In todays review of Bloggii I’m going to be looking at a product by 2 people who I’ve had a lot of experience with in regards to reviewing quite a few of their other products like Pullii, Growii and Traffic Rebirth. I just hope this isn’t going to be another scam product like so many on the market today.
Now my worry with this is that all they have done is take what they’ve already sold at some point, rehashed it and given it a different name, now for those of you who haven’t seen their previous work this won’t really matter too much as long as the training is still relevant.
But for someone who has bought some of their other stuff I’m sure you’d like to know if all you’re going to be buying now is what you already have just with a new name.
NAME: Bloggii
OWNERS: Stefan Ciancio & Greg Kononenko
PRICE: $12.95
what is bloggii all about
Well surprisingly the sales page sort of does tell you what this about which I’ve only really seen that happen a handful of times. Usually you won’t have a clue what it is you’re buying until you buy it.
So according to the sales page if you buy this you’re going to be shown everything you need to know in order to turn $5 blog posts into $$$$ hundreds.
Sounds good doesn’t it, unfortunately it’s not that easy.
First off the $5 blog posts that they are referring to are NOT going to be of any real value to anyone which he actually admits to the quality not being the best in module 3 video 3 Content Creation Options.
He then goes on to say it’s probably better to use more expensive options and that is the best route to take because you won’t have to constantly check on iwriter and worry about the quality.
The main trouble with outsourcing your blog posts is you still need to do stuff to them like check them over to make sure you’re actually happy with them, you need to beautify them, you need to add images and so on. So it not just a case of getting someone to write for you, there’s plenty still to do afterwards.
The traffic source is none other than good old Pinterest and guess what their other products were about …… yep you guessed it …. getting traffic from Pinterest.
Is this a rehash??? I’ll let you know that a bit later.[su_divider top=”no”]
what did i like
- showing their own sites in case study
- step by step training
- a lot of content
- some good information
what i didn’t like
- 7 out 9 videos in module 4 are from their old products dating back to 2016, how do I know this? First take a look at m\module 4 video 4 from bloggii
Now take a look at the date on that video
- the rest of the modules have varying amounts of old stuff
- audio on some of the new ones is very choppy making it difficult to understand what it is he’s saying.
- I struggled to find any real end game apart from growing your Pinterest traffic which is great and all, but not really what the sales page is about. It doesn’t really tie up with each other.
- out of all the training there’s only 1 video that covers how to monetize your site and that’s by using ads like google adsense, which you have to be approved for by the way.
- a big budget for all the posts you outsource
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a look inside the training
OK so I think we’ve established that a lot of this is old stuff, but for those of you who haven’t seen it before I’ll run through it and let you know what’s new and what’s old.
- Module 1 – Case Study, Overview and Research
- Video 1 – Stefan’s Case Study 7.09 – new
- Video 2 – Greg’s Case Study 6.24 – new
- Video 3 – Why Blogging – 2.31 – new
- Video 4 – Overview Of The System 4.03 – new
- Video 5 – Niche Research 14.51 – new
- Module 2 – Setting Up The Blog
- Video 1 – Domain and Hosting and WordPress 10.36 – old
- Video 2 – Blog Layout Setup 15.28 – old
- Video 3 – Legal Pages 6.00 – new
- Video 4 – Blog Style, Plugins and Branding 6.54 – new
- Module 3 – Content Research, Creation and Monetization
- Video 1 – Content Research with BuzzSumo 3.34 – new
- Video 2 – Content Research and Ideas With Keyword Finder and Keyword Shitter 3.45 – new
- Video 3 – Content Creation Options 5.09 – new
- Video 4 – Initial Posts and Settings Content Schedule 2.09 – new
- Video 5 – Deciding Monetization 9.56 – new
- Module 4 – Posting Your Content and Traffic
- Video 1 – Publishing Your First Blog Post 4.17 – old
- Video 2 – Analytics Setup 4.30 – old
- Video 3 – Traffic: Pinterest, Initial Steps – 4.57 – old
- Video 4 – Rich Pins Setup 1.20 – old
- Video 5 – Pinterest Graphics Setup 5.18 – old
- Video 6 – Traffic: Pinterest, SEO 9.15 – old
- Video 7 – Pinterest, Group Boards 9.09 – old
- Video 8 – Pinning and Automation 20.09 – new
- Video 9 – Tailwind Tribes 4.30 – new-ish May 2018
- Module 5 – Advanced Tactics
- Video 1 – Building An Email List 3.13 – old
- Video 2 – Developing a Long Term Plan 2.21 – new
So there you have the training, 10 old videos with 14 new ones, the 10 actually come from Growii. I’ll let you make your own minds up on whether that qualifies for a rehash.
But before you get to the training area you have to negotiate the upsells and have I found out some stuff I think you’ll find quite interesting.[su_divider top=”no”]
First off I’ll tell what the upsells are and then let you know what it is I found out.
