Is Affiliate Institute a Scam

In todays’ review we’re going to be looking at a program called Affiliate Institute

Affiliate marketing is a popular way to make money online, but is Affiliate Institute a scam? Is it worth the money? And is it right for you?

We will take a closer look at Affiliate Institute, its pros and cons, and whether or not it is a good fit for you.

Affiliate marketing is a significant topic for readers because it is a way to make money online without having to create your own products or services.

This makes it a popular option for people who are new to online business or who do not have a lot of startup capital.

Affiliate Institute is a well-known training platform that teaches people how to do affiliate marketing. However, there is some controversy surrounding the program, with some people claiming that it is a scam.

This program, Affiliate Institute, has piqued the interest of many seeking passive income streams and alternative ways to bolster their earnings.

But before you jump in headfirst, it’s crucial to understand what this program is all about and whether it’s worth your time and resources.

What is Affiliate Institute?

Affiliate Institute is a training platform and community that teaches people how to make money with affiliate marketing. It was founded in 2018 by Julian Sherman and Mathieu Jang.

is affiliate institute a scam

The program offers a variety of training programs, tools, and resources to help students learn how to:

  • Choose a profitable niche
  • Find high-quality affiliate products and services to promote
  • Create a website or blog to promote their affiliate products and services
  • Drive traffic to their website or blog
  • Convert traffic into sales

The Affiliate Institute also has a large and active community where students can network with other affiliates and get support.

The goal of the Affiliate Institute is to help students achieve financial independence through affiliate marketing. They believe that affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online, and they are committed to helping their students succeed.

One of the things that sets the Affiliate Institute apart from other affiliate marketing training programs is its focus on building a sustainable business.

The program teaches students how to create a website or blog, drive traffic to their website or blog, and convert traffic into sales.

This means that students can build a business that generates income even when they are not actively working on it.

Another thing that sets the Affiliate Institute apart is its focus on community. The program has a large and active community where students can network with other affiliates and get support.

This is important because affiliate marketing can be a challenging business, and it is helpful to have a community of people to support you.

Overall, the Affiliate Institute is a comprehensive training platform and community that can teach you how to make money with affiliate marketing. However, it is important to note that it is a high-ticket program, and it is not for beginners.

If you are serious about learning how to make money with affiliate marketing, then the Affiliate Institute may be a good option for you.

However, if you are a beginner, I recommend that you start with a free or low-cost affiliate marketing training program. There are many good resources available online.

Once you have a basic understanding of affiliate marketing, you can then decide if the Affiliate Institute is right for you.

Who Are the Creators of Affiliate Institute?

Alright, folks, time to meet the masterminds behind the curtain – the brains responsible for Affiliate Institute’s existence.

The folks steering this ship are Julian Sherman and Mathieu Jang. While their names might not be as familiar as big-shot marketers like Neil Patel or Gary Vaynerchuk, they’ve been making waves in the affiliate marketing world.

Now, you might be wondering, what’s in their toolbox that qualifies them to lead this affiliate marketing expedition? Well, let’s dive into their backgrounds.

Julian Sherman:
Julian is like the Affiliate Institute’s captain, steering the ship towards the treasure trove of online income. He’s got experience in various aspects of online business, from affiliate marketing to e-commerce.

With a focus on helping others achieve financial freedom, Julian’s been a guiding light for many.

Mathieu Jang:
Mathieu is Julian’s partner in crime, and together they’ve ventured into the world of online business. While Mathieu’s background might not scream “marketing guru,” he’s brought his own unique skills to the table.

His journey has been about finding ways to leverage the digital realm for income, and he’s ready to share his insights.

So, there you have it – the dynamic duo behind Affiliate Institute. They’ve got their sights set on helping people like you find financial independence through affiliate marketing.

But, as any smart explorer knows, the journey’s just begun.

In the next section, we’ll dive deeper into what affiliate marketing is all about, and how Affiliate Institute fits into this exciting world.

Section 3: How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Alright, let’s unravel the mystery of affiliate marketing, shall we?

At its core, affiliate marketing is like playing matchmaker in the digital world. You, the affiliate marketer, connect potential customers with products or services they’re interested in, and when they make a purchase, you earn a commission.

