustainable. Nice job showing the screenshot of that OTO btw. You’ve talked about that in text in several of your recent reviews but I like the visual aspect of it as well haha. And speaking of that upsell, yeah that’s a crappy move if the intentions behind it were to trick the buyer. And can we assume that it was anything but, given what we know about this industry?
Hi David, They never seem to tell you all that is going to be involved on the sales page do they. I suppose if they did they wouldn’t get any sales!