Welcome to my Flux review. Billy Darr is someone who is very familiar to this blog unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. This guy has got to have one of the worst reputations for putting out total rubbish out of all the so called gurus out there.
I’ve lost count of the number of Billy Darr products I’ve reviewed and I can’t think of one that was any good. The funny thing is you have all these affiliate marketers promoting his stuff knowing full well it’s rubbish.
But what do they tell you? They tell you it’s going to make you tons of money with a few clicks of your mouse! I think we all know that sort of stuff doesn’t exist. I really wish it it did 🙂
Promoting stuff like that makes the person promoting it no better than the vendor himself, all they are doing is help the vendor scam people out of their hard earned money.
People like Art Flair who is supposed to be a legitimate marketer promotes products from Billy Darr as does David Williams who “highly recommends” his products.
Luckily, you’ve landed on this Flux review where you’ll get a review not driven by the need to sell you the product, I’m not an affiliate.
So you’ll get a review that looks at all the issues, good and bad if there are any. We’ll take a look at the sales page and compare that to the actual product itself to see if how it holds up.
We’ll go over any good points as well as any bad points before taking a look inside the actual members area and seeing what upsells this has along with how much they cost.
Ultimately we’ll finish off with our final thoughts on whether or not Billy Darr has produced something of value for you or if you should stay well away.
So, without further ado, let’s dive in…
NAME: Flux
OWNERS: Billy Darr, Justin Opay
& Dipanjan Goswami
PRICE: $17.48
WEBSITE: https://grabflux.com/vip
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What Is Flux About?
Before we look at the claims being made on the sales page let’s see what this is really about shall we. This software lets you create stories for different platforms, Facebook, Tiktok, Snapchat and so on.
To give you some idea of what it creates here are some examples:
So, as you can see it does actually create something albeit slowly, which believe me is a big bonus. Some of Billy Darrs’ previous softwares were so full of bugs they wouldn’t really do what they were supposed to.
You can add video, text, elements, filters and gifs as well as audio which I personally couldn’t get to work. The gifs were of a particularly poor quality and definitely not something I’d want to use.
You can then save your creation. This is where the problems began. After hitting save all that happened was 2 spinning arrows and the word ‘previewing’ and it stayed that way until I got bored of looking at it.
It looks like I spoke too soon about at least this one working. It would seem this has a few bugs that need to be addressed before it’s going to be of any use to anyone.[su_divider top=”no”]
Flux Sales Page
So now we know what this about let’s take a look at what they are claiming this can do for you on the sales page. First thing I notice is the instant discount they want to give you as soon as you move your mouse anywhere near the top of the page.
Well, that makes a change, usually his software will take you just 60 seconds, this one only takes 30 seconds 🙂 So we are expected to believe that what we create inside the software is going to get us UNLIMITED, FREE VIRAL TRAFFIC.
Are they having a laugh? Do they even know what unlimited means?
This is supposedly a 3 step system:
- Step 1 – Purchase
- Step 2 – Activate
- Step 3 – Enjoy
Wow, how easy is that? They have however missed out a step:
- Step 4 – Realise it’s all crap and GET A REFUND!!!!
A bit further down the page we get to hear from Billy Darr himself where he addresses you as “Dear Frustrated Beginner”. So right of the bat we know he’s targeting people who are looking to make money online but have no real experience.
If they did they certainly wouldn’t be looking at this product that’s for sure.
One part that seems to make it onto a lot of these types of sales page is this:
That’s exactly what’s being sold here and what he’s been selling for as long as I can remember.
He goes on to tell you how they have “stumbled” on to a virtually untapped viral traffic source that the average marketer isn’t using.
Whoa, hold on a sec, untapped viral traffic source? What are they going on about? Facebook? Tiktok? Snapchat? Instagram? I just don’t know because I didn’t see anything inside this that would qualify as untapped.
There is one bit of truth on the sales page and that is this:
Unfortunately that’s exactly what’s going to happen if you buy this.