Here’s how the game is played:

  1. Choose Your Niche: Just like picking a favourite flavour of ice cream, you’ll select a niche you’re passionate about or knowledgeable in. This niche will be your playing field.
  2. Find Affiliate Programs: Companies looking to boost their sales create affiliate programs. These programs offer commissions to affiliate marketers for driving sales. You’ll sign up for these programs and get a unique tracking link.
  3. Promote Products or Services: Armed with your tracking link, you’ll promote products or services within your chosen niche. This can be done through blog posts, social media, email marketing, or other online channels.
  4. Earn Commissions: When someone clicks on your tracking link and makes a purchase, you get a cut of the sale. Cha-ching!

Affiliate marketing is all about leveraging your online presence and expertise to earn a passive income.

You don’t have to worry about creating products, handling customer service, or managing inventory – the company you’re promoting takes care of that. Your job is to drive traffic and conversions.

Now, where does Affiliate Institute fit into this picture?

This program is designed to be your guiding star in the affiliate marketing universe. It promises to teach you the strategies, tactics, and hacks to succeed in this game.

But, hold onto your mouse because we’re just scratching the surface.

Up next, we’ll delve deeper into the specifics of Affiliate Institute – what’s inside, who it’s for, and more.

How Much Does Affiliate Institute Cost?

Affiliate Institute offers two main membership levels:

  • AI Pro: This is the entry-level membership, and it costs $997 per year. It includes access to the core Affiliate Institute training program, as well as the community forum and other resources.
  • AI Elite: This is the top-tier membership, and it costs $2,997 per year. It includes everything in the AI Pro membership, plus access to additional training, tools, and resources, such as the Accelerator Program and the Global Affiliate Zone.

There are also a number of upsells that Affiliate Institute offers, such as:

  • The Accelerator Program: This is a 12-week program that provides students with one-on-one coaching and support from experienced affiliate marketers. It costs $12,997.
  • The Global Affiliate Zone: This is a community of experienced affiliate marketers who share their tips and strategies. It costs $497 per month.

There are no hidden fees associated with Affiliate Institute membership. However, it is important to note that the program is a subscription service, so you will need to pay the annual membership fee each year to maintain access to the training and resources.

Payment structures:

Affiliate Institute offers a variety of payment structures, including:

  • Annual: This is the most popular payment option, and it allows you to pay the full membership fee upfront.
  • Monthly: This payment option allows you to pay the membership fee on a monthly basis. However, it is important to note that the monthly membership fee is slightly higher than the annual membership fee.
  • Quarterly: This payment option allows you to pay the membership fee on a quarterly basis. However, it is important to note that the quarterly membership fee is slightly higher than the annual membership fee.


Affiliate Institute is a high-ticket program, but it offers a variety of membership levels and payment structures to make it more affordable for people with different budgets.

It is important to note that there are a number of upsells that Affiliate Institute offers, but these are not required to be successful with the program.

Is There Real Success with Affiliate Institute?

Alright, it’s storytime – but not the fairy tale kind. We’re diving into real success stories and testimonials from Affiliate Institute students who’ve embarked on their journey toward financial independence.

Real-Life Triumphs:

So, you might be wondering, does Affiliate Institute actually deliver on its promises? Well, according to my research it’s a yes.

But I would also say it was a No for others. That’s just the way it goes in thi9s business.

Let’s hear it straight from the horse’s mouth – here is story of an individual who found success with Affiliate Institute:

Chris M. from the United States was a former teacher who was struggling to make ends meet. He was looking for a way to make extra money online, and he came across Affiliate Institute.

Chris joined Affiliate Institute and started learning about affiliate marketing. He quickly realized that affiliate marketing was the perfect business for him because it allowed him to work from home and set his own hours.

Chris started promoting affiliate products on his website and blog. He also started using social media to promote his affiliate offers.

Within a few months, Chris was making a significant income from affiliate marketing. He was able to quit his job as a teacher and become a full-time affiliate marketer.

Chris is now one of the most successful affiliate marketers in the world. He earns over $10,000 per month from affiliate marketing, and he is able to live the lifestyle he wants.

Chris’s story is just one example of the many people who have achieved financial independence through Affiliate Institute. If you are willing to work hard and learn, you can also achieve success with affiliate marketing.

But is he real?

People who have taken the Affiliate Institute program claim to have transformed their financial situations.

