In this Re-Kaching review we are going to be looking at a new product from 2 people who in the past have really left me disappointed with the quality of stuff they have released.
Having gone over the training i can see that this is going to be somewhere in the middle and as yet I’m not sure which way this review is going to go.
NAME: Re-Kaching
OWNERS: Jason Fulton, Mosh Bari
PRICE: $12.94 + 4 upsells
WEBSITE:[su_divider top=”no”]
what is re-kaching about
Well if you look at the sales page you really wouldn’t know, i didn’t have a clue what they were going on about, just some cloud based software that’s going to automate everything for you and make you $292-$2,373 in just minutes of simple work.
Yeah right, like i believe that one.
Luckily enough you’ve found this review and I’m going to tell you what Re-kaching is all about. The concept is basically finding Instagram users to make a monthly income off by managing their account, growing their followers and the like.
Now all this is done by way of a cloud based software which is where the problem is. Instagram HATES any kind of automated software being used on their platform and WILL ban your account if they find out, but it’s not just your account, it’s going to be your CUSTOMERS accounts that are going to be banned.
How do you think they will feel about that!
Now this could be done on a manual basis thus getting rid of the potential for losing accounts, but you are never going to hit the kind of numbers that these 2 are claiming is possible with the software.
I think the concept is sound, but the execution is flawed.[su_divider top=”no”]
the sales page
I always like to take a look at what kind of claims are being made on the sales page to see if any of them make it into the product you purchase.
You see so many times i have seen fantastic claims being made only for them never to be heard of again.

The income “proof” on their sales page doesn’t tell you where it’s actually come from, don’t forget the owners of this are very experienced and have been in the industry a long time and have fingers in many different pies.
It takes CONSIDERABLY longer, you’d be lucky if you could set this up in a day!
How do i know that? He tells you the software isn’t even his in the training video of how to use the software, perhaps he forgot he told you that on the sales page 🙂
Oh and the software is exactly the same as this one
The thing is he tells you not to over do it with the software and never use the IP host address or “Instagram will ban their account in no time” He tells you that basically access to this software is a favor from someone and you will be using their account for this software. WHHAATTTTT!!!!!
That all sounds really sketchy to me.[su_divider top=”no”]
so who’s going to use this
Well if we take a quick look at the image above it states that this is 100% newbie friendly, you don’t need any special skills or experience, so I’m going to go with someone who is new to this type of product and the reason i say that is because anyone with any experience is going to see straight through this one.
Those eye catching headlines, all the hype making it all sound super easy to make loads of money, make this very appealing to someone who doesn’t know any better. Oh and remember you’re being given the chance to make all this money and they’re only going to charge you $13. Yeah right![su_divider top=”no”]
the good bits
- the concept is good
- the videos are clear to see
30 day money back guaranteeI’ve received some disturbing comments from readers who have asked for a refund and are not having much luck. (see comments for more details)

the not so good bits
- having to pay for the use of proxies
- newbies are really going to struggle to get to grips with what is being done in the videos
- the instructions are very jumbled and hard to understand
- watching the videos will put you to sleep.[su_divider top=”no”]
so what do you get
If you decide to purchase Re-kaching after reading this review then for your $13 you will be getting the following:
5 different modules each containing videos ranging from 1 to 6, you will also get a fast implementation checklist.
- Welcome To Re-KaChing 4.58
- Course Introduction 1.49
- What’s Unique About Re-KaChing 1.24
2. Re-KaChing Case Study
- Case Study 2.22
3. How Re-KaChing Works
- How Re-KaChing Works 1 10.45
- How Re-KaChing Works 2 2.19
- How Re-KaChing Works 3 2.03
- Different types of user 8.51
4. Re-KaChing Step By Step
- Take Action 11.45
- Take Action Example 4.30
- Take Action Example Insta 1 4.46
- Take Action Example Insta 2 7.25
- Re-KaChing Daily Tasks 1.53
- Daily Tasks Example 5.56
5. Re-KaChing Software
- Access The Software 1.54
- How to use the software 17.07
- Case Study 13.57
- Proxy Servers- Why, How and Where From 4.24
- Proxy Format 2.57
- Trouble Shooting – Software Stops Working 5.22
- Trouble Shooting – Avoid Adding Fresh New IG Accounts to The Re-KaChing App 12.39
- Trouble Shooting Video 4.10[su_divider top=”no”]
the oto’s
After you have purchased the front end product you are given the sales pitch for the upsells, now this particular one has 4 of them to go through.
OTO #1 Done For You Re-KaChing Campaigns ($37) with a downsell to $17
OTO 2 – Advanced Re-KaChing Tactics ($47) with a downsell to $27
OTO 3 – Set This Up On Autopilot ($47) with a downsell to $27
OTO 4 – License rights ($97) with a downsell to $47[su_divider top=”no”]
final thoughts
I said at the beginning that i really didn’t know which way this re-kaching review was going to go, well i certainly do now.
First off forget all the rubbish on the sales page, it’s meaningless. Second steer clear of anything that says “push button”, they never work.
In this case there’s a really good chance you will get yours and any people who you have managed to convince to let you manage their accounts actually banned form Instagram which is going to make you look a fool and i wouldn’t even like to think about the possibility of legal action against you.
The concept of what he’s doing here has some merit, it’s never going to earn you the sort of money you’d like, but it is doable, just not with the software, it’s not worth the risk.
