Lion Listings Review

Welcome to my Lion Listings review. Today we’re going to be looking at the latest release form Dawud Islam who has released many products before.

In fact, he’s becoming what is known as a serial product releaser, the trouble with that is the quality suffers and that has been the case in quite a few of his products.

By the end of this honest review you’ll know if the quality of this one is better than those or if he’s on a slippery slope of just releasing rubbish for a quick buck.

What I will say be prepared for a lot of fake reviews regarding Lion Listings because most reviews are simply out for the commission rather than telling you the truth.

You won’t get that here. As someone who has no affiliate link to promote all you’ll get here is an unbiased review with all the facts you’re going to need in order to make a better buying decision.

NAME: Lion Listingslion listings review

OWNER: Dawud Islam

PRICE: $9.95


my recommendation for making money online

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Lion Listings review – What’s It About?

Before we take a look at the sales page and what sort of claims are on there we should see what this is really about and the best way I know how to do that is to have a look at the overview video.

As Dawud himself says using the product is pretty straightforward and even the training can’t really be classified as training.

In a nutshell this is really just a list of classified Ad boards where you can advertise for free, you’ve probably heard of Craigslist, well that’s the sort of thing you’re going to be using here.

There are some resources included which come in the form of free squeeze pages which Dawud recommends you send your potential customers to rather than just sending them to the products sales page.

Apart from that there isn’t a lot more to say.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Sales page

In the past Dawud has either put together a sales page that doesn’t hype things up or he’s gone in the total opposite direction and does the usual guru stuff where they really stretch the truth to it’s breaking point.

Let’s see what type this one is.

Lion Listings Sales page headline

If that headline is anything to go by then this will be the type of page that doesn’t hype stuff up, the only negative about that headline is the word “secret”.

I’m not sure they can be classed as secret because if they were then nobody is going to know they’re there and won’t go there to see what advertisements there are.

Looking over the sales video he says the places that he has found are not where people who promote JVZoo products or Clickbank Products have never heard of because they are not regular affiliate marketing vehicles.

Now that could mean they have heard of them they just choose not to use them because they’re a waste of time and don’t work.

He reckons each site will come with a full video tutorial so you know how to use it and they’ll give you some advanced techniques on making sure the ads you submit are worthwhile offers that are going to get you a response.

I’m not fully sure what he means when he says full tutorials because nearly all of them are just over 30 seconds long and as far as making sure the ads are worthwhile so you get a response I have no idea what that is about because I couldn’t find anything.

sales page hype

I’d contend that claim of any push button solution or get rich quick offers, you only have to look at The Lockdown Formula or Expansion to see that.

What I would say is that his income shots do seem consistent across a lot his sales pages and the rest of this particular sales page is pretty good in terms of not being hyped up.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Good Bits

  • Free Advertising
  • 30 day money back guarantee
  • ???

The Bad Bits

  • Huge competition
  • Scattergun approach
  • Questionable results (No Proof)

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Inside The Members Area

Before we get into the members area I just want to let you know about some possible problems with the upsells. These are the things you’re going to see right after you buy this, but before you access to the product you just bought.

Some vendors will offer a 30 day money back guarantee on the front end and then leave it off the upsells completely leaving you seriously out of pocket.

Take a look at Matthews comment here to see exactly what I mean.

When you do get access and have logged in you’ll see this dashboard:

lion listings members area

It’s all very easy to navigate around, the only thing I will say is when you begin to go through the 10 sites you will need to keep scrolling back up again to see each video.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Oto’s

Before we give you our final verdict on this let’s take a quick look at what the upsells are, how much they cost and if you can get any discounts on them.

  • OTO #1 – Pro version – $37 with a discount to $17
  • OTO #2 – Mega Traffic Package – $197 with a discount to $97
  • OTO #3 – Reseller rights x5 – $37 with a discount to $17
  • OTO #4 – DFY campaigns – $197 with a discount to $97
  • OTO #5 Launch with me – $997 with no discount

I really don’t think you need these after all isn’t the whole reason for buying this product so you can get traffic? Why would you want a mega traffic package.

Not only that, if you did buy that particular upsell then found out you could have got $100 discount you’d be pretty upset wouldn’t you, I know I would.

Just so you know, in order to get those discounts just click “No Thanks” at the bottom of each page.[su_divider top=”no”]

Final Thoughts

I found out some time ago that Dawud Islam doesn’t have any original ideas, he just bases his products off other people’s which is why he can release a product twice a month.

My thoughts on this product is it’s one of those that are designed to keep up his release schedule and not very well thought out as a product.

It seems like it’s just been slapped together into a product, the video are the shortest I’ve ever seen in a product and the training is non-existent.

He would be better off easing his schedule and putting some real thought into his next product because I’m sure he can do better than this.

lion listings not approved

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What Now?

When vendors try and think up new ideas on how to make things work be that getting traffic or bring out some fancy new software that is supposed to make affiliate marketing easy you know they are desperate.

There is only so many times you can say the same thing before it gets ridiculous.

Training that works will always be around for the simple reason it works, but vendors don’t want you to know that, they want to keep selling you the next big thing and there is no shortage of them.

If I could give you one bit of advice it would be choose a training platform that is tried and trusted. I found Wealthy Affiliate over 5 years ago now and they are one such platform that will help you succeed.

They’re actually offering free membership at the moment where they give you a free website so you can follow along the free training on getting started in affiliate marketing.

It’ll give you a good idea of what to expect without any of the financial commitment. Give it a go and see if it’s for you.

Simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.

wealthy affiliate free sign up

I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way so you won’t be left on your own. You’ll even meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you :)[su_divider top=”no”]

About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here:

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