Riserr Review – Is It A Complete Waste Of Time?

Welcome to our Riserr review, Art Flair is someone we’ve come across a number of times on this site and some of his products have been good and a number of them leave a lot to be desired, sometimes just rehashing one of his old products!

So you never know what you’re going to be getting with one of Art’s products, it’ll be interesting….

NAME: Riserrriserr review

OWNERS: Art Flair

PRICE: $9 + upsells

WEBSITE: http://artofmarketing.academy/riserr/[su_divider top=”no”]


what is riserr about

In a nutshell it’s all about making simple gigs that you can place on sites like Fiverr, Upwork and people per Hour and these gigs are going to be mostly in the graphic design of flyers, banners.[su_divider top=”no”]

the sales page

Taking a look at the sales page is always a good way to get a feel for the product you’re about to buy. We always take an in depth look because a lot of the time people just tend to skim over what is being said on there and don’t really take a serious look as to what it is they are actually offering you.

On this particular sales page you’re met with an attention grabbing headline and Ron doing a video. Now if you’ve been around the make money online niche for any amount of time you’re sure to have come across Ron at some stage or another, he seems to be the front man for a lot of products, Todd Gross is another one.

sales page

Anyway Ron starts off by telling you about a “secret online tool” that is going to make you $80 – $100 a day.

The tool he is talking about isn’t secret, in fact it’s one of the most used free online design tools around, perhaps you’ve heard of it, it’s Canva.com, i use it all the time and i know a lot of other people who use it too, so it’s definitely not “secret”

The other thing that stands out is “100% newbie friendly” and “takes 3 minutes to set up”. A lot of products say this sort of thing, but we’ve never ever come across one that is either of those things.

I must say that the rest of the sales page is pretty tame compared to most.[su_divider top=”no”]

so who’s going to use this

Well i think that the sales page says it all really in that this is firmly aimed at someone how has no experience and i say that because anyone who has got any type of experience will know all about Canva and Fiverr so this won’t be anything new to them.

Anyone who’s new might be able to make use of this, however the market is extremely saturated so be prepared for the long haul and don’t think you’re just going to be making $80 – $100 a day straight away because i’m here to tell you know that is not going to happen. Sorry.[su_divider top=”no”]

what i liked

  • The videos are very clear
  • how to set up a Fiverr account
  • How to create a gig
  • Other marketplaces
  • Other design platforms

what i didn’t like

  • No training on how to create your designs for your gigs
  • Training doesn’t go in depth enough (leaves you with a lot of questions)
  • No instruction how to join other marketplaces
  • Makes it sound a lot easier than it really is[su_divider top=”no”]

what’s in the training1-recommendation-

For your main purchase price you are given access to the main training area which is supposedly going to give you everything you’re going to need to enable you to make the $80 – $100 a day income.

The main training consists of 8 videos with 2 more showing additional marketplaces and design sites and you then also have 2 bonus training videos which were from a previous product back in 2015.riserr training

  • RISERR Video 1 – What’s The Story? 3.31
  • RISERR Video 2 – What Did I Discover? 3.30
  • RISERR Video 3 – What are we doing? 3.41
  • RISERR Video 4 – Account Creation 4.03
  • RISERR Video 5 – Gig Creation 13.47
  • RISERR Video 6 – Delivery 6.30
  • RISERR Video 7 – Your Upsells 9.36
  • RISERR Video 8 – Delivery & Promotion 4.49

As you can see not the most advanced training in the world, in fact only the last 5 videos are actually showing you anything helpful. So you have just over 30 minutes of “training”

There is a link in there which will take you to the Canva tutorial page which goes to show how difficult it actually is to create anything that is going to remotely stand a chance of selling in an over saturated marketplace.

The other videos are

  • RISERR Video 9 – More Marketplaces 7.09
  • RISERR Video 10 – More Sites 3.33


2 Bonus Training Videos (5.22 & 11.53)

the oto’s

These types of products nearly always give 100% of the price to their affiliates who are marketing it for them. So the otos are where the creator of the product gets the chance to make some money, unfortunately it’s normally where the good stuff is.

