The Halloween Method Review

Welcome to my review of The Halloween Method. This is a new product release from Dawud Islam that has taken a slightly different route concerning the name.

Normally he tries to shoehorn some type of animal into the title which has given him the nickname “The Zookeeper” perhaps he’s just run out of animal related names.

I’m actually glad he’s trying something new and hopefully that freshness will filter over to the actual product because a lot of his previous releases have become a bit stagnant and very predictable.

You’re obviously here because you’ve got an email promoting this and you want to know a bit more about it which is exactly the right thing to do.

A lot of the reviews you’ll see concentrate on selling you all the positive aspects of this without really dissecting it and getting to the nitty gritty of it.

This review on the other hand will do more than just repeat what the sales page says and we’ll actually be going through the whole product to fully understand what this is and what it involves.

That way we can give you an honest opinion on whether this is a product you need in your life or something you need to run away from.

So, without further ado, let’s get cracking….

NAME: The Halloween Methodthe halloween method review

OWNER: Dawud Islam

PRICE: $14.95


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What Is The Halloween Method About?

Before we can judge the claims on the sales page we need to know what the product requires you to do and what it involves so what I like to do whenever I have review access is to go through the product before I even look at the sales page.

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This method revolves around you either giving away a pre selected product or selling that particular product and building a buyers email list.

The product in question is in a fact a bundle of products within the one product and it was actually released around August this year.

The giveaway you have access to is called Animal Kingdom Anarchy and consists of 35 different products which is immense.

And that basically is what The Halloween Method is about, pretty simple if you ask me. This does have some additional training which I’ll cover in a later section.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Sales page

Now we know what this product is about let’s take a quick look at the sales page to see what Dawud is claiming this can do for you.

the Halloween method sales page headline

Normally the sales pages that Dawud puts together are understated and pretty truthful, it’s only when he partners up with someone that they can get out of control.

That headline you see above is a bit confusing though because this product is mainly about giving away a product, not selling it, so I can only assume that this relies on the people you give this away to actually buying the upsells which you will get a commission for.

Seeing income shots of someone’s earnings is seen as proof the method works, but when the same screenshot is used across multiple products the message is somewhat diluted if not unbelievable.

sales page hype

I’m not sure those statements above are hype, everything that is being said there is pretty much true. I don’t know what the 10 minutes a day relates to though because once this is set up you don’t really need to do much else certainly not on a daily basis.

Are you going to get daily profits on demand? Probably not.

Like almost every product I review this one claims all you need is 3 steps to see results. Now while it does seem that the 3 steps is a reasonable statement the third step is a confusing one.

He claims all you need to do is rinse and repeat to see daily commissions like the one below:

income screenshot

That’s the screenshot I was referring to earlier on, the one where it’s been used on previous products to back up their claims of how the product can make money.

Apart from using income shots from other products this sales page is pretty tame compared to most.[su_divider top=”no”]

Who Is This For?

You are going to need traffic, but this product doesn’t focus on that, this is more for the person who already has traffic and is looking to build an email list with a giveaway that almost guarantees people will opt in.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Good Bits

  • 30 day money back guarantee
  • 35 products to give away
  • Free squeeze pages

The Bad Bits

  • No training on getting traffic
  • ????

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Inside The Members Area

I think it’s about time we take a look inside the members area to see what else is in there in regards to what you get when you buy this.

the Halloween method members area

As with all his products this is built on the Clickfunnels platform and is very reliable and easy to navigate around with the menu on the left and the corresponding videos on the right and any resources accessible underneath the appropriate video.

As you work your way down the menu though you will need to keep scrolling back up the page to see the video.

The training consists of 7 videos:

  • Ghostly introduction
  • Learning the trick
  • Selecting your treat
  • Repeat like a zombie
  • Black cat Not black hat method
  • Bea witch or a wizard
  • Freak out your competition

And after that you have the resources section where you can access the giveaway product and the squeeze pages.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Oto’s

This particular product comes with 5 upsells that you are going to see right after you buy this, but before you get access. My thoughts are that you should skip these for now and concentrate on the main product.

You can always buy them at a later date as they are available inside the members area anyway.

  • OTO #1 – Pro version – $37 with a downsell to $17
  • OTO #2 – Weekly DFY campaigns – $197 with a downsell to $97
  • OTO #3 – Reseller rights – $37 with a downsell to $17
  • OTO #4 – Hidden secrets of product launching – $197 with a downsell to $97
  • OTO #5 – VIP package – $37 with a downsell to $17

Don’t feel like you need to buy these because like I said they are available inside the members area. If you do want to buy them and don’t want ot pay the full price and let’s be honest who would, all you need to do is click “No Thanks” at the bottom of each page and you’ll get the downsell price.[su_divider top=”no”]

Final Thoughts

Dawud has put out some real rubbish lately and it seems like he’s more concerned with keeping to a release schedule rather than giving his customers real value.

That being said I’m quite impressed with this product. It gives you or more importantly the people who are giving you their email a lot of value, 35 products worth.

Most campaigns only offer one lead magnet in return for an email address, this blows that out of the water.

It’s a simple product, there are no complicated parts to it and if already have an audience that you are looking to convert into an email list this will work very well.

I have no hesitation in approving this one.

the halloween method approved

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What Now?

I hope this review of The Halloween Method has really helped you out in deciding if it’s for you or not. If it really wasn’t what you were expecting then I’d like to quickly recommend a way that will allow you to make the sort of money online that you may have only dreamed of.

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I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way. You’ll even meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you, but whatever you decide to do I sincerely wish you all the best because there is honestly no feeling like it when you can earn money online :)[su_divider top=”no”]

About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here:

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