Welcome to my Social Robot review. Billy Darrs’ tag line for this product is: “Are you sick of the B.S?”
Whenever I see headlines like that it always makes me laugh especially when you see it from vendors who generally pedal the B.S by the barrow load.
They can very easily be the worst offenders of B.S.
I’ve had the mispleasure of reviewing a number of Billy Darrs’ previous products with only the last one being approved if I remember rightly.
And that was mainly because he ventured away from his usual software rehashes that struggled to work the majority of the time.
Unfortunately, he seems to have decided to go back down the software route with this one. Only time will tell if this is on the same level as his other attempts or if he has indeed he’s raised his game.
NAME: Social Robot
OWNERS: Billy Darr, David Kirby
& Justin Opay
PRICE: $22.95
WEBSITE: http://www.socialrobot.io/brand-new
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What Is Social Robot About
It claims to be a brand new push button software that generates free unstoppable buyer traffic in as little as 5 minutes!
But you know the best part? They reckon they’ll send $100 if you don’t get any results! I’m pretty sure there’ll be some sort of loophole in the small print so they don’t have to honor that.
I’ve been over the whole sales page with a fine tooth comb (more on that in the next section) and apart from it being a piece of software that you can use to get affiliate sales I couldn’t find one bit of information on what it is the software does or what you have to do.
So, let’s cut to the chase here, it’s obvious they want to keep it a secret until you actually buy it and get inside, but I don’t agree with that, I think you should be well aware of what it is you’re going to be buying right from the start.
Social Robot lets you create PDFs’ with your affiliate link inside which you share to social media direct from the software:
Now we know the basis of this software let’s take a quick look at the claims they’re making on the sales page because sometimes they are so outrageous it’s not even funny.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Sales Page
The first thing that caught my attention was the opening lines of the video when it states: “Did you know it’s possible to push a button and get unstoppable free buyer traffic in as little as 5 minutes? Well if that excites you pay close attention”
Well of course it’s going to excite you, the trouble is it isn’t possible, no matter how much you wish it were.
And statements like that are totally irresponsible, remember their tagline, well I think that applies here.
It says that this only takes 3 steps with step number 2 only requiring you to input some simple information. Well part of the PDF that you are creating, which by the way I would class as content creation, requires you to write a review of the product.
Now, in one of the training videos he demonstrates the software in ‘action’ but he fails to show you the finished PDF from the info he put in.
So, I put in the exact same information and created the PDF to show you what it looks like if you don’t put the effort in.
That might be a bit difficult to see, but do you get what I mean? It’s pretty poor don’t you think. No wonder he doesn’t show you that in the training or the sales page for that matter.
If you saw that it wouldn’t exactly compel you to buy it would it.
Any product that you promote you’re going to have to do a review of, you can’t just stick a couple of lines of rubbish and expect people to buy it, it’s just not going to happen.
You know what this actually reminds me of another software product that he released and I’ve just remembered what it was: Auto Affiliate Machine 1.0 & 2.0.
Here’s the dashboard for this product, Social Robot:
And here it is for Auto Affiliate Machine 2.0:
They are exactly the same!
This is just another rehash in a long line of rehashes. Sick of the B.S? Damn right we are![su_divider top=”no”]
What Did I like?
- Not a great deal
- Money back guarantee perhaps
What I Didn’t Like
- A complete rehash of an old product without the slightest indication that is what it is on the sales page
- This is meant to be BRAND NEW
- Training shouldn’t be allowed to be called training it’s that poor.
- It’s going to take a lot more than 3 simple steps to get buyer traffic and sales
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Who’s Going To Use This?
If all the claims on the sales page were true then I’d expect most people would want to use this wouldn’t they? And of course that’s the purpose of the sales page.
The trouble is though the only people who are going to be duped by this are those that either haven’t seen his previous products or are looking for the push button software that doesn’t actually exist by the way and believe all the hype on the sales page.
People who have even the slightest experience in the make money online niche will know this product isn’t worth the time or the money.
Just a quick heads up, if you were thinking of getting this then you can take advantage of the $5 discount:
To get that you just need to go to click away form the sales page and that will pop up.[su_divider top=”no”]
Inside Social Robot
OK, so let’s take a more detailed look at what you get inside Auto Affiliate Machine, sorry I meant to say Social Robot 🙂
Before you get to your new purchase you need to get past the upsells of which there are 5.
Now, these upsells are something that I never recommend getting first time round, I’ll give you the links to them in the next section so you can still access them if you want, but for now just skip them.
When you get into the dashboard you’ll see a small menu in the left hand side.
It’s from there you can access the PDF maker, link your social accounts and access the world-class training.
This training consists of 4 videos:
- Video 1 – Big Picture Overview – 4.16
- Video 2 – Accessing The Software – 3.04
- Video 3 – Build Your Audience – 7.08
- Video 4 – Driving Traffic & Making Sales – 8.22
So there you have just over 22 minutes of ‘training’.
One thing that I almost forgot to tell you guys is when you’ve made your PDF, the links to share it include Google Plus which for those of you that aren’t aware shut down some time ago and is no longer available.
This just goes to further show how old this product really is and that they couldn’t even be bothered to get that link removed.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
The sales pages for the upsells are as bad as main product one, full of hype. It really annoys me that you have to put up with rubbish products and then be expected to buy more rubbish products.
The only positive I can see is these upsells do have the same guarantee as the front end product so you’re not going to come unstuck when it comes to getting your money back like it did for Matthew here in the comments.
