Welcome to my Auto Traffic Machine review.
This is a “new” product that is being released by 2 people who are very familiar to this blog, Billy Darr and Justin Opay. Now, you may well be wondering why I’ve put the word new in quotes.
There’s a very simple reason for that and anybody that has been around the MMO niche for any length of time will know that these guys have a tendency to keep releasing a certain piece of software under different names.
The last of which was Traffic Robot 2.0 which I reviewed here.
The essence of it remains the same, they just rename it and may add an additional part to it, but not always.
The other major stumbling block with the software was it never really worked like they claimed it would, sometimes not even working at all.
So, this is going to interesting to see if this what sort of claims they are making, but more importantly if this one works!
OWNERS: Billy Darr & Justin Opay
PRICE: $22.95
WEBSITE: http://autotrafficmachine.com/platinum
What Is Auto Traffic Machine About
This is where things usually get a bit blurred, what they say this can do on the sales page and the reality of what it can actually do are generally poles apart.
Again, if you have had the misfortune of seeing some of their other products you’ll instantly recognize the similarity of that headline, here, let me show you:
Those are just a few, but It’s sure as hell feeling like deja vu at the moment, Lol.
So, it’s a pretty safe bet that this is just another reincarnation of the same software in a long line of releases that have failed to deliver.
This particular product focuses on using video just like iTraffic X did, in fact I’m going to stick my neck out and say for all intents and purposes this is iTraffic X with a different name.
Even the sale pages are virtually the same.
The sales page is full of hype and I wouldn’t believe it if I were you. Take this for example:
Step #1 Grab a copy of Auto Traffic Machine
Step #2 Put in some Info & the link you want to drive traffic to then click on the ‘Get Traffic Now’ Button…
Step #3 Sit back and watch the buyer traffic AND sales flood in all in as little as 60 seconds
Step #4 Ask for a Refund when you realise you’ve been had!
OK, I made that last one up, but I can bet you now that’s what’ll happen.
And as for the ‘Get traffic now’ button, I have no idea what they are going on about cause I couldn’t see one anywhere.
It’s total rubbish.
What you have to do with this is just like the rest, you connect your Dailymotion and Youtube accounts along with social accounts like Twitter, Blogger, tumblr, Linkedin, Reddit etc, etc.
You then have to either choose a video file or create your own video which is basically just a slide show you put together from whatever pictures you have relating to the product that you want to promote.
Then what is meant to happen is that the software uploads your video to the accounts you connected earlier. I say meant to happen because when I tried to do it all I got was this:
That was when I tried creating a slide show video, all it done was say “working ….. please wait” which I done till I got bored then I tried uploading a video and got this:
It was only a short video and all it done was sit there processing ……. processing …….. processing.
That is when you’re going to be completing step #4.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Problems
Apart from it not actually working, the other problems I have with this product is the fact that now having seen the software in “action” all those claims on the sales page make no sense.
Even if this did work why do they think that simply uploading a video, and remember you don’t need any recording or editing skills so the video is either going to be a slideshow or some video from the sales page, is going to get you buyer traffic?? WHY?
Why do they think that uploading a simple video is going to get you ‘Targeted traffic’???? WHY?
I think they might just be a bit delusional, perhaps that why David Kirby isn’t getting involved with this one, perhaps even he has had enough.[su_divider top=”no”]
Inside Auto Traffic Machine
As with all these products you’re going to have to go through a sales funnel, DON’T BUY THE UPSELLS!
Well you can if you want, but I’m pretty confident if you do buy this you’re going to be asking for that refund soon after, but the thing is they don’t normally offer a money back guarantee with the upsells.
And just like one of my readers who contacted me in the comment section here about that, you too could find yourself seriously out-of-pocket.
So, back to the members area:
Basically you have tabs on the left-hand side:
- Keyword Research – Really don’t know why this is even in there.
- Campaigns – Where you create your campaigns.
- Video Sharing – Connect with your video platforms
- Social Sharing – Connect your social accounts
- JVZoo Top Seller – Shows you top sellers with links to their page
- Warrior Plus – Shows you top products with links
- Need Help – Support by way of submitting a ticket
- Profile – Add your usernames and passwords for your social accounts
- Training – I actually wouldn’t even call it training!
Talking of the training, let’s take a quick look so you know what you’re going to be getting or not as the case may be.
There is 4 videos:
- Overview – 433
- Accessing the software – 4.37
- Finding offers – 3.39
- Your first campaign & getting traffic – 9.12
Oh boy! Remember when I said I thought this is just iTraffic X in disguise? Well, in video 3 he confirms it. 15 seconds in he says “how you can find high converting affiliate offers you can use with the actual iTraffic X software”
And if that wasn’t bad enough in the last video he admits you “CAN’T EXPECT GREAT RESULTS AFTER ONE VIDEO”
Now, I’m pretty sure you were meant to get results in as little as 60 seconds according to the sales page.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
I think you all know what I think about this, but just let me go over some points again. The sales page is typically hyped up with little or no thought for the people who are going to be buying this as a result of seeing all those claims.
I mean, it all sounds fantastic doesn’t it, but unfortunately as with a lot of their software the claims don’t stand up.
There have been reports of terrible customer service from their support desk, bug riddled software and difficulty in obtaining a refund.
You can see what some of their customers have to say about them here.
Other people have had similar experiences with these 2 guys:
Needless to say I won’t be approving this and would recommend you stay as far away from it as possible.
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So, What now
You don’t need any fancy cloud based software that could stop working at any time or not even work at all. What you need is your OWN website, it’s like a piece of real estate.
Having your own website is like building your house on rock solid foundations, without that your house will crumble and fall and the same goes for your online business.
The best way to build those foundations is to create a FREE account at Wealthy Affiliate. It’s what I done over 4 year ago now and I haven’t looked at another “shiny object” since, well only to review
Click the banner below to get instant access and start your amazing journey
I’ll be there to personally welcome you on the inside and help you every step of the way :)[su_divider top=”no”]
One other thing too, I feel like with the way these guys market and send emails to their lists, it makes me think that they are talking to newbies. Cause I don’t consider myself a newbie anymore and I sure as hell don’t fall for all the crap that gets pushed in my inbox. I’m sure you and others reading this know what I am talking about; perhaps they are also on the lists of various vendors that have made appearances on this blog
I don’t even need to read the review. The fact that it’s by Darr and Opay tells me all I need to know.
That being said I will still read it anyways, because I enjoy reading your reviews
At least someone likes reading them, Lol.