Welcome to my SnatchIt review. Today we’re going to be looking at a product that claims to let you hijack other peoples websites to sell anything you want.
I’m not even sure that’s legal, they reckon it is, but I doubt they are qualified lawyers and I wouldn’t feel comfortable using other peoples hard work to make money off of.
I haven’t had the chance to review the people behind this product before so this will be interesting to see what sort of product they produce, I’m not a lawyer myself so it’ll be up to you to decide if hijacking other websites sounds like something you would be happy doing.
This review will take a look at the sales page to see how that compares to the actual product itself. So many times I see sales pages that turn out to have very little to do with the product.
Unfortunately you only find that out once you’ve bought it.
Once we’ve gone over what this is I’ll point out the good bits and the bad bits before going inside the actual members area so you can see for yourself what it looks like.
We’ll also take a look at the upsells and how much they cost as well as let you know if they have any discounts.
We’ll finish off the review by giving you our final thoughts as to whether or not we think this is a good product for you or something that you should think about staying away from.
So, without further ado, let’s see what SnatchIt has in store….
NAME: SnatchIt
OWNERS: Radu Hahaianu & Mike McKay
PRICE: $16.93
WEBSITE: https://getsnatchit.com/
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What Is SnatchIt About?
Before we take a look at the claims on the sales page let me quickly go over what my take on this is and what I found when I tried this software.
Basically what this does is place a call to action onto other peoples websites, that CTA is linked to whatever you want. The website can be any website from the smallest blog to the biggest authority site as long as it supports iframe.
You have the choice of CTA to use, video, image, text, button or a form.
The software generates a link that you then have to share on social media and that really is what you get with SnatchIt.
There is some training included with this on how to do each step and it is pretty straightforward to implement. For some reason though the training area is labeled as VIDSELL training which is a little bit weird.
When I tried it there were some issues with target websites not displaying and I would assume that has something to do with not supporting iframe.
So you are going to need to weed out the ones that ain’t going to work which is going to be a bit annoying especially if you have found an article you want to share.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Sales page
Ok, so now we know a bit more about this let’s see what the sales page claims this is going to do for you.
As I’ve already said I’m not a layer, but I don’t like the wording “Legally Hijack” I there such a thing?? Also, why would they say “No work involved“?
Of course there is work involved unless you’re going to hire someone to do the work for you which i would assume that you’re not.
Are they claiming that all you need to do is stick a link on your social media accounts without any real interaction? If they are then you’re not going to get anywhere.
Basically spam the hell out of your friends. Yeah, like that’s going to work!
The sales video tells you that you’ll get instant sales from visitors to whatever particular site you chose to hijack. Now that isn’t true.
The only way you’ll get credited with a sale is if the visitor clicks your CTA if they don’t you’ll get diddly-squat.
If I didn’t know better when you read the sales page you could be forgiven for thinking that your CTA will show up on these websites when people organically search for them or go direct to them.
That isn’t the case. The only time that will happen is when you share the link created by the software not the native URL.
So the amount of people seeing it will depend on how many people you can send there. You can have the best content on the web, but if you don’t have any traffic it’s useless.
The rest of the sales page really just repeats itself and doesn’t have anything of any real value on it.[su_divider top=”no”]
Who’s Going To Use This?
Well, to start with the sort of person who is going to use this is someone who is happy with taking other peoples work and potentially benefiting from it.
To get this to work to any degree you’re going to need a BIG following on social media.
Anybody with any experience will know that this type of thing isn’t a long term strategy for making money online or even a legal way perhaps.
Newbies will find this attractive simply because of not having to put in the usual steps of making your own website which ironically is the only real way to do it.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Good Bits
- 30 day money back guarantee
- ????
The Bad Bits
- Questionable legality of using other peoples websites
- The need for a big social media presence
- Misleading sales page
- Cloud based software (unreliable)
- You don’t have any control
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Inside SnatchIt
Time to take a look inside the members area of SnatchIt. Before we do I need to give you a warning about the upsells that you’re going to see straight after you buy this product.
This warning is about saving you money. Sometimes vendors will purposely leave guarantees off the upsells which means you could end up losing a lot of money.
See Matthews comment here to see how much he lost. My advice for the moment is to ignore the upsells and concentrate on what you just bought that way if you want a refund you only risk $17.
With that out of the way let’s get into the members area:
The dashboard at first sight is not the most intuitive, what I recommend is to go over the training videos so you can get a better understanding of what is going on.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
Let’s quickly take a look at the upsells to see how much they cost and if there are any discount that you can take advantage of.
- OTO #1 – Pro version – $36 with a downsell to $26
- OTO #2 – Done For You Edition – $46 with a downsell to $36
- OTO #3 – Reseller License – $39 with a downsell to $29
- OTO #4 – SnatchIt IMX – $29 with a downsell to $19
As I’ve said you really don’t these, but if you are thinking of getting them at least I’ve been able to save you some money 🙂 To get those discounts just click “No Thanks” at the bottom of each page.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
To anyone just coming into this business this product would seem like a good idea, I can remember a similar product that caught my attention when I was new, I can’t remember the name, but I know it sounded like a great way to finally start making some money.
For some reason I never went through with it, but I did hear of it causing a lot of trouble and eventually being shut down. I’m not sure if it was a legal issue or not.
But that is the thing that stood out for me from the very beginning. Is it even legal??
I know I’ve worked hard on my websites and I really wouldn’t like it if I found that people were using it this way and to be fair I would have to seek legal advice.
To be able to make money online you need a few things; a product, a platform to sell it on and traffic. In my opinion this fails to on all those.
This doesn’t show you how or to what to think about promoting. The platform is other peoples websites and the traffic relies entirely on spamming family and friends.
This is one of those products that seems like a good idea on the surface, but on closer inspection begins to fall apart so i won’t be approving this one.
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What Now?
I’ll let you in on a little secret, you don’t need to look for potentially dangerous shortcuts to make money online. I get it, you want to make the sort of money that you hear other people are making, but products like this are not the answer.
Contrary to what some people will have you believe having your own website is still the best way to make money online and it’s something that is yours and cannot be taken away.
You can go in any direction you want with your own website.
The trouble is most people will say “I can’t build my own website, I don’t know the first thing about building one“. I say to them YES you can and it’s much easier than you imagine.
Creating a website with Wealthy Affiliate can be done in as little as 30 seconds.
When I joined over 5 years ago I could only dream of making money online, but today after a lot of hard work I can enjoy paydays like this:
And that is just the tip of the iceberg, once you have multiple sources (websites) set up you can really skyrocket your income.
Simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.
I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way. You’ll even meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you :)[su_divider top=”no”]