- OTO #1 – $42 – Unlimited Edition – This lets you run unlimited PDFs’ which I’ve got to be honest didn’t realise that you couldn’t do that with the normal version.
- OTO #2 – $42 – Automatic Edition – This version unlocks additional accounts and scheduling ability
- OTO #3 – £47 – 5K Daily Edition – Shows potentially how to scale up to 5k a day
- OTO #4 – $47 – Supreme Edition – Resell rights to the entire funnel
- OTO #5 – $197 – Luxury Edition – You will get a custom funnel set up.
There is something that I need to tell you about regarding the money back guarantee. The first upsell does have the 365-day money back guarantee, but number 2 and 5 only have 45 days even though the respective sales pages say 365 days, so just be aware of that.
The other thing is OTO #1 has a $5 discount if you click ‘No Thanks’ at the bottom of the sales page, OTO #2 has a $10 discount.
OTO #3 doesn’t have a downsell, but OTO #4 does have a $10 discount.
The best is for last with a $100 discount on OTO #5 if you click ‘No Thanks’ at the bottom of the page.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
Run for the hills, no, I’m serious, run and don’t look back.
Like most of the other cloud based software that get released this is severely over hyped and severely lacking in substance.
What I can’t quite understand is why on earth you’d need software to create a PDF? Why not just use something like Google Docs. It’s easy to use and you simply export as PDF.
You can add the images you want and probably more importantly you’re not going to be restricted in what you produce because this software only has one single template, you haven’t got any choice.
The quality of what it produces is pretty poor and I can’t see any reason for anyone wanting to buy a product after seeing something like that.
Which brings me to the claims they make about creating unstoppable buyer traffic in 5 minutes. It’s never going to happen.
The included training is so superficial it’s not really worth being in there and as for the fact this is a rehash of an old product, that’s just unacceptable.
This has got to be as bad as some of their other stuff like the woeful Traffic Robot which claimed you could get free traffic in under 60 seconds
I really hope you get the chance to read this review before you make the mistake of buying this product, I really do.
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Your Next Step
When it comes to getting traffic to your offers the best way is targeted free traffic which comes from the search engines, people are actively looking for information on products which is why you’re probably here in the first place.
And if I was promoting this and gave it a glowing review like most of the other reviews have then chances are I’d make a sales and get a commission.
But it’s that targeted traffic that’s the problem, how do you get in front of it. Well you could pay for ads to get yourself in a position to get seen or you could learn SEO the right way never have to pay for traffic again.
If you want to know exactly how it’s done then just copy me.
There’s a quote that goes something like this:
“Do exactly as I say until you find out it doesn’t work or until you find out I’m lying, well I don’t lie and it does work”
That’s why I’m still there over 4 years down the line.
If you want to read a detailed review of Wealthy Affiliate then click here.
Alternatively if you’re feeling adventurous you can click the banner below to go straight to the sign up page, you only need your email and you’re good to go, no credit card, the starter membership is free.

I’ll meet you on the inside and help you every step of the way :)[su_divider top=”no”]
Thank you very much indeed. You have done me a massive favour. You are the real McCoy.
Glad to have helped 🙂
Just more of the gurus “I’ll promote your crap if you promote mine”. Look at some of the names promoting this garbage! Art Flair for gods sake who has come out with some good products is right there whoring for them! My biggest question is just what this is supposed to do for the newbie who does not have a big social media following? Who is going to read these pdfs? And if you do have a social following, who reads pdfs on social sights anymore? No imagery or video and you are sight unseen. If it has these guys name on it RUN FAST AND FAR!
Don’t hold back Jim, I love it!
“Did you know it’s possible to push a button and get unstoppable free buyer traffic in as little as 5 minutes? Well if that excites you pay close attention”
Statements like that haven’t excited me for some time now. Many sales pages say stuff about how there is a lot of b.s. out there, but theirs is obviously different. And yet they make the same kind of claims the other sales pages make. So are the others all b.s. but theirs is good? Doesn’t make sense.
You know, I heard this thing about how if a salesperson is using tactics like this, it means they think you are dumb enough to be fooled by it. I was one of the dumb ones that fell for these sorts of products and claims. And the thing is, it’s not even necessarily a traditional scam where they promise you a large sum of money, only you pay a little fee and then they give you the money. You could technically argue that that is what they are doing but this is a little different because you are getting an actual product, even if the quality isn’t good and maybe you didn’t truly get what you paid for. I’m talking about advanced fee scams that I’ve seen scambaiting YouTube videos on-you don’t get access to a product in those is what I’m saying. And even if the product you get isn’t something “brand new” or even “newbie friendly” as was hyped up on the sales page, the method it talks about is something that COULD work, in theory. Maybe the product talks about building a list, sending offers to that list and making affiliate sales. We all know that that is something that can make you money. It’s just that there are a ton of more things that go into it that they don’t tell you, that they don’t prepare you for. You’re left thinking all you need is that $9 product and you’re good. And when it doesn’t work like they made it out to, it leaves you feeling discouraged from even continuing to try. I think that’s the biggest problem I have with these things, is that they waste people’s time and do not provide benefit and value to people’s lives; they make peoples’ lives worse because of all the negative things that can come from their products. They are decreasing the quality of lives of their customers, they are making them become miserable and that pisses me off. You can’t run a business like that. I’m not saying this as a generalization but it is true in what seems to be a majority of cases with these online things
You make some great points David, and yes I think they do actually think people are stupid.