Having just had a look on Google I don’t think you’d be mistaken for thinking this product is going to be the end of all your money problems, all the reviews are saying basically the same thing and a lot of them just repeat what the sales page says, so If you’re looking for a totally unbiased Insta Minator review that you can base whether to buy it on, then you’re in the right place.
This isn’t the first time I’ve come across these two guys, I’ve reviewed a number of their products before like Re-kaching, Profiteer and Blistering to name a few, I would probably call Jason Fulton & Mosh Bari serial product releases, they seem to release a product with alarming regularity, always claiming that this product will change your life only to say the same thing a week later. And when it doesn’t turn out that way getting your money back under the money back guarantee isn’t that easy as a couple of my readers let me know in the comments of the Re-kaching review
I would strongly suggest you check out those comments to get a feel of the sort of people you may have to deal with..
NAME: Insta-Minator
OWNERS: Jason Fulton & Mosh Bari
PRICE: $12.95
WEBSITE: https://www.insta-minator.com/live
what is insta-minator all about
That’s a really good question because having looked through the sales page and the sales video and actually been through the training modules I’m really confused, I’ll get to the training in a while, but first let’s take a look at the sales page.
You Know what, I don’t believe that, having seen the training I know that someone with absolutely no skills, a website and no money to buy traffic is never going to earn $333.54 a day starting tomorrow, never in a million years, that sort of thing is just pie in the sky and I would urge you not to believe it.
This is one of most over hyped sales pages I’ve seen and that’s saying something especially from these two guys.
They talk about software where you can send instant and automated messages, well the only reference I can find in the training is a section regarding the use of Facebook chat bots to promote which of course Facebook doesn’t like.
I think the software they’re making such a big claim about is Push notifications, in particular a WordPress plugin that is totally free from wordpress by the way, but of course to use a plugin you’re going to need a website…….
So if you cut through all the B.S you’re left with Insta-Minator being about using push notifications to send promotions to the people who allow your notifications.
That’s really nothing new.
Now one thing I feel I must point out at this stage is the “No Skills” claim. In the getting traffic section of the training you have this video called “Let’s get traffic – introducing Team Traffic”
So you need to team up with other people that you invite to a Facebook chat group. The concept is to find people who are good at certain things like writing for example or making videos etc and of course your contribution of skills you don’t need LOL.[su_divider top=”no”]
inside insta-minator
I think it’s time to show you exactly what Insta-Minator is. So after an intro video that is just more of the sales page hype you’ve got:
- Module #1 – Case Study
Here we see Mosh tell you how his autoresponder account got shut down for multiple violations against their terms and conditions.
He goes on to say that didn’t bother him because he has push notifications and shows you his subscriber numbers.
- Module #2 – How Insta-Minator Works
This is split into 11 videos
1. What Happened to Me Should Never Happen to You…
This goes into what the case study did really, I didn’t see the point of this one at all.
2. How It All Began
This goes into why email marketing isn’t what it used to be and he goes through the reasons he thinks for low open rates. Again not really sure of the point of this one, I mean if you’re going to be cranking out $333 by tomorrow you’re going to want to know how to do that right, not listen to some boring waffle and let me tell you now If I was lying down I’d be asleep.
3. The System
Mosh covers what the process involves and that is basically introducing yourself to your subscriber – presell – sell – repair.
4. Prepare to Make Money
I thought I’d put a screenshot of the video because i really don’t know what’s going on at the moment, i don’t know if I’ve just lost a few hours or totally missed something in the previous videos.
I have no idea what number 1 is going on about or number 2 for that matter.
5. Make Money With Powerful Messaging System
This is where you’re introduced to Pushcrew push notifications and shows you how to set it up. He also shows you One Signal which is a WordPress plugin that allows you to use your own site to create push notification campaigns
6. Non IM Niche – Success Story From MyEnglishTeacher.eu
This is simply a case study that is featured over on the Pushcrew website that you can see here.
7. No Website Method – Using facebook Chatbot
He shows you here how he uses chatbot, but it will need going over a few times to fully understand what he’s going on about.
8. Introducing “Team Traffic”
In this video you’re introduced to the reality of having to team up with other people. Again this is another video where he really doesn’t make himself clear.
9. “Team Traffic” – STEP BY STEP
No video here just a google doc outlining what I thought was a comedy sketch.
