If you are looking for an unbiased and honest review of Ranking Rockstar Renegade then you’ve come to the right place because unlike all the rest of the reviews that you’ll most likely see this one will actually tell you if it’s any good and worth your time and money getting it.
You see a lot if not all of the others are simply trying to get you to buy the product without any thought for you, 9 times out of 10 they haven’t even been through the product to make an informed decision, they simply throw as many “bonuses” at you hoping you’ll buy through their affiliate link.
If that’s what you’re looking for then I’m afraid this review isn’t for you. I haven’t got any bonuses to bribe you with and to be fair all them bonuses have been round the block so many times you’ve probably seen them before in one form or other.
so just to make it clear: THERE ARE NO BONUSES HERE. what you will get is an honest review of the product.
NAME: Ranking Rockstar Renegade
OWNERS: Sherisse Rogers, Alan Magliocca
& Ryan Allaire
PRICE: $27 + upsells
WEBSITE: http://rankingrockstarrenegade.com/opencart/
what is ranking rockstar renegade about
Well this is normally the part where I say that I have no idea what it’s about because the sales page gives you absolutely nothing to tell you what it is.
This one I’m happy to say is very different, it actually tells you it’s about launch jacking from the start, but more than that it also gives a run down of what each module has in store.
Now obviously they make it all sound incredibly easy and that is where this review is going to uncover if what they are telling you on that sales page is true or just another bunch of over inflated claims to get you to buy it.
So are you really going to be able to earn $2,150.19 a week from a product that costs just $27?[su_divider top=”no”]
breakdown of the sales page
For all the good of actually telling you what it is you’re going to be buying, they fail MISERABLY when it comes to the sob story of how she “FEELS YOUR PAIN” I mean come on, really? How thick can you lay it on?
Stop with the theatrics and keep to the facts of the matter.
So first up we have:
- Module 1 – which according to the sales page will tell you how to find the most profitable products to review. In reality all it shows you is the different networks which you can keep an eye on to be aware of the launch dates. It doesn’t actually tell you how to find the best products to review.
- Module 2 – guarantees you get approval from the vendors which is a very big deal and not to be underestimated simply because vendors will not give you approval unless you have a proven record which if you are new you’re not going to have. However, having been through this module a good few times looking for that guarantee i haven’t found anything in there that is going to guarantee you get approval. No approval = No affiliate link which makes the rest of the course a bit redundant.
- Module 3 – promises to show how to create a review video that converts every time! Now that’s a very bold statement to make. There is no way that she can know that the review video that you are going to make is going to convert, how can she? It’s just not possible. The checklist that is included is a good walkthrough of the process so you are going to know what to do and when.
- Module 4 – tells you how to create bonuses for FREE which are supposed to help with conversions. Again I’ve been through this video a number of times looking for how to create these bonuses for free because let’s face it that statement on the sales page is one that is likely to entice people to buy this product. The only thing i could find in this video regarding creating FREE bonuses was the ones that come with Commission Gorilla which she admits herself aren’t that great, but the thing is these aren’t free, you have to pay for Commission Gorilla, $47 at the moment for a year.

- Module 5 – tells you how to spy on your competition and outrank them, again a very bold statement. This is a bit out of place on the sales page and should be the last module which it is, so this has accidentally been duplicated, but I’ll cover it now instead of later for the sake of clarity relating to the sales page. Now while this video does indeed show to how to spy on your competitors using a free tool, albeit limited unless you buy the full version, at no point is there any mention of HOW to outrank them.
- Module 6 – tells you how to write your YouTube description that will keep you out of trouble. This is the first video that actually does what it says on the sales page, some good information in here to keep you on the right side of Youtube’s TOC.
- Module 7 – this apparently shows you how to get quality backlinks for FREE. Now this is a bit of a bugbear for me, I have never actively sought backlinks and I don’t plan on starting anytime soon. At one time backlinks were the be all and end all of ranking, you could set up a new site, throw a ton of backlinks to it and get ranked on the first page. Nowadays Google holds very little if any weight to backlinks, however Youtube is a bit different and this method seems to be working for her and since I am not active with Youtube videos I’m always willing to learn from someone who has the experience and this video has a lot of information and will take a lot of work to implement.
- Module 8 – this section shows you on page SEO for your blog. The first thing that hits me in this video is the fact she says that she doesn’t use this method much because it’s much harder to rank on page 1. That’s not strictly true, if you are new then yes you’re going to take a long time to gain any authority in the eyes of Google, but if you create unique content regularly then Google will start to trust you and will begin to show you on the first page, but it has to be done the right way. She puts a lot of plugins on her site, 43 of them to be exact, the problem with having a lot of plugins is the fact that they will slow down your sites loading time and as she quite rightly says that is a Google ranking metric. Slow site = poor rankings. The way she’s showing you how to do SEO I highly doubt will result in the sales page claim of “doubling” your traffic and sales
- Module 9 – This video tells you the layout of your blog post that will maximize your commissions and will reveal a little known plugin and technique. I have absolutely no idea what the plugin was or the technique. The layout is pretty standard, but if you are new then it will be very helpful to you.
- Module 10 – like i said this is a duplicate of how to spy on your competition, just a mistake on the sales page not in the members area.
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what did I like
- easy to follow videos
- some good information for newbies and marketers who are not yet into making Youtube videos
- 30 day money back guarantee
- checklists
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what i didn’t like
- the need to purchase extra programs
- misleading sales page – as gone through above not all the claims made it to the product
- audio could have been better – very tinny, hurt my ears after a while
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final thoughts
I have to say that apart from the sales page that made claims that didn’t materialize into the course, I really liked this, there’s something refreshing about Sherisse that a lot of the other vendors out there need to take a look at.
I think a good addition to this would have been to see how she puts together her Youtube graphics and the like.
Alright it’s not perfect, but it’s a great starting point for anybody that is looking to start video marketing and a lot better than some of the stuff I’ve seen lately.
I am actually going to be using this as a template myself as in the near future I will be starting Video reviews to work in conjunction with my written reviews.
Sherisse herself admitted that the blog post part of reviews isn’t her strong point, me on the other hand is the exact opposite (I like to think), I know how to rank on the first page, but have not looked into Youtube ranking so it will be a good experiment.
If you happen to read this review I have to say well done to you.
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what now
As I just touched on I know how to rank without the need for backlinking which is increasingly frowned upon and likely to actually hurt your rankings for your blog.
If you want to know how to create a blog for the long term without the worry of loopholes being closed then I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate. I’I’ve been a member there for over 3 years now and I continually learn new stuff to help me maintain this and other websites to bring in an income that anyone would be proud of.
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Do you use Youtube? Do you have much success with it? I’d love to hear your experiences.
Hi Sharon:
I want to make sure I understand Rockstar Renegade. Are they saying that you will make an income reviewing other people’s products?
As far as claiming high ranking in Google, I know this is something that a site owner really has to work on. It doesn’t just happen magically so this makes me quite skeptical.
Anyway, it sounds like Rockstar Renegade has some good points but it’s definitely not for me.
Thank you for making us aware of this program.
Yes that’s exactly what they’re saying. it’s called affiliate marketing and can be done in a number of ways. This products focuses on making review videos whereas I currently focus on doing written reviews.
Thanks for dropping by
honestly, i have gotten a lot of biased information about Ranking Rockstar Renegade. and that has eventually poisoned my mind initially about it. And there daily demand to purchase more programs fueled it up. But i never knew, good things can be heard about this particular platform. at least i can get my guarantee. Yea.
thanks very much dear!
No problem, happy to help 🙂