Let’s see what’s included in these ones.

OTO #1 $67 $25


In this oto you’re going to be shown how to get ranking in fiverr quickly. riserr oto 1

He basically tells you to con people into thinking you’re a trusted seller by leaving five start ratings on your account by buying your own gigs from 5 different accounts that you have set up using different IP addresses.

And you are going to keep doing this until you reach 50 sales which by doing this you are going to be elevated to a level 2 seller.


OTO #2 $97 $35


This oto contains

  • 2 case studies, one with Art Flair himself and the other with Cason Bo with a run time of 28 minutes and 42 minutes respectively.
  • 30 done for you gigs. That’s not exactly true as you still have to create the gig, all you get in this is the sales copy and the links to what you need to deliver the gig.
  • 3 extra money making methods in PDF form from his old products
  • 50 squeeze pages from Greg Kononenko
  • 847 images
  • Free bonus (Offline Fiverr Goldmine)

OTO #3 $197 $55

This is a license to enable you to resell this and keep 100% profits

OTO #4 $497 $97

This is a private mastermind group where you get 1 on 1 access to Art. Apart from that i can’t tell too much about this as i didn’t purchase it.[su_divider top=”no”]

final thoughts

This is a bit of a tough one for me, the quality of the training is pretty poor to be fair. It’s definitely going to leave you with a lot more questions than it actual answers.

The whole idea behind it is pretty solid, you just have to take a quick look at Fiverr to see that.

And that’s part of the problem, the amount of competition that there is, especially for someone who is totally new to this (remember the sales page).

I just think that you would be wasting your time pursuing this and that it’s just another product that promises easy money for very little work.

If you do this you’re going to need to work, just like anything else online.

And that’s the truth of it, if you want to make money online stop listening to all these people who tell you it’s so easy to do, i can tell you from firsthand experience it’s not.

All you are going to end up doing is chasing something you’re never going to catch, until you realise you need to work at it. It’s not easy.

Rant over.

Sorry Art I just can’t approve this one.not approved

[su_divider top=”no”]

so what now

Using Canva and Fiverr to make money online is all well and good, but what if you could make a business out of something you’re really interested in, a hobby perhaps.

Well that’s exactly what i did when i first started to make money online, i created a website around Pilates and made money from it using Amazons affiliate program.

The important part of that is that i didn’t know a thing about how to make a website or how to market it properly so that it would rank in the search engines.

I was taught how to do it and you can be taught also, i can help you. Wealthy Affiliate is without doubt the number one training platform in affiliate marketing in the world today.

If you would like to know more about them simply click here to go to a detailed review of them where you can sign up for FREE, in fact you don’t have to pay anything if you don’t want to, you can stay on the starter membership for as long as you want.

Sound good? good then click here

Once you’ve signed up i will personally welcome you and see if there is anything i can help you with :)[su_divider top=”no”]

Had any luck with Art’s latest release or have you had encounters with him before? we’d love to hear your thoughts.

About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here: https://goo.gl/rUv7ep

4 thoughts on “Riserr Review – Is It A Complete Waste Of Time?”

  1. You were very thorough with this review, thanks for sharing it!

    The overall idea of the program does sound very interesting, but at the same time the value doesn’t seem like it justifies the price. It needs to be very in-depth, because most of this information is available for free on YouTube if you’re willing to look.

    My wife and I own a Shopify business, and I’m really interested in your experience with graphic design! I would love to find some good sites for graphic design that are free or at least inexpensive.

    Wealthy Affiliate is an awesome option! Thanks for bringing our attention to a safe investment with such solid potential.

    • Hi Jordan, my experience with graphic design is limited to the use of places like Canva and using Photoshop at its basic level so I’m afraid i wouldn’t be of much help to you, but as you state Youtube is a great resource for learning new things. 

      I actually learnt my limited Photoshop skill thanks to Youtube.

  2. Thanks, I enjoyed your review. This product just popped up in my inbox and was intrigued to know more, your site is the only one that tells you what it actually is, other so called review sites just gloss over it.


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