Welcome ladies and gentlemen to my Supernova Profits review. Today were going to be looking at a product by Sasha Ilic. I’ve had the opportunity to review a few of his previous products and they have all failed to live up to the hype of the sales page.
He’s even been known to rehash old products, making out their a “brand new Method” when in reality they’ve been released before under a different name.
I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out to see if this product has done the rounds before and will let you know because there could be a chance that you’ve actually bought the product they’re rehashing!
Anyway this review will take a look at the sales page to see how it compares to the actual product, we’ll also go inside the members area to see just what it is you’re going to be getting.
We will also cover the upsells as well as giving you our final thoughts as to whether this is a good use of your money and whether it’s a viable method or a complete lemon.
NAME: Supernova Profits
OWNERS: Sasha Ilic & Chris Nunez
PRICE: $9.80
WEBSITE: https://supernovaprofits.com/live/
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The Sales page
Let’s start off with a look at the sales page and I do this for a couple of reasons but the main one is to see if what they are claiming actually makes it into the product.
Too many times I’ve seen sales pages claim that their product can do this and do that but what push comes to shove the product is nothing like the what the sales page describes.
So, there’s a couple of things that stand out for me in that headline. The first being the words “watch ME”, the second is the “forgotten traffic source” and the third is that they do all that with no experience.
Perhaps they have forgotten the previous products they have released?
Take for example Flipsy 2.0 which they released in February this year:
Do you see the similarities? How they claim how easy it is to make $200+. I didn’t get a chance to review that particular product so I don’t know too much about it, but the 2 sales pages look scarily similar. Take this for example:
Then we have Flipsy 2.0:
See what I mean? Basically they use a cookie cutter template and change the name which to me doesn’t exactly fill me with the greatest of confidence that this product is going to be worthwhile.
The shots taken of income supposedly earned from using this method are the easiest to fake if someone wanted to. I could actually duplicate evey single income shot.
What I’m trying to say is don’t base your decision around screenshots like that because there’s a good possibility that they are completely false.
What I do like is the fact that they are actually telling you what it is the “forgotten” platform is you’re going to be using. Believe me I see so many sales pages that don’t even tell you what it is you’re supposed to be buying.
The other thing they have to be applauded for is disclosing that this is an evolution of a previous product, Reddlab, which was released 2 years ago.
Again I didn’t review Reddlab so I can’t compare the two.
Having said that the rest of the sales page reverts pretty much to type, filled with claims of massive traffic and making sales as a result of that traffic.[su_divider top=”no”]
What Is Supernova Profits Really About?
As we already know this is about using Reddit, but what they didn’t tell you was the fact that the training you get inside is almost identical to an older product of Sasha Ilic called Snap Money Method.
They have added some other training about finding offers, but essentially it’s just a rehash of an old product that they are actually giving away as a “bonus” in the members area.
The first video actually tells you that this method isn’t a quick fix, it tells you that it’s going to take time and effort to actually build up your reputation by providing value before you even think about trying to sell anything.
That’s a bit different from what the sale page was inferring.
The training in here focuses on creating more than one Reddit account and using a VPN to hide your IP address which as he admits in the video is NOT approved by the Reddit T&Cs;.
Reddit will find out that you are doing these shady tactics and as such this will lead to your accounts being banned.
Not a good start.
Basically what you have to do is choose a subreddit, find or create content to post, use a VPN for your different accounts, find offers on various platforms like WarriorPlus, create an Autoresponder account if you haven’t got one and linking to the offer correctly.
By that I mean you cannot just link to an offer in Reddit you have to redirect to a blog first which means you’ll have to have your own website.
You can use Google docs but anytime I’ve seen that method used it looks totally unprofessional.[su_divider top=”no”]
Inside The Members Area
Before we dive into the members area I want to give you a warning about the upsells that you are going to see straight after you buy this, but before you get access to it.
I’ve had so many people contact me to tell how hard it is, even impossible to get their money back for the upsells and seeing as this has 4 upsells you could find yourself severely out of pocket.
A good example of this is what happened to Matthew, you can take a look at his comment here and hopefully save yourself some money.
When you do get access to your purchase you’ll find yourself in the members area:
Just beneath the intro video you’ll find a couple of links to their Facebook page, registration for a workshop and strangely enough a link for which says “You can flip domains you don’t own here” which leads you to the sales page for Flipsy 2.0.
I have no idea what flipping domains has to do with a Reddit product?
Supernova Profits contains the training in PDF format as well as videos which I think is always good to have as an option.
The training consists of 10 videos:
- Introduction to Reddit – 12.55
- Choosing a Subreddit – 6.17
- Hiding your IP address – 4.41
- Fnding Offers on WarriorPlus – 9.28
- Finding Offers on JVZoo – 7.35
- Finding Offers on Clickbank – 10.35
- Creating an AR Account – 3.21
- Linking The Offer Correctly – 10.03
- Choosing a Link To Post – 3.25
- Submitting a Link to Reddit – 2.19
And that’s Supernova Profits.[su_divider top=”no”]
The OTO’s
OTO stands for One Time Offer which should mean you’re only going to see the offer while you’re on the sales page and you’ll never get a chance to see it again.
Don’t worry, these OTO’s are readily available inside the members area so don’t feel like you’re going to miss out on a great opportunity.
You know my stance on these upsells, you really don’t need them, but I’ll go over what they are and if there are any downsells to them so at least if you decide to get them you’ll get a bit of a discount.
- OTO #1 – Traffic on Demand – $27.45 plus $27.45 every month until cancelled
- OTO #2 – DFY package – $27.45 with a downsell to $19.45
- OTO #3 – Reddit PPC – $37.45 with a downsell to $29
- OTO #4 – Private Coaching – $77.95
If you were thiking of buying this product then my advice to you would be to forget about the upsells and concentrate on the front end purchase, see if it’s for you or not.
If it isn’t for you then all you’re risking is $10 and if you do like it then you can buy the upsells from within the members area.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
There’s not a doubt in my mind that this is simply a rehash of an old product, it’s not a brand new traffic method like the sales page claims.
I said at the start that he has a habit of rehashing old products and it’s a habit he hasn’t managed to quit unfortunately.
The only thing I liked about this product was letting people know this was about using Reddit and the inclusion of PDF and video for the training.
I really don’t like the fact you have to create multiple accounts and hide your IP and neither does Reddit. It goes against their terms and conditions.
The way you’re being led to believe this is an easy way to make money is just wrong, yes Reddit can be a source of traffic, but not the massive amounts being suggested and certainly not easily.
The true amount of work you’d need to put in is only revealed once you get into the training and what is the point in putting in all that hard work only for Reddit to shut you down because you follow their T&c’s.
It’s for those reason I’m not going to be approving this.
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What Now?
Knowing the amount of work needed to make that method work and then having it at risk of being shut down at anytime made me realise that having my own website is really special.
You can have your own website too. Safe in the knowledge no-one can take it away from you. All the hard work you put in will never be in jeopardy.
The trouble is how do you do that? This is where I can help you. I’ve been a member of this really special platform for over 5 years.
Wealthy Affiliate really has changed my life and it can change yours too.
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I’ll meet you on the inside and help you every step of the way, even the owners will stop by to say hello and help any way they can :)[su_divider top=”no”]