Welcome to my Puma Products Review. This is the latest product release form Dawud Islam. He’s a guy who I’ve reviewed a couple of times before and I have to say that I am generally impressed with what he puts together.
There’s very little hype on his sales pages which is almost unheard of in this industry and they are short and to the point, not the normal long-winded garbage I see on a regular basis.
I’m a little late with this review so I thought Id take a quick look at what the other reviews have to say about it. I couldn’t actually find anyone saying anything negative about it.
That can mean one of two things; either they just take the sales page on face value and don’t actually look at the product itself or they simply say it’s good to get a commission when you buy it.
Now, I actually know which of those it is. If you get the chance take a quick look around one of those other review sites see how many times you find a review that says don’t buy it because it’s rubbish.
You won’t find too many for the simple reason all they care about is you buying through their link so they get the commission.
That isn’t going to help you in any way whatsoever, you might as well just read the sales page yourself. You’re reading reviews like this so you can get a better understanding of the product before you buy and potentially lose money.
Well, that’s exactly what you’re going to get here. I’m going to go over the sales page to see just how that compares to the actual product which i’ll be looking at in great detail.
We’ll dive into the members area and also take a look at the upsells and how much they cost before finally giving you my thoughts on whether this stands any chance of teaching you how to make $20k a month.
So without further ado, let’s crack on.
NAME: Puma Products
OWNER: Dawud Islam
PRICE: $11.95
WEBSITE: https://pumaproducts.net/optin-page
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The Sales Page
This isn’t going to be a long section simply because the sales page itself isn’t very long but I do feel it necessary to at least see what he’s claiming on there.
Doesn’t that sound great? Now, I’m sure that this isn’t going to be a process that you’re going to be able to implement straight away, but if he is show how he is doing it then it’s all good.
He does claim that launching your own products is actually very easy and as a result he releases a “new” product twice a month.
I emphasis the word new because in his own words he doesn’t have any original ideas, all his products are based on products that already exist.
That is probably the reason why it’s all the same types of stuff being released all the time because everybody’s just copying everybody else.
He goes on to say he can put together a product usually in a day or less which to me would suggest not a lot of thought has gone into it.
He makes a very good point when he says that as an affiliate you are competing with a lot of other affiliates who are trying to get a sale for that product, but as a vendor you have all those affiliates trying to make the sale for you regardless of who sells it.
The income shots are a great way to see what kind of earnings are possible but just remember they are easily faked, now I’m not saying Dawud has done that, just be aware it can happen so don’t base your buying decision on that alone.
Besides to get to that point has taken him a fair amount of time and effort.[su_divider top=”no”]
What Is Puma Products About?
It always amazes me how many sales pages don’t tell you what the product they want you to buy is about, luckily this isn’t like that we already know this is about producing your own product and taking it all the way through to launch.
It contains an astonishing 26 videos covering the different aspects of making your own product. How good they are will only become clear when I go through them a bit later.
The videos cover things like choosing the product idea, naming the product, designing the logo, designing the different sale pages, making the JV doc and creating an affiliate contest so there’s plenty in here, but is it any good?[su_divider top=”no”]
Who’s Going To Use This?
Despite Dawud insisting you don’t need any technical experience to create your own products I would disagree and as such anyone who is new to this game isn’t going to be the target audience with this one.
Someone who has been an affiliate, knows how the system works and has a few skills will be the kind of person who will make the most of this.
I personally know very little about creating products and sales pages, but because of my background it’s something I could see myself being able to do.[su_divider top=”no”]
What Did I Like?
- The lack of hype on the sales page
- Fairly low price point
- The amount of training included
What Didn’t I Like?
- The rehashing of old products
- The video on choosing a product idea lacked any real substance
- The extra cost of hosting your product on like ClickFunnels
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Inside The Members Area
Before we venture into the members area I just to give out a warning about the upsells. You’re going to see these before you get acess to the product you just bought.
On those upsell sales pages you’ll see the words “you’ll never see this offer again“which is an out-and-out lie because they are accessible from within the members area.