When you’re looking to buy something having testimonials from people is a good way to get some idea of what the product or service is like.
The trouble is the testimonials on this sales page are all from his acquaintances like Art Flair and David Kirby who are people who release products themselves and as a group they give each other glowing testimonials about each others products.
I think it’s fair to say that rest of the sales page is just total crap, designed to get you think that this is the answer to your dreams. It isn’t.[su_divider top=”no”]
Who’s Going To Use This?
It’s fair to say this is directly aimed at someone who is new to this business, someone who doesn’t know of Billy Darrs track record.
The sub heading is a bit misleading because I don’t think anyone going to be able to use it if they don’t fix the bugs.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Good Bits
- 90 day money back guarantee (you’re going to need it)
The Bad Bits
- Unrealistic claims
- Glitchy software
- poor training
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Inside Flux Members Area
Ok, time for a look inside the members area of Flux.
It’s a pretty standard layout and quite easy to navigate around. One thing I need to point out is the support desk link wasn’t working, hopefully that’s something they’ll get sorted asap.
I’ve already gone over what you do once you’re inside so I don’t need to go over it all again.
The training is in the form of a 22 page PDF that will leave you not quite sure what to do in certain parts. There is another section of training that contains videos, but after going through them I’m not really sure what they have got to do with this product.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
Let’s take a quick look at the upsells are and if there are any discounts available. You need to be careful with upsells because they ‘re not always covered by any guarantee and you could find yourself seriously out of pocket like Mathew did here.
- OTO #1 – Unlimited Edition – $39 with a downsell to $36
- OTO #2 – Automation Edition – $39 with a downsell to $36
- OTO #3 – Done For You Edition – $197 with a downsell to $97
- OTO #4 – Reseller Edition – $39 with a downsell to $36
- OTO #5 – Luxury Edition – $197 with a downsell to $97
If you want my advice I would stay well clear of them you really don’t need them regardless of what each sales page says.
Talking of sales pages I couldn’t see anything on the main sales page that even hinted there were restrictions with this, but that’s what the first upsell is about.
Also, how would you feel buying #3 & #5 then finding out you could have saved $100 on each? Pretty sick, I know I would.
To get those discounts just click “No Thanks” at the bottom of each page.[su_divider top=”no”]
Complaints About Billy Darr
Just so you can get some idea of the sort of person you’d be dealing with if you buy this product like trouble getting refund, terrible products, no refunds on the upsells and terrible or non-existent support.
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Final Thoughts
What can I say about this. If this pops up in your inbox I just hope you look for a review and find this and not one of the other ones that “highly recommend” this garbage.
The sales page for this product is no different to all his others it makes it all sound so easy, but the reality is far from that. He has been churning out products like this for so long that I wonder if he can actually put together a product of any real worth.
If only he’d put in as much effort into a decent product as he does into the bad ones then he’d be helping so many people to finally start to make some money online.
This is one of those products that has a flashy sales page, but is a product that you don’t need.
If you were to think about it for a sec if these products worked like they claim then they would never have to create another product ever again.
My experience with the product itself exposed the possibility that they have some bugs in the system that they need to iron out, but even with the bugs gone I see no need for this.
It isn’t going to bring you unlimited free viral traffic in 30 seconds or less, it’s never going to happen.
Steer well clear of this one folks
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What Now?
The reality of making money online is you don’t need any special software like this, but you do need a website though.
Now don’t let the thought of making a website deter you. Creating a website with Wealthy Affiliate can be done in as little as 30 seconds, I sound like Billy Darr now lol.
All jokes aside if you watch that video it will show you it being done in 30 seconds and the best part is at the moment Wealthy Affiliate is offering free membership which includes a free website.
When I joined over 5 years ago I could only dream of making money online, but today after a lot of hard work I can enjoy paydays like this:
And that is just the tip of the iceberg, once you have multiple sources (websites) set up you can really skyrocket your income.
Simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.

I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way. You’ll even meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you :)[su_divider top=”no”]