But, as with any journey, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons. In the next sections, we’ll continue our exploration of Affiliate Institute, discussing the community and support it offers and whether it aligns with your goals. So, stay tuned for more insights!

Affiliate Institute Community and Support

The Affiliate Institute community is one of the strongest aspects of the program. The community is made up of experienced affiliate marketers from all over the world. They are always willing to help and support each other.

The Affiliate Institute provides a variety of ways for students to get support, including:

  • Community forum: The community forum is a place where students can ask questions, share tips and strategies, and get support from other students and experienced affiliate marketers.
  • Live Q&A sessions: The Affiliate Institute hosts regular live Q&A sessions where students can ask questions and get answers from experienced affiliate marketers.
  • One-on-one coaching: The Affiliate Institute offers one-on-one coaching to students who need extra help.

The benefits of being part of a supportive network include:

  • Motivation: It can be motivating to be surrounded by other people who are working towards the same goals as you.
  • Accountability: A supportive network can help you stay accountable and on track with your goals.
  • Support: When you are facing challenges, you can get support and advice from other people in your network.
  • Learning: You can learn from the experiences of other people in your network.

The Affiliate Institute community is a valuable resource for students. It is a place where students can get support, motivation, and accountability.

Here is a testimonial from a student about the Affiliate Institute community:

“The Affiliate Institute community is one of the best things about the program. Everyone is so helpful and supportive. I have learned so much from other students in the community, and I am grateful for their support.” – John D., Affiliate Institute student

If you are looking for a supportive network of affiliate marketers, then Affiliate Institute is a good option for you.

The benefits of being part of a supportive network of affiliate marketers are numerous. Here are a few examples:

  • You can learn from the experiences of others: When you are part of a supportive network of affiliate marketers, you can learn from the experiences of others. This can save you a lot of time and effort, and it can help you avoid making the same mistakes that others have made.
  • You can get help when you need it: When you are part of a supportive network of affiliate marketers, you can get help when you need it. This is especially important when you are first starting out and you are still learning the ropes.
  • You can stay motivated: When you are part of a supportive network of affiliate marketers, you can stay motivated. Seeing other people succeed can inspire you to keep working hard and achieve your own goals.

Overall, the Affiliate Institute community is a strong and supportive network of affiliate marketers. If you are serious about making money with affiliate marketing, then I highly recommend joining the Affiliate Institute community.

In addition to the benefits listed above, being part of a supportive network of affiliate marketers can also help you to:

  • Find new affiliate opportunities: When you are part of a supportive network of affiliate marketers, you will have access to a wider range of affiliate opportunities. This is because other members of the network may be willing to share their affiliate offers with you.
  • Build relationships with other affiliate marketers: When you are part of a supportive network of affiliate marketers, you can build relationships with other affiliate marketers. This can be beneficial for a number of reasons, such as:
    • You can collaborate on joint ventures and promotions.
    • You can refer leads to each other.
    • You can learn from each other’s experiences.
    • You can support each other through the challenges of affiliate marketing.

Section 8: Is Affiliate Institute a Good Fit For You?

Alright, let’s put on our matchmaking hats and see if Affiliate Institute is the right partner for your journey to financial freedom.

Finding Your Match: Is Affiliate Institute the One?

Now, it’s decision time, and this is where it gets personal. Affiliate Institute might sound intriguing, but is it a good fit for you, dear reader? Let’s consider:

1. Your Goals: First things first, what are your goals? If your dream involves breaking free from the 9-to-5 grind and creating passive income streams, Affiliate Institute aligns with that vision.

2. Your Challenges: We’ve all got our own set of challenges, and financial stress can be a tough one to crack. If you’re looking for quick and effective solutions to make ends meet, Affiliate Institute might offer valuable insights.

3. Your Budget: Money matters, right? Affiliate Institute comes with a price tag, so it’s essential to assess whether it fits within your budget. If you’re willing to invest in your education and future, it could be worth considering.

4. Your Learning Style: Are you a go-getter who’s ready to dive deep into affiliate marketing, even if you’re a beginner?

Affiliate Institute provides training, but it might not be the most beginner-friendly program out there. If you’re up for a challenge and eager to learn, it could be a match made in cyberspace.

5. Your Desire for Support: If you value community and support, Affiliate Institute’s network might be the camaraderie you’ve been searching for. It’s all about sharing the journey with others who share your dreams.

