Welcome everyone to my Mobilee Review . This is my first review of Jono Armstrong although i have had experience with one of his partners on this product so i’m curious to see how this one pans out.
NAME: Mobilee
OWNERS: Jono Armstrong, Jonas Lindgren
and Trevor Carr
PRICE: $7 + upsells
WEBSITE: http://www.phlos.net/mobilee-s…
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who is jono?
This is actually the first time i’ve heard of this guy Jono so as with all my reviews i like to take a quick look into who the people behind the product are.
Jono Armstrong as it turns out has been in the business for quite some considerable time since 2004 to be exact so it’s safe to say that he has a fair amount of experience and presence in the world of internet marketing which is sometimes good and sometimes bad, by that i mean a lot of the time when someone is launching a new product they will claim that all the income proof you see if from the method that they are selling you.
Now that might be the case, but bear in mind that these people have, as i’ve said, been in the business a long time and can generate the sort of income that they are showing you, they’re an authority if you like, but for anyone who’s new that’s not going to be anywhere near what you can expect. Just bear that in mind.[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d0d0d0″]
so what is mobilee?
Mobilee is all about creating affiliate reviews and uploading them to Youtube, nothing new there you might say and you’d be right, but what sets this apart is the fact that it can all be done from your mobile phone assuming that you have a smartphone and not some brick from the 1990’s.[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d0d0d0″]
the sales page
I always take a look at the sales page to get a ‘feel’ of the people behind the product.
The video on the sales page is to be honest pretty cheesy and a bit stomach churning, and some of the things he was saying didn’t quite ring true so i decided to dig a little deeper.
A quick search bought up his wesite http://jono-armstrong.com, and done a bit of research on him.
Now in the video at 1.44 he tells how he was in dire straits this time last year so by my reckoning that would make it Jan/Feb 2017, now bear with here folks, he goes on to tell a bit of a sob story.
Now my point is that if you look at his back story on his website this all happened around 1999/2000, he taught for 4 years in Indonesia after backpacking there, so were up to 2004 when he started affiliate marketing not i repeat not last year.
He goes on to say that this ‘blueprint’ has allowed him to quit his job and travel the world.
Okay the idea of affiliate marketing probably has done that because i know this sort of thing certainly works, but please don’t try to make people believe all this happened in a year especially when you have said the complete opposite on your very own website.[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d0d0d0″]
who is this aimed at?
This is firmly aimed at the newest people to enter the world of affiliate marketing, what with the sob story trying to relate to people in the same situation and trying to give them hope of being able to turn their life around for as little as 1 hr of work a day.
After going through the training i can honestly say it is all very basic stuff to anyone who has experience and nothing new at all, but for someone who has little or no experience or even a computer, because of the fact it can all be completed from your mobile, i think they would find it quite useful.[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d0d0d0″]
what did i like
- Very clear and concise instructions
- Quality video and audio considering it’s all done on mobile, so no straining to hear or see what it is thy’re talking about
- Some great resources
- no extra expense
what i didn’t like
- a bit too showy with the money he’s earning
- Obviously the misleading sales pitch
- The fact it’s all done on mobile, now while he shows it can be done i have tried to do reviews on my mobile before, alright he’s showing you how to do video reviews, but my point is when i’m doing my research for a review i have multiple tabs open at any one time flicking between them constantly, in fact i have two monitors hooked up so you can imagine trying to do that on a mobile.
- The encouragement of backlinking to rank
- Some of the things he doesn’t do too much of himself because in some of the videos he has to remind himself how to carry out certain actions.
- The fact he actually uses a keyboard and mouse and a tv to link his mobile phone he doesn’t let you know that until the introduction in the 2nd oto[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d0d0d0″]
what do you get for your $7
So for $7 you wouldn’t expect a lot would you, well you’re going to be pleasantly surprised as i was because you actually get quite a lot of very useful information packed into 22 videos, i say 22 there are actually 23 but the first one is only an introduction so doesn’t really count.
