Everywhere you look there seems to be another survey site springing up, but what is Piggy Bank Gpt about, is it just another survey site or something a bit different from all the rest and actually allow you to make some money, now we all know you won’t get rich doing surveys, but a bit of extra cash always comes in handy doesn’t it.
NAME: Piggy Bank Gpt
COST: Free to Join
WEBSITE: http://piggybankgpt.com/
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so just what is piggy bank gpt about
For those of you who are wondering what GPT means, it simply stands for Get Paid To.
founded in 2010 Piggy Bank Gpt claims that you will get paid to complete surveys and free offers or just by simply referring friends.
One of the main things i hate about these types of site is when you have continually put in your details only to be told ‘sorry this survey isn’t for you’ so i will be interested to see if this is any different.[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d0d0d0″]
the sign up process
The good thing it’s free to join so that’s exactly what I’m going to do now to see what it’s like on the inside. Once you’ve completed your details you’re taken to this area where you are shown messages in your inbox that are dated from 2011 – 2014They are simply notifications, for example the top one just lets you know they now offer Bitcoin as another payment method. But i am a little concerned that the last date is 2014, there must have been some updates since that time surely?
I must say that after going through the messages I’m more than a little bit lost as to what to do next there is so much going on that i really don’t know what to click next, it would be nice if they at least prompted you on what the next step actually was.
After going through the numerous options on the navigation bar i eventually found a guide section and boy is there a lot to do, i don’t mean in way of offers i mean there’s a lot to do before you even think about completing an offer, now i know you’re not going to be able to read this, but i thought I’d put it in here for you to get some idea of what I’m talking about
It basically talks about clearing cookies, disabling firewalls, using a new email address for every offer……What!!! That’s just crazy.
And here’s some more crazinessSo that’s not good is it, what they’re basically saying is “hey keep doing the offers, but we really don’t know if you’ll even get paid”
That page goes on to list a whole host of other requirments you must meet and if you don’t then you’re probably not going to get paid.
I’ve got to tell you now that I’m not really liking this site so far, you have got to do so many things and that’s before you even get to an offer! And don’t forget i still don’t know how to go about starting them anyway.
I’ve managed to find a tutorial on the navigation bar, but it’s not even by Piggy Bank Gpt, it’s by a third party who seems to have taken upon himself to provide it, Here’s the link for you to check out and i would recommend that you do have a look just to see how much stuff you have to do, it’s just unbelievable.
Their blog hasn’t been upated since the last entry in January 2013.
Christmas?? Really, It’s the end of March and they haven’t even been bothered to change their header.[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d0d0d0″]
what you’ll be doing
Well after being left to figure stuff out for myself i eventually decided to go for a medium survey to begin with.
only to be met with this
That happened for every other survey i tried. Now i don’t know if there’s a problem or glitch with the site, but every section i tried just bought up the same offers even the quiz section, even the credit card section.
OK so I’ll move on to the CONTESTS section which has 6 subsections unfortunately they all say the exact same thing “THERE ARE CURRENTLY NO CONTESTS”
The only other section i can see is ‘WALLS’, but you’ve guessed it, there’s nothing there only thisSo i have no idea what it is you’re going to be doing because i can’t access anything or it’s just not there.[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d0d0d0″]
how much can you earn
Not very much if this is anything to go by Lol. Now apart from NOT doing the surveys and offers you can earn by referring people, but why you’d want to refer anyone to this place is beyond me, anyway if you do refer someone you get 25% of what your referral earns and 5% from any people they refer.
Also you get 50 cents for every direct referral that completes their first offer which is worth 25 cents or over.[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#d0d0d0″]
final thoughts
I found that the site lacks any real direction in terms of showing the visitor what to do. But i think that is the least of your worries because i really don’t think this site is active at the moment, the last date of any sort of contact with an admin on live chat was January 22 this year! The site header is still showing Christmas decorations, there is no surveys to take, even the wall which is meant for Peanut Labs which is a well known platform is completely empty.
I really wouldn’t waste your time with this, there’s nothing going on.
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so what now
I don’t like these get paid to sites, i think there are much better ways to spend your time and earn a lot more than you’d ever earn completing surveys.
One of the ways to earn some extra money, well actually a full time income if you wanted to, is to follow me in what i do. You can check this out by clicking the banner below to see if it’s something you could see yourself doing. It’s totally free to get started so what are you waiting for?
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What do think of Piggybank GPT? Do you know of any better GPT sites? Let us know in the comments below.
Hi Sharon,
Appreciate the “review” of Piggy Bank Gpt. I use the quotes because it sounds like it took you about 5 minutes to decide it was a waste of time. I appreciate you investing more of your valuable time to confirm that it’s a complete waste of time. I mean, not updated since 2013?? What in the world??
It’s amazing to me how many “opportunities” there are like this floating out there and even more amazing how many people go down that rabbit hole. It’s apparent you are a big fan of WA. I am as well.
If you don’t mind my asking have you found any survey taking gigs that are actually worth something? Thanks,
Mat A.
Yeah you’re right it didn’t take very long to determine this isn’t a great “opportunity” for people to become involved in.
To be very honest with you taking surveys for any sort of money is the wrong path to take, your time is worth SO much more.
Hi Sharon.
Being a past member of survey sites, I personally have always found that it drives me crazy to start answering questions only soon to find out that I was soon disqualified from completing the survey.
With that a member usually earn nothing, not one penny in this type of venture. Why in the world then do many of these sites ask you to take the time in completing in some cases a lengthy profile in providing info about your background? They have all of this info, yet they send you surveys that quite obviously and based on your profile you just do not fit the intended demographic.
Piggy Bank GPT fits this type of unorganized survey site. Even further you provided info that in actuality this site might be one of the worst found online in the category of survey sites. I did not understand how after you joined this site, they sent you dated emails found in your inbox from years ago. Huh?
Other experiences that you illustrated in your article with interacting with what was available at Piggy Bank I would find unacceptable. Who is running that site, the 3 Stooges Curly, Moe and Larry seen in the famous 1930s early television comedies? The management of this survey site is just plain incompetent.
You made it fairly simple to see that spending time out of one’s day in the attempt to make money at this survey site is just a waste of time – time that a person could never get back in his/her life either!
Completely agree with you Jeff, it actually really annoys me going through the whole process only to be told sorry you don’t qualify for this survey, but that sort of thing happens so often it’s a wonder any surveys ever get done.
I understand the need for your details to enable the right survey for you, but come on, why oh why do you have keep putting them in, surely you only need to do it once at the main site then that information is fed out to the survey offers you pick and if they are not right then you’d know straight away without having to go through the whole process again.
Thanks for your well thought out comment