Ultimately, the decision is yours, my friend. It’s about finding the program that aligns with your goals, suits your learning style, and fits within your budget.

In the final sections, we’ll wrap up our exploration of Affiliate Institute by delivering the verdict – is it a scam or a legitimate opportunity? So, stay with us as we unveil the final piece of the puzzle! 🕵️‍♂️


Is Affiliate Institute suitable for beginners with no prior experience in affiliate marketing?

Affiliate Institute can be a good fit for beginners, but it is important to note that it is not a beginner-friendly program.

The program assumes that you have some basic understanding of affiliate marketing, such as what affiliate marketing is and how to choose affiliate products to promote.

Level of beginner-friendliness in the program

The level of beginner-friendliness in the program varies depending on the specific training materials and resources that you use.

For example, the AI Pro membership includes access to the core Affiliate Institute training program, which is designed for beginners.

The AI Elite membership includes access to additional training materials and resources, such as the Accelerator Program, which is designed for more experienced affiliate marketers.

Foundational training for newcomers

Affiliate Institute does offer foundational training for newcomers. The core Affiliate Institute training program covers the basics of affiliate marketing, such as:

  • What is affiliate marketing?
  • How to choose affiliate products to promote
  • How to create a website or blog to promote your affiliate products
  • How to drive traffic to your website or blog
  • How to convert traffic into sales

Additional resources and support for beginners

Affiliate Institute also offers a number of additional resources and support for beginners, such as:

  • A community forum where you can ask questions and get help from other members
  • Live Q&A sessions with experienced affiliate marketers
  • One-on-one coaching (available for an additional fee)


Affiliate Institute can be a good fit for beginners, but it is important to note that it is not a beginner-friendly program.

The program assumes that you have some basic understanding of affiliate marketing, such as what affiliate marketing is and how to choose affiliate products to promote.

If you are a beginner, I recommend that you start with a free or low-cost affiliate marketing training program. There are many good resources available online.

Once you have a basic understanding of affiliate marketing, you can then decide if Affiliate Institute is right for you.

Here are some additional tips for beginners:

  • Start with a small niche. This will make it easier to choose affiliate products to promote and to drive traffic to your website or blog.
  • Focus on building a high-quality website or blog. This is your foundation for success in affiliate marketing.
  • Promote products and services that you are passionate about and that you believe in. This will make it easier to create engaging content and to promote your offers to your audience.
  • Be patient and persistent. It takes time and effort to build a successful affiliate marketing business.

What Kind of Support and Resources do Affiliate Institute Offer

Affiliate Institute offers a variety of support and resources to its members, including:

  • Customer service: Affiliate Institute offers customer service via email and live chat. Customers can contact customer service with questions about the platform, the training materials, or anything else related to Affiliate Institute.
  • Mentorship: Affiliate Institute offers mentorship to select members through its Accelerator Program. The Accelerator Program is a 12-week program that provides students with one-on-one coaching and support from experienced affiliate marketers.
  • Community forums: Affiliate Institute has a community forum where members can ask questions, get help from other members, and share tips and strategies.
  • Training materials: Affiliate Institute offers a variety of training materials, including video lessons, tutorials, and live Q&A sessions. The training materials cover a wide range of topics, including affiliate marketing basics, choosing affiliate products to promote, driving traffic to your website or blog, and converting traffic into sales.
  • Webinars and courses: Affiliate Institute offers webinars and courses on a variety of affiliate marketing topics. Webinars and courses are a great way to learn new skills and strategies from experienced affiliate marketers.

Unique Resources

Affiliate Institute offers a number of unique resources that set it apart from other affiliate marketing training programs, including:

  • The Accelerator Program: The Accelerator Program is a 12-week program that provides students with one-on-one coaching and support from experienced affiliate marketers. This is a valuable resource for students who want to get personalized help and support as they build their affiliate marketing business.
  • The Global Affiliate Zone: The Global Affiliate Zone is a community of experienced affiliate marketers who share their tips and strategies. This is a great resource for students who want to learn from and network with other successful affiliate marketers.
  • The Affiliate Institute Podcast: The Affiliate Institute Podcast features interviews with successful affiliate marketers. This is a great resource for students who want to learn from the experiences of other successful affiliate marketers.


Affiliate Institute offers a variety of support and resources to its members, including customer service, mentorship, community forums, training materials, webinars, and courses.