[su_divider top=”no”]
what now
Managing peoples accounts has never really been something I’d want to do, and I’m pretty sure that if you had been told that on the sales page you probably wouldn’t have bought it, if indeed you did.
Me, I’m into affiliate marketing, it’s the best business model i know of that allows you to promote and earn commissions off of other peoples products.
Trouble is you need to know how to do it. and that’s where i can help you.
I learnt affiliate marketing the right way here and it’s enabled me to live a very good lifestyle and you can too.[su_divider top=”no”]
Your turn to have your say 🙂
Hi Sharon, The internet needs more people like you who expose the fraudsters and con men for what they are. I bought a $16 download product from Fulton and Bari two or three months ago and didn’t even get the download. I had no response to several emails to them either. I can’t even remember the name of the product but that doesn’t really matter. What really disgusted me was that I didn’t get any support from Paypal.either. All I got from them was a reply in response to my claim asking me for evidence of the defective product. How on earth could I send that after receiving no download from the vendor or reply to my emails. If you think about it Paypal make just as much money dealing with crooks as they do from honest people. Why shoule they care ?
regards, david, United Kingdom
Hi David, I’m sorry to hear of your experience, that’s just terrible and not even getting the product is a new one on me. I think PayPal might be trying to get tougher with these guys because I know a lot of them are saying not to use PayPal anymore for what reason I don’t know, but something needs to be done. We can only hope.
Thank you very much for your review. The sales page does make the offer attractive. I saved some money and probably lots of frustration.
Hi Patricia, I’m glad to have been some help 🙂
Well here I am needing help that I am not getting form Mosh Help desk – in fact I have been getting more help form the support at buy proxies than from MB – I am trying ( for 3 days) to run Re-Kaching – we have followed all of the videos, we have several old instagram sites , they have the required data on them – we have bought proxies ( both private and dedicated ) and we are using dedicated proxies – we have authorised the IP address with the proxy provider – we have tested the proxies and the port access and have received feedback to the effect that they are open and we succeeded access- so its not the proxies – Then we tried various Ports – including 12345, 80,8080, 5555 as indicated by the proxy provider – we have tried the various formats as listed at re-kaching when setting up a proxy – in fact we have done all of the except the socks – we have had two feedbacks form the support group – none of ewhich provided any assistance in resolving the problem, I have added a VPN to my system to allow me to login form the USA to see if that was any better – Nope we are still getting CURL errors, 5, 7, 28, mostly 7 ( the other occurrence when we change ports) we have tried using our own server/ip and got the challenge ( according to my instagram logs we have been challenged 32 times ) this is the closest we have come to getting a site set up – DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY CLUES AS TO WHERE TO GO FROM HERE –
Hi Jock, Sorry to hear of the problems you’re having, but unless someone who’s reading this can help you I’m afraid I’m not going to be of much help 🙁 All I can say is this is why I don’t these kinds of software, but not getting any support from the vendor is just terrible. It’s like Ed said in his comment, they are quick enough in taking your money but when you need a bit of help you’re left n your own.
I hope you can this sorted.
Hi Sharon,
First off thank you for this review.
Got hooked and fell for it.
But then realized that you have to talk to people and negotiate. This is not something I want to do, and was not presented in the sales page. So I asked for a refund.
What I got was “Why refund?” And did you try this or that, and show me where it’s not working. They are just stalling for what ever reason.
You know it’s funny how they can collect your money, at the speed of light, but if you want a refund, it’s like pulling teeth. Not very professional. And don’t they realize that bad news also travels at the speed of light!
So, because I’m having trouble getting a refund from the Re-kaching group, I would not recomend anything done by them, Mosh Bari, etc, and now because it came out of “Warrior + Plus”, I’m going to put them in my spam file till this is taken care of. I trusted Warrior +, but not now.
Do not invest in this program.
Hi Ed,
This is the second complaint about Re-kaching not refunding money under their 30 day money back GAURANTEE. Like you say they are fast enough taking your money. It’s beginning to sound like that claim of a guarantee isn’t worth a dime.
The only thing i can say is have you tried contacting Warrior plus using their messaging system (the little message icon in the bottom right corner).
If you have and got little or no response then I’m afraid the only option you have is to open a dispute with Paypal.
I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this and i will be updating the post to reflect this.
We’d all like to know how you get on if you wouldn’t mind keeping everyone informed so other people don’t fall into the same trap.
Wishing you all the best
Hi Sharon,
very interesting post. There is just a little “mistake”. Under “The Good Bits” you write “30 day money back guarantee”. This is not true. I am trying since 3 weeks to get a refund. They just ignore my request. They even make fun of me.
After asking what happened to my refund I got the following message back:
Date: 2018-07-10 16:09:02
Name: Fahima
Printer friendly version
WOW… good to see you back. So, finally did you start ? Wanna share with me what you’ve done?
Please make a video and show me what you’ve done.
Make sure you comply with the training.
It continues like that. The last mail I got was today:
Date: 2018-07-17 12:53:39
Name: Fahima
Printer friendly version
So good to see you again. So, did you finally take some action?
Can you show me your action plan spread sheet?
I thought this might be interesting in combination with your review!
Best regards
Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone, I’m so sorry you’ve been treated like this. Their “30 day money back guarantee” doesn’t mention that you need to make an “action plan spread sheet” whatever that is. That’s just crazy.
I shall update my review 🙂