Welcome to my Multiply review. This is Trevor Carrs latest product release which is a bit strange because I reviewed one of his previous products that was billed as “quite possibly the last product you need to buy“. Now that obviously wasn’t the case because if that product was so good why on earth is he releasing another one?
This product is making a big statement as well, it claims to enable you to get BUYER traffic and SALES in just 2 minutes or less!
Now, not so long ago Trevor Carr was promoting another of his products, Headway, where in the sales video he basically took the piss out people who buy products with the sort of headlines he’s using with Multiply.
What I will say is that he was as good as his word when he said that the price for that product would rise to $197 which it actually did, so credit where it’s due.
What you’re going to find out today is what this product is all about, what upsells it has and how much they’ll cost you and if I feel this stands any chance of making money for you.
NAME: Multiply
OWNERS: Trevor Carr, Dan Ashendorf
& Al Cheeseman
PRICE: $17.43
WEBSITE: https://getmultiply.net/live/
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What Is Multiply About?
That’s a good question and you’d think you would be able to find the answer on the sales page wouldn’t you. I’ve been over the sales page and apart from this being a “Viral Traffic App” I couldn’t find any clue to what this is.
I really don’t like people trying to sell me something when they refuse to tell you what you’re going to be spending your money on, it just doesn’t make sense.
You wouldn’t walk into a shop and everything is covered up so you can’t see it and the sales person tries to sell you one of these wonderful things even though you don’t know what it is. It’s just crazy.
Luckily you’re doing your research before buying and I’ll tell you now what this is.
It’s a cloud based app which in itself is a bit of a red flag for me, they never really work like they’re supposed to. The app allows you to build quizzes that are supposed to go viral and build you an email list in the process.
Sounds good, but will it work like they say?[su_divider top=”no”]
The Sales page
Talking of working like they say let’s take a quick look at the claims on the sales page. This is an important part for me because it’s what said on the sales page that will probably determine if you buy this.
The trouble is a sales page is just that, a sales page and it has been known for them to so over hyped and full of B.S that the product itself bears no resemblance to it.
Now we know what the product is it’s going to be easier to separate the wheat from the chaff.
What I don’t understand is the buyer traffic claim. From the research I have done I cannot see why this is targeted. The quiz itself is sent to your friends who are not going to be targeted buyers.
Unless you set yourself up in a specific niche which isn’t going to take 2 minutes to get friends. Even when you’ve done all that are we really expected to believe that an “influx” of traffic will suddenly descend on our link because of a quiz?
Now I suppose it depends on the prize you’re giving away as to how many people will enter, but bear in mind this is supposed to be for your friends with questions about you.
Income shots are a great way to see what kind of money is being made and I have no doubt that these guys can generate these numbers, but you’ve got to remember these guys have been in the game for a long time and have a big following they can market to.
One thing you may not be aware of is the use of your information:
Basically that says share your information with outside parties, so be prepared for unsolicited contact from people you don’t know or want contact from.[su_divider top=”no”]
Inside Multiply
A quick word before we get into the members area and it’s about the upsells. These types of products try and get you to buy the upsells straight after you’ve bought the front end but before you’ve even had the chance to look at your purchase.
I’m going to tell you now that buying them at this point is not a good idea, take a look at Matthews comment here and you’ll see what I mean.
These upsells are available inside the members area anyway so you don’t need to feel you’ll miss out if you don’t buy them now.
Once you get into the members area you’ll find some basic training videos and also access to the app.
The training consists of:
- Multiply Case Study
- Creating your First Quiz
- Software Flow and Exporting Leads
- Uploading Your Leads To Aweber, Get Response & Buiderall
- How To Create Prizes
It’s basic stuff If I’m honest, but does give a good overview if you are new.
The app itself is pretty easy to navigate and set up and depending on how many questions you have will only take around 5 minutes before you’ve got your link to share via email, Facebook, Twitter WhatsApp or Linkedin.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Upsells
As I already said these upsells don’t need to be purchased straight away and that’s good advice because if you did you’d find yourself shelling out close to $600 and then you all the trouble of trying to get a refund if you didn’t like them.
- OTO #1 – Multiply Unlimited – £39
- OTO #2 – Multiply DFY – $197
- OTO #3 – Multiply Traffic – $197
- OTO #4 – Reseller License – $39
- OTO #5 – Group Coaching – $77
That first upsell is intriguing. I just went back over the sales page and there was nowhere that mentioned that the front end is restricted to the amount of quizzes you could do, but it would seem it is.
I personally don’t like upsells and I don’t see anything there that would make me change my mind. There just extra expense that you don’t need.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
I really don’t think they’ve thought this through fully. Alright, it’s a sound idea, but this all revolves around people wanting to take a quiz and like I said that depends on what you’re offering as a prize.
People aren’t just going to take a quiz without the chance of winning something worthwhile. And as for getting email address in return for the results of the quiz you can actually put in any email because the results come up automatically after you submit the quiz, you don’t need to check your email like it says you do.
Then you have the whole “influx of buyer traffic” on the sales page. Who says that the people who have given there correct email will want to buy anything off you.
When it comes to buying people need to know the person they’re buying from, they need to trust them. That takes time to build that relationship.
Just because you filled in some random quiz doesn’t make you “buyer traffic”. It just makes you someone who filled in a quiz.
This is one of those products that doesn’t need to exist, there’s no real need for it. Someone sat down and thought of way to make this into a product they could sell.
If you’re new you’re not even going to know what to do with the emails, what are you going to promote to your list once you’ve built up that rapport?
Suffice it to say I won’t be approving this one.
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What Can You Do Now?
This product is based around affiliate marketing, but you need to learn to do that the right way. I’ve now been at Wealthy Affiliate for 5 years.
I can honestly say, hand on heart, they are the number 1 affiliate training platform on the internet today and they are constantly striving to stay that way.
As a 5-year veteran I know my way around WA and what they can do for you. You can read my review of it here.
You can sign up for FREE with no obligations whatsoever by clicking the banner below.

I’ll meet you on the inside and help you every step of the way, even the owners will stop by to say hello and help any way they can :)[su_divider top=”no”]