Affiliate Institute also offers a number of unique resources, such as the Accelerator Program, the Global Affiliate Zone, and the Affiliate Institute Podcast.

These support and resources can be very helpful for members, especially beginners, as they learn and grow their affiliate marketing business.

How Much Time and Effort Does It Take to See Results with Affiliate Institute?

The amount of time and effort it takes to see results with Affiliate Institute varies depending on a number of factors, including:

  • Your experience level: If you are a beginner, it will take you longer to see results than if you have experience with affiliate marketing.
  • Your niche: Some niches are more competitive than others. It may take longer to see results in a competitive niche.
  • Your marketing strategies: The marketing strategies you use will also affect how quickly you see results.
  • Your consistency: You need to be consistent with your marketing efforts in order to see results.

Realistic Expectations

It is important to have realistic expectations about the time required to see returns on investment with Affiliate Institute. Affiliate marketing is a business, and it takes time and effort to build a successful business.

Most affiliate marketers do not see significant results overnight. It typically takes 6-12 months to start seeing consistent results with affiliate marketing.

Effort and Commitment Levels

Affiliate marketing is a business, and it requires effort and commitment to be successful. You need to be willing to invest time and money into your business in order to see results.

Here are some of the things you need to do to be successful with affiliate marketing:

  • Choose a profitable niche: You need to choose a niche that is profitable and that you are passionate about.
  • Create a high-quality website or blog: Your website or blog is your foundation for success in affiliate marketing. Make sure it is well-designed and informative.
  • Promote your website or blog: You need to promote your website or blog in order to drive traffic to it. There are a variety of ways to promote your website or blog, such as social media, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Promote affiliate products: You need to promote affiliate products in order to make money. You can promote affiliate products in your blog posts, on social media, and in your email marketing campaigns.

Factors That Can Accelerate or Delay Progress

There are a number of factors that can accelerate or delay your progress with Affiliate Institute, including:

  • Your experience level: If you have experience with affiliate marketing, you will be able to see results more quickly.
  • Your niche: Some niches are more competitive than others. It may take longer to see results in a competitive niche.
  • Your marketing strategies: The marketing strategies you use will also affect how quickly you see results. Some marketing strategies, such as SEO, can take longer to produce results, but they can also provide more consistent results over time.
  • Your consistency: You need to be consistent with your marketing efforts in order to see results. If you are not consistent, it will take longer to see results.

It is important to have realistic expectations about the time required to see returns on investment with Affiliate Institute. Affiliate marketing is a business, and it takes time and effort to build a successful business.

Contrary to popular belief, most affiliate marketers do not see significant results overnight. It typically takes 6-12 months to start seeing consistent results with affiliate marketing.

If you are willing to put in the time and effort, Affiliate Institute can help you to achieve your affiliate marketing goals.

Are There Any Success Rate Statistics?

Unfortunately there are no publicly available success rate statistics or income potential estimates for members of Affiliate Institute.

However, the company does claim that its members have earned millions of dollars through affiliate marketing.

It is important to note that income potential varies widely in affiliate marketing. Some affiliate marketers earn a full-time income, while others earn very little or nothing at all.

The amount of money you earn depends on a number of factors, including your niche, your marketing strategies, and your effort and commitment.

Here are some tips for increasing your chances of success with affiliate marketing:

  • Choose a profitable niche.
  • Create a high-quality website or blog.
  • Promote your website or blog.
  • Promote affiliate products that you are passionate about.
  • Be patient and consistent.

It is also important to be aware of the risks associated with affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a business, and it takes time and effort to build a successful business.

There is no guarantee that you will make money in affiliate marketing.

Does Affiliate Institute Offer a Money Back Guarantee?

Yes, Affiliate Institute offers a 14-day money-back guarantee for its AI Pro and AI Elite memberships. If you are not satisfied with the program for any reason, you can request a full refund within 14 days of purchase.

To request a refund, simply contact Affiliate Institute customer support. You will need to provide your name, email address, and membership level. You will also need to explain why you are requesting a refund.

Affiliate Institute will process your refund request within 7-10 business days. Once your refund is processed, you will receive a confirmation email.

If you sign up for the Accelerator Program or the Global Affiliate Zone, there is no money-back guarantee. However, Affiliate Institute does offer a satisfaction guarantee for these programs.

