Earning money online is a dream that a lot of people have and there are plenty of products that promise to make that possible, this JackedATM review will let you know if Jason Fulton has put something together that will allow you to do just that.
Jason Fulton and his partner Sean Ogundele have featured on this blog a number of times before with various products most of which fall into the category of not approved, like their last one I reviewed just over 2 weeks ago.
Hopefully they can pull it out of the bag and produce something worthwhile rather than just hype.
In order to find that out I’m going to be covering all the important aspects of this product and at the end you’ll find out exactly what I think of this and if it stands any chance of turning that dream of earning you money online into a reality or if it’s just a total nightmare you should stay away from.
Before all that though you’re going to learn what this product is all about and then, we’ll compare what we’ve learnt to the claims on the sales page.
By then, we will know exactly who this is for as well as being able to point out any good bits and any bad bits.
After that we’ll take a tour of the members area to see what that looks like before taking a look at the upsells to see what they are and how much they cost.
OWNERS: Jason Fulton & Sean Ogundele
PRICE: $19
WEBSITE: https://www.jackedatm.com/atm
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JackedATM Review – What’s It About?
Rather than repeat what the sales page says this is about like a lot of the other reviews do, I think it’s better to give you an unbiased look at the actual product.
JackedATM is software that allows you to use any article you find online and use it to your advantage by putting any offers of your choice on that particular web page.
That could be CPA offers, Ads, eCom products, etc, etc. Once you have done that you then share the link with your social media audience.
The other way of getting traffic is by using one of their other products called Kash Kow that is included, trouble is that product was absolute rubbish.
There are several things wrong with this and I’ll cover those in my final thoughts, but basically that is what JackedATM is about.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Sales Page
Now we know what this is about let’s take a quick look at the claims that are being made on the sales page. Let’s start with the headline:
I would probably go along with that statement about this being a controversial software because I’m not even sure this is legal.
I wouldn’t go along with that second part though, while this could work for a while there’s no way it’s a proven hack or that it could force money into your bank account.
Apparently this is making the owners over $627 (random number) per day which begs the question why are they releasing it at all? If it makes them so much money why would they need to do that.
The answer is simple, for the same reason they release every product, money. So you can be sure the product won’t work like they try to have you believe it will or else why would they bother with $17 when they can make $627?
They claim this is an ethical way to make money, I’m not sure they understand the meaning of the word ethical because if they did they wouldn’t be using it for this product.
Now, I’m no way a legal expert, but I find that statement hard to swallow. If there is a legal loophole perhaps they should have highlighted it here so people would be in no doubt as to the legality of it.
I suspect they haven’t put it in there because it doesn’t exist. They even say that the secret to lazy profits is to use other people’s stuff.
Isn’t that stealing?
The income shots that are displayed could have come from anywhere and while they could be true figures they have almost certainly come from selling their products to their email lists which are going to be massive.
The rest of the sales page is just as full of hype and you really need to be careful when reading it if you are thinking of buying this hoping you’ll make the kind of money there are advertising.[su_divider top=”no”]
Who Is This For?
To start with you’ve got to be okay with taking other people’s hard work and trying to profit from it. You’re going to need to have a big social media audience to market it to in the niche you’ve chosen.
Anyone with experience will know this isn’t the way to make money online, unfortunately newbies will see that sales page and think it’s going to be that easy and jump on it.
I personally wouldn’t say this is for anyone except the vendors to make money from, but that’s just me.[su_divider top=”no”]
The bits I Liked
- 100 day money back guarantee
- ???
The Bits I Didn’t Like
- The legality of it all
- The need for a large social media following
- Banner Ads cover page content
- Having to wait for 20 seconds for another Ad to disappear
- No real training
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Inside The Members Area
Let’s take a quick look at the members area to see what it looks like so you know what to expect should you think about buying this.
You have the menu on the left with all the different options. Rather than go through every single one the video below will give you a better overview of the whole members area:
Hopefully that’s given a good look at what the members area looks like.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
Before we take a look at what the upsells are and how much they cost I need to give you a quick heads up about these One time offers.
Sometimes vendors will offer a money back guarantee on the front end product and then leave it off the upsells which can catch people out.
They naturally think everything has a money back guarantee and only find out they haven’t when they try and get a refund. This results in losing a lot of money just like Matthew did when it happened to him.
You can read about that in the comments here.
My advice is don’t get caught up in the sales pitch and just forget about them. The thing is they are available inside the members area anyway so you don’t have worry about missing out on them.
- OTO #1 – Unlimited – $37 with a discount to $29
- OTO #2 – Done for you package – $197 with a discount to $97
- OTO #3 – $1k ATM paydays – $77 with a discount to $57
- OTO #4 – Auto passive ATM – $97 with a discount to $67
- OTO #5 – DFY buyer traffic – $67 with a discount to $47
- OTO #6 – DFY franchise – $197 with a discount to $97
To get those discounts all you need to do is either go to close the window or click “No Thanks” at the bottom of each page.
There was nothing on the sales page about this having any limits on it, but as OTO #1 shows, it does.
If this product did indeed force money into your bank account why on earth would you even need these upsells? Answer, because it doesn’t.
My advice still stands, you don’t need these and you should stay as far away from them as possible, I mean that lot will set you back an incredible $672.
That’s just ridiculous when you think it was just a $17 product you were buying.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
Would you want someone “jacking” your website to make money? Would you want someone “jacking” your website period.
No, of course you wouldn’t, neither would I and I would actively seek legal advice to see if I could sue anyone doing such a thing.
Imagine being a big company that has spent a lot of time and money building your brand and then someone comes along, hijacks your site and puts spammy looking ads all over it.
That’s going to erode all those years of hard work building a relationship with their clientele and that company is going to be gunning for someone big time. I just know I wouldn’t want to be the person in the firing line.
Regardless of what they say on the sales page about this using a legal loophole you really don’t want to put yourself in a position where you could lose everything.
The legal aspect aside for a moment the actual product itself is pretty poor. The redirect ad makes the person wait an entire 20 seconds before they even get to the article they want to read.
Ads that are placed on the content actually obscure the article and there is no way to get rid of the Ad.
To earn the sort of money they claim you would have to share your link to hundreds and hundreds if not thousands and thousands of people in the hope of them all clicking on the Ads which is highly unlikely.
This is yet another example of vendors trying to cash in on people’s dreams with the lure of easy money. I won’t be approving this one guys.
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What Other Options Are There?
If this JackedATM review has left you wondering what to do next I’d like to suggest Affiliate Marketing. When it comes to making money online there are right ways and there are wrong ways as we’ve just seen.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches the right way and has done since 2005 and continues to evolve it’s platform to stay the number one affiliate training platform.
It’s partly why I’m still a member over 5 years after joining them. My WA review will give you a better idea of what they are all about which you can read here.
If you like what you see then now is the right time to join as they are offering free membership at the moment so you can try things out with no financial risk.
All you need to do is click the banner below, you don’t need a credit card, just an email and username and you’re good to go.

I will personally drop by to make sure you know what you’re doing as will the one of the actual owners
I hope this JackedATM review has been of some help to you, but whatever you decide to do I wish you the best because there’s no feeling quite like it when you can earn money online :)[su_divider top=”no”]