Welcome to The Trilogy Review. Sasha Ilic has released a product that combines 3 of his old products to make a “new” one. The question is will it be better? Or just a way of milking some more money out of people without doing any of the work developing a new product.
I’ve had the opportunity to review a couple of his products before on this blog, one of them, Flipsy, is included in this new product, unfortunately that turned out to live up to expectations set by the sales page.
The other one was called Snap Money Method in which you used Reddit as a source of traffic, but again that one was well below par as well.
So, he hasn’t got a tremendous track record for delivering quality products and basically this one is just a bunch of old products so I don’t hold out much hope, I haven’t seen the other two so hopefully they can pick up the slack left by Flipsy.
NAME: The Trilogy
OWNERS: Sasha Ilic & Duane Hope
PRICE: $9.55
WEBSITE: https://gettrilogy.net/sales/
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what is the trilogy about
The Trilogy isn’t a product that is going to enable you to make money per se, what it does is combine 3 separate methods that have all been released on their own at some time in the past.
According to the sales video you’re getting a course on publishing eBooks without actually writing them and a course about driving free traffic on demand.
Now I know my mathematics ins’t the best, but even I know that’s only 2 and trilogy means a set of 3.
So, what’s missing, yep if you’ve been paying attention you’ll know I’ve already mentioned the third one at the beginning, Flipsy, which is a course on domain flipping.
I don’t want to spend too much time on the sales page, but I need to bring something to your attention, something that might have impressed you into thinking of buying this so you can get the same results.
It’s the income shots, here are his
And here are some i quickly made up:
Now, I’m not for a minute suggesting his are faked, I’m just making you aware that they are incredibly easy to manipulate if you were that way inclined.
The rest of the sales page is pretty much like any other sales page that you’ve seen, the “we have something completely different” approach, the “You’re only 24 hrs away from….” approach and of course the “tired of products that don’t deliver” approach.
That last always makes me laugh because 9 times out of 10 that’s exactly what ends up happening with the very product they’re saying is different to all the rest.
They seem to forget about all the other products they have released that don’t actually deliver.
Anyway, besides all that this is actually a bit different even if what it’s made up of is old products, you are getting 3 products for one price, but I do have to ask you, is it a good deal if the products you’re getting are a load of rubbish in the first place and not going to help you at all?
You see, that’s the problem I have with this. I know that at least one of them isn’t going to help you, as for the other two, let’s find out.[su_divider top=”no”]
what did I like
- 3 products for the price of one
- 30 day money back guarantee
- ???
what didn’t I like
- Using old products that probably didn’t sell too well in the first place
- Flipsy itself actually has a lot taken from another product called Flipp It.
- Reddlab is virtually a copy of Snap Money Method
- Definitely not as easy as the sales page makes out.
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what you get
1. FLIPSY (You can read a full review here)
After going through the training I can see that this is virtually a copy of Snap Money Method that I mentioned earlier, now I never thought it would be so much of that course seeing as that one was released quite some time ago.
This does have some additional videos such as finding offers on Clickbank etc. and creating an email list, but on the whole it’s pretty much the same.
I was actually going to do a review on this when it got released, but for one reason or another I just didn’t get round to it, so all I know is it’s got something to do with Kindle publishing.
Having gone through the videos i can say that this isn’t going to be for everyone, I found it to be pretty tedious and boring, but if you have an interest in books then this could be of benefit to you.
There is also a section where it goes through how to use PLR ebooks to create your own books to upload as a Kindle ebook.
It is fairly basic stuff and I’m sure that you’d need extra training, but as a foot in the door type of product I’d have to say this is the best of a bad bunch.[su_divider top=”no”]
the oto’s
This has 3 upsells that you have to navigate our way around before you get to the members area, they are:
- OTO #1 – $37 – Mastery Upgrade – What you get here is access to upgrades 1 and 2 from all 3 products.
- OTO #2 – $97 – Reseller pack – You can promote all 3 products and get 100% commission.
- OTO #3 – $597 – Private coaching – You only get to choose one product for the coaching.
The upsells for Flipsy might be a bit redundant seeing as this is an old course and the domain names have probably been taken by now, in fact when I just checked I couldn’t find one that is still available so it’s pretty pointless really.[su_divider top=”no”]
final thoughts
I wasn’t sure about this when I saw it, selling 3 old products as a new one, especially as I knew at least one of them wasn’t the best.
Having been through it all I can honestly say it seems like a desperate act to make the most of what they had lying around which wasn’t a lot to be fair.
$9.55 seems a really good price for 3 products doesn’t it? Not when you realise the quality of what it is you’re going to be getting, it’s just going to be another distraction.
I’m afraid this is going to be another of Sasha Ilic’s products that fall well short of the hype on the sales page and as such I won’t be approving this.
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what now
Having too many options can be a major problem, especially when you’re starting out. What you need to do is focus on one method first.
The best way I know to make money online is by building your own website.
The thing is you need to build it right, you need solid foundations, you need to know how to make it grow and I don’t know of anywhere better than Wealthy Affiliate, their back story doesn’t change, it’s been the same since 2005.
Not only is it the best place for learning how to build, rank and monetize your website, It’s also the #1 affiliate training platform on the internet today.
If you want to read about the full features of this amazing community you can read my full review here, I’ve been a member there for nearly 4 years now so I know what I’m talking about.
Or if you just want to dive straight in you can click the banner below for free sign up, no credit card and you’ll even get the first 10 lessons for free and 2 totally free websites

I’ll be there to personally welcome you on the inside :)[su_divider top=”no”]
You know, I remember back in like July or around that time, this guy released a product on domain flipping (yeah it was Flipsy), and I think on the sales page he talked about how he’s not one of those people who relies on launching product after product. But he’s launched I think 3 products since then (the Redlab one, the Kindle one and now this). Hmmm… It does seem as though he is just trying to milk the most money out of those 3 launches. Seeing 3 courses (that are supposed to make you all that money, mind you) priced at $10 makes you think about the quality of the product
The thing is these 3 products don’t really have anything in common, so I think that this just a case of trying to get as much money from them by selling them now as a package.