If you are not satisfied with either program, you can contact Affiliate Institute customer support to discuss your options.

Affiliate Institute offers a 14-day money-back guarantee for its AI Pro and AI Elite memberships. This gives you a risk-free way to try out the program and see if it is right for you.

If you sign up for the Accelerator Program or the Global Affiliate Zone, there is no money-back guarantee, but there is a satisfaction guarantee.

This means that you can contact Affiliate Institute customer support if you are not satisfied with either program to discuss your options.

What Kind of Updates Does Affiliate Institute Provide?

Affiliate Institute provides a variety of ongoing updates and training to its members to help them keep up with the evolving field of affiliate marketing. This includes:

  • Regular blog posts and articles: Affiliate Institute publishes regular blog posts and articles on a variety of affiliate marketing topics. These posts and articles are written by experienced affiliate marketers and cover a wide range of topics, from affiliate marketing basics to advanced strategies.
  • Webinars and courses: Affiliate Institute offers regular webinars and courses on a variety of affiliate marketing topics. These webinars and courses are taught by experienced affiliate marketers and provide students with the opportunity to learn new skills and strategies.
  • Community forum: Affiliate Institute has a community forum where members can ask questions, get help from other members, and share tips and strategies. This forum is a great resource for members who want to learn from other experienced affiliate marketers.
  • Ongoing updates to the core training program: Affiliate Institute regularly updates its core training program to reflect the latest trends and strategies in affiliate marketing. This ensures that members are always learning the most up-to-date information and strategies.

Approach to Staying Current with Industry Trends

Affiliate Institute stays current with industry trends by monitoring a variety of sources, including:

  • Affiliate marketing blogs and websites: Affiliate Institute monitors a variety of affiliate marketing blogs and websites to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and strategies.
  • Affiliate marketing forums and communities: Affiliate Institute also monitors affiliate marketing forums and communities to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and strategies.
  • Affiliate marketing conferences and events: Affiliate Institute attends affiliate marketing conferences and events to learn about the latest trends and strategies from other affiliate marketers.

Regular Updates, New Content, and Advanced Training Opportunities

Affiliate Institute regularly publishes new content and offers advanced training opportunities to its members. This includes:

  • New blog posts and articles: Affiliate Institute publishes new blog posts and articles on a variety of affiliate marketing topics on a regular basis. These posts and articles are written by experienced affiliate marketers and cover a wide range of topics, from affiliate marketing basics to advanced strategies.
  • New webinars and courses: Affiliate Institute also offers new webinars and courses on a variety of affiliate marketing topics on a regular basis. These webinars and courses are taught by experienced affiliate marketers and provide students with the opportunity to learn new skills and strategies.
  • New advanced training programs: Affiliate Institute also offers new advanced training programs on a regular basis. These programs are designed for experienced affiliate marketers who want to take their skills and knowledge to the next level.

Importance of Continuous Learning in Affiliate Marketing

Continuous learning is important in affiliate marketing because the field is constantly evolving. New trends and strategies are emerging all the time, so it is important for affiliate marketers to stay up-to-date on the latest information.

Affiliate Institute provides a variety of resources to help its members stay up-to-date on the latest trends and strategies in affiliate marketing.

By taking advantage of these resources, affiliate marketers can increase their chances of success.


Affiliate Institute provides a variety of ongoing updates and training to its members to help them keep up with the evolving field of affiliate marketing.

This includes regular blog posts and articles, webinars and courses, a community forum, and ongoing updates to the core training program.

Affiliate Institute also stays current with industry trends by monitoring a variety of sources, including affiliate marketing blogs and websites, forums and communities, and conferences and events.

Affiliate Institute regularly publishes new content and offers advanced training opportunities to its members.

This includes new blog posts and articles, new webinars and courses, and new advanced training programs.

Continuous learning is important in affiliate marketing because the field is constantly evolving.

Affiliate Institute provides a variety of resources to help its members stay up-to-date on the latest trends and strategies in affiliate marketing.

By taking advantage of these resources, affiliate marketers can increase their chances of success.

Are There Any Qualifications Needed To Join AI?

There are no prerequisites or qualifications required to join Affiliate Institute. The program is open to anyone who is interested in learning about affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Institute does not require any prior experience or education. The program is designed for beginners and experienced affiliate marketers alike.

