Welcome to my 1 Page Profits review. This is the latest release from Brendan Mace who it seems has split from long time partner Jono Armstrong.
Does that mean the quality of his products are going to be any better? Only time will tell and by the end of this review that’s exactly what we’ll both know the answer to that question.
For those of you who are not familiar with Brendan Mace he has somewhat of a bad reputation in the MMO world not only for the poor quality of his products but for his absolutely terrible customer service, even telling customers to F@#k O## when they asked for a refund
I’ll provide the links later in this review so you can read the comments yourself, but I think you should probably brace yourself if you don’t like the product and want a refund.
What we’re going to do today is have a look at the sales page to see just how the claims on there compare to the actual product because after all the sales page is a major factor in deciding if you’re going to buy a product and it’s always good to know if it’s just BS.
We’ll go inside the members area as well as take a look at the upsells before ultimately giving you our final thoughts as to whether this would be a good investment for you or if you should give it a miss entirely.
So, without further ado, lets crack on.
NAME: 1 Page Profits
OWNER: Brendan Mace
PRICE: $12.95
WEBSITE: http://www.1pageprofitz.com/
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The Sales Page
I have to say I’ve just skimmed the sales page and it’s massive! Totally way too much. I’ll try and take out the gems from this seriously bloated page so you get a better idea.
In the sales video they’re claiming that using this product will result in $300+ per day! A claim I very much doubt. It goes on to insist that you stay away from building your own website and skip straight to the commissions.
That all sounds good and they’d have you believe to get those commissions all you have to do is put in your affiliate ID and plug in the free traffic.
Even without seeing the product I’ve got a good idea what the free traffic is and it ain’t going to get you the traffic promised.
I’ll cover that in the next section when I go over what the product is but for now the rest of the sales page either just repeats itself or spouts some random ‘reasons’ why you need this.
The only thing it doesn’t do is tell you exactly what you’re going to be buying, well that where I come in.[su_divider top=”no”]
What Is 1 Page Profits Really About?
1 Page Profits is an app hosted by the vendor which in itself should be a red flag. What if they take this down for some reason? You’re left high and dry.
You get the choice of 5 ClickBank Products which are the ones that are going to bring you those $500 to $1000 commissions which is strange because the highest average sale is $219.
You select an offer and put in your ClickBank ID, this creates a landing page with your affiliate ID much the same as you do actually at ClickBank.
Which raises the question why do you need to do it this way?
Well apparently after publishing your campaign, 1 Page Profits generates hundreds of backlinks to your page for 20 days.
This is supposed to bring in free traffic to your page. That is sooo funny.
If you want ‘instant traffic’ you need to spam your social media account which is something they said you DON’T need to do on the sales page.
Besides unless you have a following of people who are interested in these particular niches you ain’t going to get any sales anyway.
There is no training included despite their claim there is step by step training included so basically all you have is what you get with ClickBank anyway apart from backlinks which ain’t going to get you on the first page of Google.
The people on the first page will either pay to be there (paid ads) or the websites that they told you to stay away from.[su_divider top=”no”]
Who’s going To Use This?
The sort of person this is aimed at is someone who is probably new to the business and likes the idea of not having to do much in order to get commissions.
Anyone with any experience will know this sort of thing doesn’t work.
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What Did I Like?
- ????
What Didn’t I Like?
- Unrealistic claims on the sales page
- The fact you don’t have any control
- No training
- Questionable money back guarantee
- The need for a large following on Social media in a targeted sector for any hope of traffic
- Total Rubbish
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Inside The Members Area
OK, before we get into the members area let me just touch on something that might just save you a lot of money and heartache.
Before you get access to the product you just bought they will try and sell the upgrades which are 5 high priced items which I’ll go over in the next section.
People have been known to lose their money on upsells when they find out they are not covered by the 30 day money back guarantee of the front end product.
Matthew fell foul of that and lost $600. Read his comment here. Or sometimes they make the upsells a 3 day money back guarantee, but then they try and make you feel bad by telling you some of the money is donated to starving Indonesian children like they did with another of my readers.
My advice to you is if you are thinking of buying this product stay away from the upsells, they are available inside the members are anyway so you don’t need to think you’ll lose out if you don’t buy them straight away.
Now where were we … that right, the members area.
Like I said there is no training so the only thing to tell you about really is the 5 products. They are:
- ClickBank University
- Ted’s Woodworking
- Leptitox
- Manifestation Magic
- His Secret Obsession
That’s it really apart from the upgrades there’s not a lot else in there.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
I’m not going to spend too much time on the upsells only to tell you what they are and how much they cost.
- OTO #1 – Platinum Edition – $37 – with a downsell to $17
- OTO #2 – Done For You High Ticket Commissions – $197 with a downsell to $97
- OTO #3 – Done For You Recurring – $67 with a downsell to $37
- OTO #4 – Unlimited Traffic – $197 with a downsell to $97
- OTO #5 – License Rights – $167 with a downsell to $67
So that little lot will cost you $665 or it would have if you hadn’t seen this review 🙂 now you know you can get them for a lot less, $315, that’s less than half!
The thing is you’re going to be feeling pretty pissed off at the moment if you paid the full price, I know I would.
To get the downsell price all you have to do is click “No Thanks” at the bottom of each page, but you don’t really need these anyway and because of trouble other people have had I wouldn’t want to put myself through that.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
If you did buy this them I’m sure you’ll already know my thoughts on this and my advice to you would be to ask for a refund asap.
I just don’t know what goes through these vendors minds when they put stuff like this together and try and sell it as something that is going to change everything for you.
That is so far from the truth that it’s not even funny.
Why would they think that chucking crappy backlinks at a page would mean that it ranks high in the search engines? Google and like are much more on the ball these days.
Perhaps years ago that may have worked, but not now. The very thing they tell you to steer clear of is the only way you’re going to rank in the search engines.
If you were to Google ‘ClickBank University’ you’ll see that the first page results are all blogs. There are no 1 page results there and there’s a reason for that.
Google doesn’t rank thin content no matter how many backlinks you throw at it.
As for their customer service, that just stinks. You really need to read the comments here and here to see for yourself just how bad they really are.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg I’m sure.
Stay away from this one guys.
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What Next?
Having someone else control the platform where you’re supposed to be making money is a bad idea. They can shut up shop any time they like.
To make consistent money you need your own website, your own piece of virtual real estate, something that can’t be taken away from you on a whim.
As the results showed from the ‘ClickBank University’ example you need a website, simple as that. But how do you build one? And what do you do with it once you’ve built it?
Those are very valid questions and it can be a minefield trying to sift through all the information out there, not knowing if what you’re being told is right or wrong.
Wealthy Affiliate has been going since 2005 and I personally have been a member there for over 5 years now. They will teach you everything you need to know about building a website the right way and then how to make that website work for you.
They don’t teach how to exploit short lived loopholes or any underhand tactics that will get you penalised by the search engines.
If you follow their training you will find yourself in a position to create an income not just for now but for the future.
They are actually offering free membership at the moment where they give you a free website so you can follow along the free training on getting started in affiliate marketing.
Simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.

I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way so you won’t be left on your own. You’ll even meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you :)[su_divider top=”no”]
Thanks Sharon you saved me from a scam…I would like to have a review on profit-tearz.com. I am trying for genuine online money making opportunity for more than 10 years but in vain …also lost hundreds of $$$ in the process..
Thanks and regards
Satish from India
Hey Satish, I’m glad you found my review helpful. Profit Tearz is going to be featuring soon so keep a look out