Welcome to my Goodwill review. Today we’re going to be looking at Brendan Mace’s latest product release to see what it is he’s come up with this time.
Having reviewed at least 14 of his previous products with those being roughly a 50/50 split between approved and not approved I really never know what sort of product he’s going to put together.
As usual all the other reviews give this a big thumbs up, but don’t you find it funny that they do that on ALL the products they “review” Hmm…..
Anyway let’s not worry about the blatantly biased reviews that really just copy what the sales page says without even going through the product, what you really want to know is, Is this any good?
And that’s exactly what you’re going to find out here, no BS, just cold hard facts.
So, without further ado, let’s’s get started.
NAME: Goodwill
OWNERS: Brendan Mace & Jono Armstrong
PRICE: $12.95
WEBSITE: https://www.whygoodwill.rocks/goodwill
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What Is Goodwill About?
Well, according to the sales video you’re going to be getting a freebie to give away, the same offers and even traffic. They break the process down into just 2 steps:
- Giveaway the freebie, in this case The Lost Code, one of Brendans’ previous products.
- Make Money
Can it really be that easy? Who are you going to give the freebie away to?
At this point I have no idea if it’s that easy, but stick around and we’ll find out together. Regarding who you’re going to give it to, well, that’s what he means by traffic included, it’s not really included, it’s a piece of software that they released a little while ago called Aurora which you can find out about here.
This works on the basis that if you give people something for free then they are inclined to buy from you any other offer you have.
I’m not sure why you don’t see that more often. You HAVE to provide VALUE to people, but unfortunately, and it’s not only in this industry, people try to get away with not giving anything, they’re more focused on get get get rather than give give give.
In a nutshell you’re going to be giving away their course for free and making money off the upgrades if people buy them.
I have to say, without going through the product yet, I like the idea, of course there’s no guarantee people are going to buy the upgrades, but there’s always a chance they will.
Also, there’s training on how to capture peoples contact information which is really important, now, you’re not going to be collecting emails, but you will be setting this up to collect Manychat leads.[su_divider top=”no”]
Let’s See What’s Inside
Just a bit of a heads up, once you’ve bought this product you’re going to be presented with upsells, 5 of them to be precise.
We’ll get into them in a while, but for now because they are accessible inside the members area I would suggest you just ignore them for the moment and concentrate on what it is you have bought.
So, once we get inside the members area you’re going to see a very straightforward dashboard with easy navigation.
I’ll give a quick run down of the different sections:
- Welcome – A quick welcome video by Brendan
- Your Freebie – This is where you need to go to Warrior+plus and you need to get approved to be able to promote the offer, now, he doesn’t say if approval is automatically guaranteed which could be a problem if you are new. I would assume you do get approved without any fuss.
- Traffic Software – Here you get access to Aurora which you can use to get traffic, now, I know they had problems with the software, but hopefully that’s been fully resolved now.
- Training – Overview of the sysytem
- The Goodwill page
- How to disguise your link
- My Manychat Formula
- Youtube video (optional)
- Facebook Groups
- Erik Cagi’s FB Stratergy
- Traffic Suggestions
And that is what you get and now having been through it all I can see this as a viable way to start making some cash without the need for all the usual complications.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
Let’s quickly cover the upsells before we move on.
- OTO #1 – $47 – Goodwill Pro
- OTO #2 – $197 – ‘Steal our backend’ to get $1000 commissions
- OTO #3 – $397 – Done for you package
- OTO #4 – $197 – Limitless traffic
- OTO #5 – $167 – License rights
So, if you were to buy that little lot it’s going to cost you over $1,000!! And that’s before you even start to make any money if you buy these when they are first presented to you straight after you buy the front end.[su_divider top=”no”]
This is one thing I couldn’t find anywhere either on the sales page or inside the members area. Getting support is imperative.
What if you’re having a problem with a certain stage of the process, who are you gonna call? And no, it’s not ghostbusters!
Now, this may be an oversight on their behalf cause usually they do have a support section inside the members area, but I couldn’t find one n this product.[su_divider top=”no”]
This sort of falls under the support section really, but I thought I’d point something out anyway. On some of their previous products the 30 day money back guarantee only applies to the front end product, NOT the expensive upsells.
Also, I’d like to point out this on the sales page:
And then take a look at the comment by Stephane here where they explain how they actually “look After their customers”[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
I actually think this is one of their better products. And for $13 you’re actually getting access to ‘Aurora’ which is currently selling at $16 and you also get ‘The Lost Code’ which is also selling at $13 not to mention the bonuses of access to ‘0 – 100 in 24hrs‘, which is selling at £13, ‘The fuego Breakout‘ which is another $13 and a couple of Youtube videos by Jono Armstrong.
So, you’re really getting 4 products for the price of one which is a no brainer.
As far as the actual Goodwill product goes I think it’s a great way to get started in affiliate marketing, you’re not having to struggle with trying to get people to buy a product, you’re giving to them and hopefully they’ll buy some of the upsells which is going to result in you getting commissions.
The traffic software I actually liked when I reviewed it earlier in May I think, so you should be OK for traffic, the landing page is done for you so you don’t have to worry about putting that together.
OK, you’re going to be splitting the money for the upsells with Brendan, but that’s the way this works and he is supplying all necessary stuff to get you into that position.
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What Next
I agree wholeheartedly about giving people value which is what I hope I’m doing with these honest reviews, letting people know who and what they can trust to make them some money.
This is a terrible business when it comes to people just wanting to scam you, it’s horrendous. It never ceases to amaze me the lengths people will go to for a few bucks.
When, if they only started providing value they could double or triple what they get, but they are always looking for the easy money without any thought for the people they’re hurting.
Do you want to help people?
Learn affiliate marketing the right way, help people first and the money will come, you can trust on that.
The trouble is you need to believe that the people training you know what they are talking about which is why I’m still at Wealthy Affiliate after joining over 4 years ago.
If you want to know more about what’s involved and who they are then CLICK HERE to find out or alternatively you can sign up for FREE with no obligations whatsoever by clicking the banner below.

I’ll meet you on the inside and help you every step of the way :)[su_divider top=”no”]
i would never buy anything from Brendan Mace after the way he talked to me and what had to deal with with Atomic Dfy i log in the first time it’s all fine and then the next morning i log in and i got a big red screen in front of me google said it had been hacked aand i told Brendan about it and he sent a nasty email to me i have copy for referance purpose i never done nothing but trust these people but i never will again and
Demetris D-Papa is another one who sent me a nasty comment these people are not what they seem to be on camera they treat you like crap after the sale and other one is Moshi he and Jason Futon can’t be trusted either
Wow, I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through that Wayne. It seems to be as soon as they’ve got your money they’re not bothered about you. Thank you for letting everyone know and if it makes you feel any better you’re not the only one who’s been treated like this.
There really should be some done about these people.
Look like the “aurora” sale pages same with the other product “kartel” sale pages 😛
It sure does, they all look and say the same sort of things.