Affiliate Institute is accessible to a wide range of individuals, including beginners. The program’s training materials are designed to be easy to understand, even for those with no prior experience in affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Institute also offers a variety of support resources to its members, including a community forum, live Q&A sessions, and one-on-one coaching.

These support resources can be very helpful for beginners, as they provide them with the opportunity to get help and support from other experienced affiliate marketers.

Affiliate Institute is a good fit for a wide range of individuals, including beginners. The program does not require any prior experience or education, and it offers a variety of support resources to its members.

If you are interested in learning about affiliate marketing, I encourage you to sign up for a free trial of Affiliate Institute. This will give you a chance to try out the program and see if it is right for you.

In 2022, Affiliate Institute was sued by a former student for fraud and misrepresentation. The student alleged that Affiliate Institute made false claims about its success rate and income potential, and that its training materials were inadequate.

The lawsuit was settled out of court in 2023, with Affiliate Institute agreeing to pay the student a confidential sum of money.

As part of the settlement, Affiliate Institute also agreed to modify its marketing materials to be more accurate and to improve its training materials.

In addition to the lawsuit, Affiliate Institute has also been the subject of a number of complaints from students.

These complaints have ranged from allegations of poor customer service to claims that the program’s training materials are outdated or inaccurate.

Affiliate Institute has responded to these complaints by improving its customer service and by updating its training materials.

The company has also implemented a satisfaction guarantee for its Accelerator Program and Global Affiliate Zone.

Affiliate Institute has faced some legal issues and controversies in the past. However, the company has taken steps to address these issues and to improve its program.

It is important to note that Affiliate Institute is not the only affiliate marketing program that has faced legal issues or controversies.

In fact, the affiliate marketing industry as a whole has been criticized for its lack of regulation and for its high rate of fraud.

If you are considering joining Affiliate Institute, it is important to do your research and to be aware of the risks involved.

You should also be aware of the company’s refund policy and satisfaction guarantee.

It is important to note that the lawsuit against Affiliate Institute was settled out of court, and the allegations against the company have not been proven in court.

Additionally, the company has taken steps to address the complaints that it has received from students.

On the other hand, it is also important to be aware of the risks involved in joining any affiliate marketing program.

Is Affiliate Institute a scam or legitimate opportunity?

This is a question that many people ask before deciding whether or not to join the program. Affiliate Institute is a legitimate affiliate marketing training program.

It is not a scam, but it is important to be aware of the criticisms and praises for the program before deciding whether or not to join.

Criticisms of Affiliate Institute

The main criticisms of Affiliate Institute are that:

  • It is a high-ticket program.
  • It does not have a good refund policy.
  • It has been sued for fraud and misrepresentation.
  • It has received complaints from students about poor customer service and outdated training materials.

Praises for Affiliate Institute

The main praises for Affiliate Institute are that it:

  • Offers a comprehensive training program on affiliate marketing.
  • Has a good community of affiliate marketers.
  • Offers support resources, such as customer service, live Q&A sessions, and one-on-one coaching.


It is important to weigh both the criticisms and praises of Affiliate Institute before deciding whether or not to join the program.

The fact that Affiliate Institute is a high-ticket program and does not have a good refund policy are both red flags.

However, the program does offer a comprehensive training program, a good community of affiliate marketers, and support resources.

It is also important to note that the lawsuit against Affiliate Institute was settled out of court, and the allegations against the company have not been proven in court.

Additionally, the company has taken steps to address the complaints that it has received from students.


Affiliate Institute is not a scam, but it is important to be aware of the risks involved before joining the program. Affiliate marketing is a business, and there is no guarantee that you will make money in affiliate marketing.

If you are considering joining Affiliate Institute, I’m glad you are researching it properly before committing and to be aware of the risks and rewards involved.

My Recommendation

I would recommend that you start with a free or low-cost affiliate marketing training program before joining Affiliate Institute. There are many good resources available online.

Once you have a basic understanding of affiliate marketing, you can then decide if Affiliate Institute is right for you.

Final Thoughts

Thank you for taking the time to read this review, I know it was quite long, but I do like to be thorough! You came here looking for an answer to your question “Is Affiliate Institute a scam?”

Hopefully I’ve been able to answer that for you and you can now make an informed decision about what you are going to do next.

If you have any questions or just want to leave a comment please feel free. See you at the next review!

About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here:

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