- OTO #1 $27
This is a case studies pack showing a bundle of over the shoulder videos
- OTO #2 $27
This is a Done for you pack that contains 10 DFY campaigns along with niche research and ad copy
- OTO #3 $97/$147/$197
Allows you to become affiliates at 100% commission on either 2, 5 or 10 of the funnels
- OTO #4 $1497 no that’s not a typo
This is a DFY Blog where you’ll get basically everything set up for you as well as 1 year of coaching from them.
Now first up is OTO #1, the case studies. Well the first TEN videos are from his old course PULLII module 3 actually. Then the next FOUR videos are from PULLII OTO 1 with the final one actually being something new.
Next up OTO #2, this is actually from PULLII OTO #3
OTO #3 is the funnel system which is their old products for you to promote which is new as is OTO #4
So again if you have their old stuff you’re not going to need these upsells unless you want to pay $1497 for a dfy Blog, no? didn’t think so.[su_divider top=”no”]
final thoughts
Well is it just another scam product? I wouldn’t call it that no because there is some good information inside, but if you’ve been looking for a while how to make money online and have their old stuff you’re just going to be going over old ground with this one.
And they don’t tell you that on the sales page do they?
Is it a rehash? Yes I would class this as a rehash, there are some new videos, but not enough to call this a new product.
I think the way the sales page leads you to believe all you need to do is throw some crappy $5 blog posts onto a brand new site and expect people to come flooding to it and buy whatever it is you’re promoting or click on all the ads you’ve got on there. You know to make any kind of decent money with ads you need a shed load of visitors.
Now I know that getting visitors is what this is meant to be about, but Pinterest isn’t the golden goose, it’s good, but not that good. It takes TIME.
I’m in a big dilemma with this one, I mean using old stuff from 2016 and trying to pass it off as new, but what I would say is the stuff that is old hasn’t really changed much so it is still probably relevant.
For $12 you are getting quite a lot of info and if you don’t mind having old stuff on your upsells then go ahead and buy them, you’ll even notice they haven’t been bothered enough to change the name from PULLII 🙁
You know what I’m not going to approve this, if only they’d have done things the right way.
You’d actually get a lot of the information for free from Greg’s website

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so what are you going to do now
If you are sick and tired of people trying to deceive you then there’s only one thing for you to do, stop wasting your time and join the #1 affiliate training platform on the internet today.
You won’t get any exaggerated claims of making money overnight, but what you will get is people being honest with you along with constantly updated training and a massive community of people that have been in the exact same position you find yourself in now.
You can read my full review here or you can click the banner below for immediate totally FREE access 🙂
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Now it’s your turn to have your say. Tell everyone what you think.
So, what are they saying their monetization methods are?
It sounds like they’re making pins on how to make money with Pinterest, right?
And I guess those redirect to their blog.
So they must be selling a PDF, or just doing Adsense, from what it sounds like.
Where is the traffic actually coming from on Pinterest?
Do they find groups and autopost? :/
The methods they say to use are affiliate marketing, Adsense with the traffic coming from Pinterest to your blog
Hi Sharon,
Wow, that was an honest and indepth review.
Thanks for the advice. I haven’t looked at this product but I agree that Greg’s blog has a load of good, free Pinterest information.
Your reply to the comment above is great too. The shiny object syndrome seems to come with the territory, it’s so easy to be drawn into offers that claim to save you time and/or effort, especially when you’re getting overwhelmed with information overload.
Yep, you gotta stay focused 🙂
Hi Sharon,
Wow Sharon am l ever confused cuz l read five reviews about Bloggii and the first four actually approved and even your non approval did not give me the impression this was a scam.
Let me quickly tell you my quandary.
I am 60 and l got one shot at striking somekind of financial independence.
I have no internet skills at all.
I tried Wealthy Affiliate and still feel that was my best bet but l had an accident after being with WA for a month and recuperating cost me my premier membership cuz l couldn’t afford the $49 a month and was hurting. Plus one of my counselors accussed me of going with a competitor so that rubbed me wrong.
I could also train as real estate flipper, you’ve seen those and l could do my options trading on stocks , bonds and commodities.
So much to choose from while l work a dead end job in order to accumulate enuf money to invest in ….that’s just it l need to choose something.
Anyway, sorry l wrote so much and also hope l did not confuse you.
Hey don’t be sorry, it’s a totally confusing situation trying to figure it all out, I understand that, I’ve been there.
All I can say is that Wealthy Affiliate Is still your best option, you know what they’re about, at least you know they won’t scam you and you get the best training AND support.
I think you probably knew that already, you just needed someone else to tell you.
You’ve heard of shiny object syndrome right? It’s totally real and until I came to terms with myself that I had it, I couldn’t focus, I would flit from one thing to another trying to find that secret to making money quickly and easily like so many ‘guru’s’ promised on their sales pages.
Needless to say I never found it. You can keep looking as long as you want, but I guarantee you’ll won’t find it.
You know hat you need to do now, get back into the Wealthy Affiliate community and give it your all. Make 2019 THE year you gain your independance
Best of luck Joseph