The Attract And Convert System Review

Welcome to The Attract And Convert System review. Today we’re going to be looking at a product that has been out for a few days now, but for some reason doesn’t seem to getting a lot of attention from the usual reviewers.

There could be a number of reasons for this, but the chances are you’re looking for a review because like me you’ve received emails about this product.

I have to say you’re doing exactly the right thing, looking for an independent review before you buy it.

I’ve come across this vendor a few times on this blog, but usually he’s been partnered with other people and I think the outcome has been around a 50/50 split in terms of quality.

This time around though he’s completely on his own so it’ll be interesting to see what sort of product he puts together although I have read that this is just another rehashed product.

One things for sure you and I will both know by the end of this review if they are right or not.

I’ll be going over what this actually is, if the claims on the sales page live up to the hype and I’ll actually be going inside the members area to see what you get.

I’ll also cover the upsells (Look out for an important warning), the pros and cons and will wrap things up with my final thoughts finishing off with either an approved stamp or a not approved stamp.

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

NAME: The Attract And Convert SystemThe attract and convert system review

OWNER: Edwin Mik

PRICE: $27


Number one way to make money online

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What Is The Attract And Convert System About?

It wouldn’t be unreasonable to think to find out what this system is about all you need to do is look at sales page, unfortunately I’ve seen so many sales pages that either don’t tell a thing about the product or hype it up so much it’s beyond a joke.

So what I like to do is tell you what the product is straight from the start. I can do this because I have access to the members area.

The Attract And Convert System concentrates on 3 things, traffic generation, sales funnels and email marketing. He supplies templates and done for you solutions where he could.

The process involves:

  1. Interact on social media
  2. Organic traffic to your Facebook profile
  3. Create a lead magnet
  4. After optin, people will be taken to a bridge page with an affiliate offer on it
  5. That will trigger an email sequence to start building a relationship

He reckons you should be able to launch this in a couple of hours tops, which I think is a pretty optimistic especially if you are new.

I’ll go into more detail as to what’s involved in those steps a bit later, but for now that is what it’s about.

The Sales Page

I haven’t actually had a good look at the sales page yet, but I’m hoping it’s true to what you actually get because from what I’ve seen so far I’ve got a good feeling about this and I hope they don’t screw it all up with a sales page full of lies.

The attract and convert system sales page headline

I’m not sure why they are calling this a Brand New affiliate system?? Neither do I know why there are saying you don’t need a list? Or that there is no product creation.

We know that using Facebook to funnel prospects isn’t anything new and we know that part of this method requires a list to email to, as for the product creation you need to create a lead magnet which is, for all intents and purposes, a product whether you like or not.

sales page hype

I’ve got a couple of issues with those statements. The first being ‘No Experience needed’. Unfortunately the training doesn’t go into enough detail for someone with no experinece to fully understand.

Secondly, this is being advertised as something that will work on complete autopilot, but as you can see above he says you need to put in at least 1 or 2 hours every day, not exactly autopilot.

If I’m honest I’m really not impressed with this sales page, it’s way too unrealistic, full of ‘what if’s’ and ‘imagine that’ sort of thing.

So as much as I was impressed with a first look at the product itself I’m equally unimpressed with the sales page which is a real shame.[su_divider top=”no”]

Inside The Members Area

Once you buy this you’d be forgiven for thinking that you’re going to get access to it straight away, but that’s not the case. If you’ve bought any products like this in the past you’ll be familiar with upsells.

This product has 3 upsells that you’re going to see before you actually get to the members area. My take on upsells is you really don’t need them and there are times when you could lose all the money you paid for them if you want a refund.

Not sure what I mean? Take a look at Matthews Comment here to see exactly what I’m on about.

Back to the members area. once you get past the upsells you’ll find yourself in a very easy to navigate dashboard area.

The attract and convert system members area

You have all the navigation on the left with the main area showing the videos. Any done for you stuff will be under the relevant video.

  • Welcome – 1.59
  • Overview – 3.45
  • Finding Offers to Promote – 7.03
  • Traffic Generation – 15.36
  • Facebook Profile Optimization – 6.45
  • Setting Up Your Funnel – 11.37
  • Creating a Lead Magnet – 10.00
  • Creating Bonuses – 8.10
  • Creating Graphics – 2.50
  • SOAP Email Sequence – 11.05
  • Seinfeld Email Sequence – 14.06
  • Done For You Funnel – contains Clickfunnels share link, Elementor funnel, Email follow up sequence and background images. (This is an upsell option)

I have to point out here that some of the downloads wouldn’t work for me. for example the email follow up sequence doesn’t go anywhere.

The Seinfeld email sequence leads to the SOAP email sequence. The Facebook Profile Optimization video has 2 resources that lead to Google search page when they are meant to be a mp4 video and PDF slides.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Oto’s

As we already know this comes with 3 upsells which to be fair is a relatively small amount, it’s still 3 too many in my opinion, but when you consider the trend at the moment seems to be having as much as 6 upsells, 3 is quite good.

  • OTO #1 – The Black Marketing Folder – $27 per month
  • OTO #2 – The Black Swipe File – $47
  • OTO #3 – Done For You Affiliate Funnel – $167

I really don’t understand upsells, I know there are there to get more money out of you, but if the claims on the sales page were true why would you need these?[su_divider top=”no”]

Final Thoughts

I actually had high hopes for this, but the deeper I went the more disappointed I became. That’s not to say there’s not anything of value in here not just $27 worth.

This will give you a basic overview, but that’s about it.

The way you have to get traffic is a concern. Just getting traffic from Facebook is known for not converting like targeted traffic. The reason for that is probably because people are seeing the same offers all the time.

This method requires you to spend quite a lot of time on Facebook which brings with it it’s own problems with distraction. You have to join around 10 groups in your niche and begin to build engagement.

That isn’t going to happen overnight and you’re not going to see results in 24hrs like they tell you either. You need to friend request 20 -25 per day and you need to post 3 – 5 times a week sharing your success stories, tips, etc.

But what if you haven’t got any success? or tips? Remember this is meant to be for newbies.

If you’re joining 10 groups, posting 3 – 5 times a week, sending out 20 – 25 friend requests each day per group. That all adds up to a lot of time spent spamming Facebook.

Unfortunately this is one of those products that feed on peoples dreams of making money online.

not approved

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What Other Options Are There?

Spending your time spamming Facebook and getting distracted by every notification isn’t my idea of making money online. Facebook is becoming increasingly hard to market on.

I prefer to spend my time building something that I’m in total control of.

The better option would be to have your own website. Now before you go into meltdown thinking there’s no way on Earth you could build a website, I’m going to tell you that creating one in 30 seconds is totally possible even if you’ve never created one before.

Having your own website is like building your house on rock solid foundations, without that your house will crumble and fall and the same goes for your online business.

The best way to build those foundations is to create a FREE Starter account at Wealthy Affiliate and when you have those foundations the sky really is the risk sign up

Click the banner below to get instant access and start your amazing journey

wealthy affiliate free sign upI’ll be there to personally welcome you on the inside. You’ll even meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you :)[su_divider top=”no”]

About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here:

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