The videos are as follows:
- MODULE 1 Introduction Video 6.59
- MODULE 2 – The Concept of the MOBILEE Strategy 8.04
- MODULE 3 – The Tools You’ll Need on Your SmartPhone (ANDROID) 10.39
- MODULE 3.1 – WordPress on Your iPhone 5.22
- MODULE 3.2 – Canva on Your iPhone 4.09
- MODULE 4 – Finding a Really Good Offer to Review 21.42
- INTERMEZZO 1 – An opportunity to show off as he receives cash notifications 4.56
- MODULE 5 – Getting Approved & Getting Review Access – Jonas Lindgren 5.27
- MODULE 6 – Island Hopping, Snorkelling…oh and Research for Your Reviews! 3.35
- MODULE 7 – The Importance of Offering Bonuses 8.23
- MODULE 8 – From a Deserted Beach Jono Covers How to Create Killer Bonuses 17.44
- MODULE 9 – Making Your Review 9.38
- MODULE 10 – Bonus Delivery 9.43
- MODULE 11 – Uploading Your YouTube Video 7.06
- INTERMEZZO 2 – More Showing Off From Jono – Making Cash While He Lays in Bed! 4.14
- MODULE 12 – Creating Your YouTube Thumbnail 11.00
- MODULE 13 – Video SEO – How to Get Your Video to the Top of YouTube 11.15
- MODULE 14 – YouTube Ranking Method – Paid (but cheap!) 5.58
- MODULE 15 – Sending Emails With Aweber on the iPhone 7.43
- MODULE 16 – Emailing on the Go! 7.37
- MODULE 17 – The Final Module 5.20
- Example of a Mobile Review 10.00
- The Bonus Ending 5.14
So i think you’ll agree you have quite a bit for $7 and i have to say that they are pretty well done and don’t leave too much out.[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d0d0d0″]
the oto’s
As with all products you will usually be offered upsells after you purchase the main product. These are
- OTO 1 $27 Bonuses you can offer on your own affiliate promotions
- OTO 2 $27 Advanced training
- OTO 3 $47 Licensing rights
- OTO 4 $97 Live coaching calls
Now i don’t usually see the point in the oto’s, but number 1 is huge because for your $27 they give you 100 bonuses to use.
Oto 2 is a 6 module course detailing some advanced training which they refer to as ‘real ninja stuff’ LOL
- MODULE 1 Introduction & additional tools 2.42
- MODULE 2 Introduction to adwords 5.42
- MODULE 3 Adwords super hack 5.01
- MODULE 4 Campaign setup 11.50
- MODULE 5 Keyword research 5.30
- MODULE 6 Remarketing 5.20
I’ve never been a really big fan of bonuses, my thought is that the main product should be good enough to stand on its own without the need for extra nonsense, but it would seem that every review you see nowadays has a bundle of bonus gifts if you buy through their affiliate link, bribery in a way i suppose.
My point is this, if we are to believe his story and the fact he wants to relate to the average person who may find himself in the same situation as himself then that person probably isn’t going to have the money in the first place to purchase the oto’s.[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d0d0d0″]
final thoughts
Which way am i going to come down on this? Well to be honest i was pretty sceptical to begin with and i certainly don’t like the misleading sales page story, but if you can get over that fact then for $7 you can’t go far wrong, in fact i’ll go as far to say that if you ‘re going to implement it from start to finish then this could really work for you. It’s something i haven’t seen done before, i don’t mean the process because that’s been around forever, i mean the fact it’s all done on a mobile.
Not sure if it would be sustainable, but if you haven’t got a computer then this is a great way to start and get a computer once you have made some sales.
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if you’re looking for a free way to get started in affiliate marketing then click the banner below to find out a little bit more
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What do think of doing reviews entirely on a mobile phone? Sound crazy? Let me know what you think in the comments below
Hi Sharon, Thank you for an honest and unbiased review. It is nice to read a review that gives me the true facts about a product and not just try to convince me that another product is superior.
I was particularly captivated by the fact that this program is so cheap and can be done on a smart phone. Most people have access to these phones and would therefore be able to go into business with this program.
One thing that I would like to ask is whether this program is available internationally or only in specific regions?
It is available everywhere and yes as a starting point it’s pretty good because it can be done on a smartphone, he lists all the apps you need to complete it.
This is interesting – I’ve actually only heard of this very recently.
I have to admit, the biggest turn-off is the upsells. It’s not that it doesn’t seem like it has potential for making income, but when there’s a slightly misleading pitch at the beginning, and a lot of unexpected upsells later, it can be off-putting.
Do you have much experience with Wealthy Affiliate? I see you’ve mentioned it, and I’ve heard good things about it.
I’ve been a member at Wealthy Affiliate since around early 2015…crikey is it really that long ago, that’s almost 3 years! Time fly when you’re having fun.
I would say that if it wasn’t any good i wouldn’t have stayed for this long.
Great review on mobilee. I have just started my affiliate marketing career with WA. As per as my knowledge is concerned, $7 membership is just starting one. And for more detailed trainings one need to pay more. Though it is legit it may take many months for one newbie to make his first dollar through this.
Another thing is that success of this type of business varies person to person and it depends on individual effilorts. So I think it is one good package to start at $7
Thank you for the review
You do need to pay more for the more detailed training, but for someone looking to test the waters this is worth the $7