10. A Profitable, Evergreen Niche
Mosh shows you Amazon affiliates and I can only assume that the profitable evergreen niche is Televisions. Again another nonsense video. Doesn’t need to be here.
11. Build A Complete Website in 30 Seconds
This is a bit of self promotion from Mosh as he’s showing you a plugin that builds a website in 30 seconds and that plugin comes free with Profiteer which is his old product. I’m going to give you a way of creating a website for free, check out this video

- Module #3 – Buyer Traffic In Easy Steps (SURPRISE BONUS)
This consists of 8 videos:
- What’s Buyer Traffic
- Winning Mindset
- Understanding Problems
- Buyer Traffic Method-1
- Buyer Traffic Method-2
- Buyer Traffic Method- 3
- Buyer Traffic Method – 4
- Buyer Traffic Method – 5
As it says at the beginning of this module it’s a bonus, but I’m afraid it’s going to confuse the hell out of you if you’re already there from the main training.
I really don’t know the real purpose of this product, at the ed of the day it’s about using push notifications, but it’s bloated out with all this other stuff that is totally unnecessary.
And before you get to the product you think is going let you finally quit that job you absolutely hate you’re confronted with not one, but five upsells.[su_divider top=”no”]
As I just said you’ve got 5 upsells to negotiate and they always say that forewarned is forearmed so here we go:
- OTO #1 $37 with a downsell to $17
This is a Done For You package that allows you to have the Insta-Minator method done for you.
- OTO #2 $197 with no downsell
This is what they call Insta-Minator Money Machines. You’ll get 20 of these “machines” to promote.
- OTO #3 $47 with a downsell to $27
This is the advanced tactics package and include extra training showing a unique approach to writing emails that get opened, even though in Module #2 he tells you email marketing isn’t what it used to be.
- OTO #4 $77with a downsell to $47
Want to know how to run this on autopilot? Learn how to outsource.
- OTO #5 $97 with a downsell to $47
This upsell allow you to sell Insta-Minator as your own and keep 100% profits[su_divider top=”no”]
final thoughts
I don’t think it’s going to take a mind reader to know exactly what I think of this product is it. Insta-Minator (stupid name by the way) is a desperate attempt to make something simple like push notifications and turn it into a “product” to sell.
The “training” is so all over the place it’s really hard to know where you are. I honestly struggled to get through all the videos, so much so I had to break this review up over the course of 2 days which I never have to do.
At first I thought it was me simply not understanding, but after going back over it again I can clearly see it’s just rubbish, just another way for the serial product launches to release another product without giving any real thought for the people who are going to be buying it.
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what do you do now
If like me you’re sick and tired of products being sold that promise the earth only to let you down time and again then it’s time for you to get serious and find out how to do things the right way and stop chasing very get rich quick scheme out there, they don’t work, you know that don’t you.
Take a look at this review to see if that’s a platform you could find yourself working with. I’ve been a member there for over 3 years now so I’m in a great position to let you know how it can work for you.
If you just want to sign up then click the banner below, it’s all free, no credit card just email and username and you’re good to go.
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What do you think of Insta-Minator? Let us know in the comments.
Thanks again for another great review. I’m glad you stand up and say it like it is (although you could actually be sitting down..!) I’ve followed these two chaps for a long time and it’s clear to me that they churn out their products to take advantage of the shiny object syndrome – promising ‘new’ technique after new technique. I keep meaning to add up all their ‘earnings’ they say they make from each of these products (you know, $300 by tomorrow, etc). We alll know that Mosh and Jason make their money from product creation and affiliate marketing their friends’ products. Mosh gives very poor support – he wouldn’t even refund my purchase when a product didn’t actually work!
I’m not saying the techniques won’t work, but don’t for a minute think you’ll make anything by tomorrow – unless you produce a product and partner with these chaps; Oh, even that won’t be by tomorrow! And that’s what I really hate – empty promises; oh, actually they’re lies. Wouldn’t advertising standards have something to say about that??
Cheers buddy.
I really don’t know how they get away with some of the things they say, not once, but time after time. Sorry to hear about having problems with your refund, it seems to be a common issue with these 2 guys.
did you actually try IM and test it out or are you just dissing it??? I ask because I find a couple inconsistencies in your review with what IM is about???
if so, that is what really bothers me!!!
Hi, I always try the product I’m reviewing how else would I know if it’s any good? I’d be interested to find out the inconsistencies you found.