Welcome to my Infinity Buyer Traffic Review. This is a product that was released by Fergal Downes and Aiden Corkery a few days ago.
I think I’m right in saying this is the first time these two guys have teamed up on a project.
Aiden has positioned himself as somewhat of an authority when it comes to using bots, his last few products have all been based around that and with Fergals track record of producing in depth courses this should hopefully be something special.
They have been known to over hype their sales pages though and that can be extremely irritating so I’ll be taking a look at what they are claiming this can do for you and if the product will stand up to them claims.
What you’re going to get with this review is an actual review of the product not just a copy of the sales page like most of the other review sites do.
I actually go through every step of the product so I can let you know what to expect and if I think it’s a good or bad for you to consider.
Let’s get started.
NAME: Infinity Buyer Traffic
OWNERS: Fergal Downes & Aiden Corkery
PRICE: $12.95
WEBSITE: http://elitebonuses.com/infinity/

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What Is Infinity Buyer Traffic About
Like his other products, this one is about using messenger bots to make sales inside of Facebook, but let’s take a quick look at the sales page to see what claims are being made shall we.
The first claim they make is the old ‘100% newbie friendly‘ one and they do this because chances are the people looking at this product are newbies so it makes sense to market this product to them.
But I see that claim tossed around so much with it hardly ever turning out that way, most of the time the product is the most un-newbie friendly you can get.
I won’t know how newbie friendly this is till I go through the actual training, so I’ll let you know.
One of the more outlandish claims is they reckon you’ll be able to make daily passive income sales every single day which if it’s true is quite an accomplishment.
To be fair to the guys this sales page isn’t as hypey as I thought it might be. What they don’t do though is tell you what it is you’re going to be doing.
So, let’s give a rundown of the process now:
- Hire a virtual assistant
- Get them to create a new FB account or just use your existing one
- Get them to add 1000 buyer friends from other Facebook groups
- Get your VA to engage with these new friends
- Get VA to do viral posts on your FB wall to get tonnes of engagement?
- VA to PM the 100’s of people who have commented on your viral post with a link to your messenger bot opt-in page
- Promote to them inside the messenger bot sequence to make instant sales???
- Rinse and repeat
There are 2 ways to implement this. Now, on the sales page video he makes a point of telling you that you’you’re not going to need a website or anything like that,
But in the overview video inside the course he tells you that is his preferred way to do this, directing your messenger bot opt-ins’ to your blog where you have a review video or post for an affiliate offer.
I know why he prefers the blog method because the other way is sending people directly to the offer you’re promoting and as anyone who has been in this business for any length of time will know, sending people directly doesn’t convert anywhere near the amount of sending them to a review first.
So, you could say to make the most of this product you are going to need a website which is something I can help you out on, I’ll go over that a bit later.[su_divider top=”no”]
Inside The Training
OK, time for a look at what sort of training you’re going to be getting with this. One thing to realise is you’re not going to get to the product straight after you buy it, oh no, you get the “chance” to buy more stuff in the form of upsells.
We’ll get into them after this, but for now I would advise against getting them at the moment.
Go through the main training first and see if you like it then you can make the decision to buy the upsells then or not as the case may be.
So, once you’ve got past the upsells and are safely inside the members area you get presented with a number of videos, 18 actually.
- Overview – 7.33
- Hiring a Virtual Assistant for $5 To Do All of the Work For You To Make This Completely Passive – 6.15
- Private Messaging Your VA – 3.17
- Get Your VA To Set Up Gmail and Facebook Accounts – 2.43
- Join These Facebook Groups – 4.58
- Build Engagement – 4.22
- Avoid A Temporary Ban – 2.25
- Viral Posts – 4.14
- Video from Aidan on viral posts – 13.07
- How To Get Approved By Facebook For Subscription Messaging – 37.11
- Freebie Opt In Method – 7.44
- Affiliate Promo or Any Course Promo Method – 9.52
- Promo This Course (Infinity) – 3.59
- Your Freebie Opt In Template – How To Edit – 10.19
- Template for Affiliate Promos or Promoting Any Other Course – How To Edit – 3.17
- How to Promote This Course – 1.22
- Case Study – 3.00
- Conclusion – 0.38
So, that’s what you get. What I really liked about it was the fact they give you the Manychat templates for you to use so you don’t have to start from scratch especially if you’re not really sure what to say in your messages.
One thing I wasn’t so keen on was the VA part of the training. Now, I know this isn’t an essential step, but as Fergal says himself it’s going to allow you to make this a passive system which if I remember rightly was a big selling point on the sales page.
The problem I had was the lack of a recommendation for a VA to use, you’re basically told to test out various ones to find the right one.
He was even told himself when looking for one that he would have to pay a lot more for the sort of work he wanted done.
The person he did use turned out to be very slow and the work Fergal reckoned should only take around 4 hours ended up taking 20 hours so he’s not going to use them again, but he doesn’t give the name of the one he’s using now.
He says you’re welcome to use the one he doesn’t, but why would you if he dumped them because of being to slow??
The other point I’d like to make is the sales page says this is a brand new method that’s never been released. Well in video #9 he starts off by saying how he going to show you how to set the 24 hour profits method up with Manychat.
24 hour profits is an old course of Fergals released nearly a year ago???? Make of that what you will.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
Let’s move on to the upsells. Each of these are available inside the members area so, like I say you really don’t need to think that you’re going to miss out on them, it just makes sense to try the main product out first then if you find it’s not what you thought it was you only have to worry about getting your money back for the front end product.
I’ve had readers of this blog tell me of their problems with getting all their money back, take a look at Matthews comment here.
- OTO #1 – $37 – Done for you package
- OTO #2 – $17 – Infinity buyers Extractor case studies
- OTO #3 – $97 – One on One Coaching
- OTO #4 – $67 – License rights
OTO #1 & 2 have a downsell to $27 & $12 respectively, just click ‘No Thanks‘ at the bottom of each page.
Something I found on the JV page sort of contradicts what the sales page says regarding how easy all this is meant to be:
I read that as them saying that it’s actually difficult to get people to opt in to your bot list, why didn’t they put that on the sales page?[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
Near the beginning of this review I asked if this really was a newbie friendly product and I have to say after being through the training I haven’t seen anything that someone with no experience couldn’t do.
I think finding a VA to do all that is required for $5 is going to a task in itself.
Getting people to on your bot list in the first place isn’t going to be as easy as they make it sound, you’re a stone-cold newbie, why would people want to be on your list?
But, if you are willing to realise this isn’t a get rich quick scheme if there such a thing which I’ve never come across then the way the training is laid out will be of some benefit to you.
What I can’t quite get my head around is this is marketed as a product that you can just pick up and make, how did they put it, that’s right, daily passive income sales every single day.
That’s never going to happen, but if you are patience, and in this business you have to be, then this will give you some results.
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What Next?
I told you in the training that Fergal said he preferred method #2 which requires you to have a website, but you don’t know how or where to start.
What if I told you that you can learn at the very same place that Fergal himself trained and is still an active member and quite rightly calls it “the best affiliate marketing training course available“.
Here’s his profile at Wealthy Affiliate:
If you want to know more about what’s involved and who they are then CLICK HERE to find out or alternatively you can sign up for FREE with no obligations whatsoever by clicking the banner below.

I’ll meet you on the inside and help you every step of the way :)[su_divider top=”no”]