Whenever I see headlines that claim outrageous amounts of money can be made very easily by virtually anyone I’m always suspicious so in this review I’m going to see if Unbreakable is a scam just to get you to part with your money or if the claims are actually true. I haven’t had the pleasure of reviewing a product by Bill Hugall or Simple Spencer before, but they say they’ve found a “SECRET” website that’s will bring in easy $100+ paydays….
NAME: Unbreakable
OWNERS: Bill Hugall, Simple Spencer
& Kaizen Lee
PRICE: $7.99
WEBSITE: http://grabunbreakable.com/live.html
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what is unbreakable about
Before I tell you what this is really about I want you to take a quick look at the sales video below and see if you can figure out what this s is all about.
Any ideas? Nope, neither have I. The only thing that they keep going on about is this “UNBREAKABLE” method making $130+ a day.
Absolutely no clue as to what it is your going to have to do for it, you might have to go out and find clients, you might have to sell photos from your phone, you might have to spam your friends on Facebook.
Why wouldn’t you tell people what it is they’re going to be doing? You want people to blindly pay you without even telling them what they’re buying, that’s just crazy.
You wouldn’t expect to walk into a shop with everything covered up and sales person telling you what it isn’t’t, but failing to actually tell you what it is, but still wanting you to buy it, would you.
Well that’s what they want you to do here, but I’m here to tell you exactly what it is so you can make an informed decision as to whether or not this is for you.
The “SECRET” underground website that they make such a big deal about is none other than konker.com, which is a site very similar to Fiverr.
But this doesn’t mean you’ll have to start posting gigs or performing different types of service. Now unlike Fiverr, konker allows you to promote the services of the people who are advertising their gigs on konker.
so you’re basically going to be grabbing the link of a popular seller and promoting that gig for a percentage of the sales that get created through your link.
That’s actually not a bad idea in theory.
The way you promote these links is through 4 different methods
- Facebook groups & Google +
- Google Alerts
- Quora
So now you know what this is all about.
The trouble with Facebook groups is that it can be very easy to be seen as a spammer and as a consequence be banned, the Google alerts requires you to post comments on blogs with your affiliate link, again a lot of the time admin will simply strip your affiliate link from the comment if they post it at all.[su_divider top=”no”]
what did i like
- The idea
- Not too many steps involved
- Relatively low price
- No added expense
what i didn’t like
- Remember the big deal on the sales page about making $130+ a day, well once you buy this and get inside they tell you the truth
not exactly $130 is it.
- I’ve just done a quick Twitter search and found a load of people promoting konker so I can see this quickly becoming over saturated and incredibly hard getting seen.
- It’s only a PDF when on the sales page it clearly states “watch over his shoulder and see how he sets everything up” now while the PDF is quite good it would have been nice to see him doing it.
- Very over hyped sales page
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who’s going to use this
I think that anyone with any experience isn’t going to want to waste their time on this, I say that because their time is much more valuable than $50 – $60 a day.
People who are new will probably gain the most out of this although even their time would be better off spent learning more sustainable ways to affiliate marketing.[su_divider top=”no”]
final thoughts
As I’ve already said the idea behind this is quite good in theory, but in reality it’s not going to add up. You’ll be spending far too much time making comments in the hope that your link makes it through or building trust within the Facebook groups so you’re not seen as a spammer.
Not to mention competing with all the rest on platforms like Twitter. Is Unbreakable a scam? No it’s not, but it’s not something that I’ll be recommending.
I don’t suppose you could expect a lot more from a product that costs just $7.99 could you. I mean do you really think that they would sell something for that price if they really thought it could do what they claim it can do?
I’ll answer that one for you ……NO ABSOLUTELY NOT of course they wouldn’t.
Good idea, but I’m afraid that’s all it is.
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what now
If you want to learn affiliate marketing the right way then I can highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate as a place you can do just that, It’s where I’ve been for over 3 years now and I can tell you now I have no intention of leaving anytime soon.
It’s taught me and continues to teach me all there is to know about how to make a very comfortable living from internet marketing.
You’re next step now is to click the banner below, it’s free, you don’t need a credit card or anything just an email address and you’re good to go.
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I’ve had my say on this, now it’s your turn. What do you think of Unbreakable?
On another note, the bigger and more well known outsourcing websites could probably benefit from letting people promote sellers’ services. I’m surprised they haven’t caught on. Could bring more traffic and thus revenue to their site I bet
I get that they don’t want to reveal that the site is Koner.com, but at the very least they could’ve mentioned that it was a site where you promote other people’s services to earn a potential commission. Maybe they even could’ve mentioned that the site had to do with outsourcing. Maybe it could’ve gone even further by them mentioning that it wasn’t Fiverr, Upwork, or whatever other site.
Like you say, it’s honestly not a bad idea in theory. You don’t have to do any work, just get people to click and buy through your affiliate link. He also mentions in the pdf to reach out to some YouTube channels who make content on SEO or whatever the gig your promoting is (he uses SEO as the main example) and have your affiliate link in their description in return for a split on your commission. This is a great way to get targeted traffic, but you’ll make less money per sale. The idea here is you get more sales though to make up for it. Plus having a link in the description gives it the potential to make you passive income as long as the video is up. The “training” wasn’t a whole check of a lot detailed in my opinion, but not the worst product I’ve come across
Thanks for your thoughts David, you always give a great insight 🙂