Besides that they also claim a 100-day money back guarantee but when you go to purchase it’s only 30 days.
The warning I want to give is about you buying all the upsells then having trouble getting your money back if you decide the main product isn’t for you.
Take a look at Matthews comment here where he lost $600!
So when you do get into the members area you’ll find this:
All the training is in the menu on the left and consists of:
- Introduction to the training – 2.36
- Choosing Our Product Idea – 25.23
- Naming Our Product – 11.40
- Designing Our Logo – 5.48
- Listing our Product On Muncheye – 10.41
- Designing the Sales Page
- Part 1 – 21.28
- Part 2 – 21.47
- Part 3 – 8.19
- Part 4 – 15.46
- Our First Upsell – 9.51
- Our First Thank You Page – 9.38
- Our Second Upsell – 9.04
- Our Second Thank You Page – 5.44
- Our Third Upsell – 8.10
- Our Third Thank You Page – 6.40
- Our Forth Upsell – 9.05
- Our Forth Thank You Page – 5.37
- Building Our JV Page –
- Part 1 – 18.02
- Part 2 – 18.20
- Listing Our Product On WarriorPlus
- Part 1 – 23.32
- Part 2 – 33.27
- Making Our JV Doc – 12.10
- Completing The Product – 15.23
- Getting Affiliates To Promote For Us – 9.59
- Creating The Affiliate Contest – 7.32
- Completing a Test Purchase – 4.09
- Wrapping up – 3.04
As you can see you do get a lot for your money and I have to say it looks like he’s been as good as his word when he said he’d show you his entire process.
The only real let down for me in there was the choosing the product video and perhaps the most important one. It just seemed there was no real substance to it.
It was a bit too vague for my liking.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
Let’s take a quick look at the upsells that come with this shall we. Before we do my advice is to forget about them first time round because like I said they are available inside the members area.
- OTO #1 – Bargain Bundle – $37
- OTO #2 – Guaranteed To Promote Your Product – $67
- OTO #3 – Quadruple Reseller Rights – $97
- OTO #4 – Done For You Set Up – $197
- OTO #5 – Partner with Me – $997
Imagine buying all those and then realizing the front end product isn’t for you and then trying to get your money back?[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
To be honest I had high hope for this when I started the review purely based on track record and although I am a bit disappointed to find out the way he puts his products together he has delivered on what the sales page said he would.
The product itself is going to take some time to digest, but you have got the whole process in here. Are you going to be earning $20k a month?
Certainly not to start with and probably not for quite some time either. You’ll have to get yourself known as someone who puts together quality products.
If you don’t affiliates won’t want to promote your stuff because of the high refund rate and people won’t want to buy future products if they bought one that was rubbish.
And all that takes time, a lot of time. It also takes dedication as well. You’re probably not going to be in a position like Dawud where he can put together a product in a day.
You’re more than likely going to take a lot longer. How are you going to feel after all the work you put in and no-one wants to promote it? Or no-one wants to buy it?
You need to do the whole process again until you do get it to work because it undoubtedly does work, it just takes time.
I approved the last product by Dawud and the one before that and this is no different. I like the way he works.
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What Else Could You Do?
What can you do if making products isn’t for you at this stage of your journey. I would suggest affiliate marketing. I know this product is all about having affiliates working for you, but being an affilaite has it’s advantages.
You don’t have to deal with any of those product creation headaches, you simply promote and the best thing is you get to pick and choose what you promote.
It’s like me, I don’t promote stuff I don’t believe in, if it’s crap I won’t promote it, there are plenty who will, but I’m not one of them.
What you need to do though is learn affiliate marketing the right way, just like I did when I joined Wealthy Affiliate over 5 years ago.
They are the foremost affiliate training platform on the internet today, no question and the reason they stay that way is because of their continual evolvement.
It’s why I’m still there and why I have no hesitation in recommending them to you.
At the moment Wealthy Affiliate is offering free starter memberships, they’re also throwing in a free website and 10 free lessons.
Simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.

I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way. You’ll even meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you :)[su_divider top=”no”]