Welcome to my Fiverrlicious review. This is a new product that is being released by Bobby D and Trevor Carr. Now Bobby D is someone who does things a bit different, he hasn’t been around too long, but he has turned out to be a breath of fresh air in an industry that can be filled with lies and deception.
The trouble is I’ve reviewed 3 of his previous products and when he teams up with Trevor Carr, which he has done once before, the quality seems to drop and the hype seems to go up. When he’s on his own he seems to produce much better products.
Unfortunately he’s with Trevor again on this one so I’m just hoping he’s managed to reign TC in and keep up the level of work that I know he’s capable of.
NAME: Fiverrlicious
OWNERS: Bobby D & Trevor Carr
PRICE: $9.95 with a downsell to $6.95
WEBSITE: https://www.phlos.net/fiverrlicious-sales/
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what is fiverrlicious about
As the name would suggest it’s all about selling gigs on Fiverr. What I really liked about the sales page was the fact that they are saying this is not a get rich quick scheme as so many of their competitors normally claim.
They’re not even saying this will replace your job this week, what they are saying is consider this as a way to get some extra money, but then hey if you find out it really does work and starts bringing you in an income that rivals your job then you’ve got a nice dilemma on your hands.
I have to say though I’m a bit sceptical on the 6k in 3 months claim especially seeing as it was meant to be part-time.
Now as I’m going through the sales page I’m seeing something that doesn’t quite ring true, it sounds like a made up back story for Bobby. I’ll go into that a little later, keep an eye open for it you’ll be surprised by what I know.
Apparently this course will show you exactly what gigs to list along with where to get those gigs done for you because you won’t be doing the gigs yourself, you’ll just be a middleman if you like.
You’re going to list the gigs and get the orders while someone else actually does the work, you pay them a small amount and charge the customer whatever the price is and you keep the difference.
You’re not going to need any experience because according to them this is super simple to follow and if you can copy and paste you’ve got it in the bag.
I’ve skimmed through the course once and will say that at the moment it would seem that what they are saying on the sales page is actually inside the course.
One thing I will say is this isn’t a new course, the videos were recorded in May 2018 and I suspect this was sold as a different course last year, so this is basically a rehash of an old product and if you have that product you’re just going to be buying the same thing again just with a different name :([su_divider top=”no”]
what I liked
- Step by step training
- Nothing too complicated
- He does tell you to put the effort in (good advice)
what I didn’t like
- No guarantee
- Old course
- No real support to questions
- not being totally honest on the sales page
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inside the training
When you get to the members area you get presented with 10 videos:
- Introduction from Bobby – 1.37 – This is a simple intro which is actually new, it was recorded on Jan 2019
- Overview – 7.11 – Bobby gives you a bit of background on the whole arbitrage process.
- Let’s Get Started – 12.53 – goes over the process of signing up
- Fiverr Levels – 4.37 – discussing the different levels within the platform
- Let’s Outsource – 6.11 – How to get your gigs done for you
- Putting it Together – 13.21 – How to put together your advert for your gig
- Gig Setup Continued – 4.43 – He goes over the things to use for making a video review of the gig.
- Using Video For More Views – 2.35 – Reiterates the importance of using video for better boosting of your gig.
- See My Gigs – 4.47 – Tells you the criteria he uses to find what sort of gigs to post and shows you what gigs he uses from SEO Clerks to fulfill his Fiverr gigs
- Sign Off From Bobby – 0.58 – Bobby just tells you that you are not going to make money next week, but stick at it and you will start to bring in some money around the 2-month mark
And as I said earlier these are all videos from May – Sept last year apart from the beginning and end video.[su_divider top=”no”]
the oto’s
Now normally when Bobby does things on his own he will only have 1 upsell, but Trevor has obviously been in his ear and this time round he has 3 of them, but don’t forget these aren’t covered by the guarantee.
Oh sorry I forgot there is no guarantee is there, not one that I could see anyway, I know that Bobby doesn’t usually give refunds on his products which if you hear some of the horror stories that I have about the hassle people have trying to get their money back from other vendors then not having a guarantee probably isn’t that big of a thing.
- OTO #1 – $27 with a downsell to $17
- OTO #2 – $47 with a downsell to $27
- OTO #3 – $67 with a downsell to $47
So there I’ve just saved you $50, but honestly don’t even bother with the upsells, you don’t want any distractions if you’re going to stand any chance of making this work.[su_divider top=”no”]
the bobby d story
I nearly forgot I was going to share something with you wasn’t I. OK, on the sales page we’re told that Bobby D works full time, up early, home late and he works weekends too and he done this as a complete newbie.
So that makes you think that he just an ordinary Joe like so many other people, right?
Well his back story has changed a bit, you see when I reviewed Flipadom he was being portrayed again as a complete newbie that found this incredible way to make money flipping domain names.
That was the first time I’d come across Bobby d, but his picture looked familiar so I did what I do best and started to do some digging and found out that he had been a Detective Sergeant with the London Met.
I then found his YouTube channel where he categorically states that he doesn’t slave away for 60 hours a week, he does 5 or 10 hours a week, not exactly what they are trying to get you to believe on the sales page is it.
Then you have his website, for some reason, probably to fit in with a made up back story, things have changed on there as well.
It used to say this:
And then he seems to have totally reinvented his about page, but he does manage to get in a section where he says he still works 60 hours a week? so that it ties in with a nice little sales pitch on product releases.
Am I being too cynical? Take a look at that YouTube video on his own channel:
What do you think?[su_divider top=”no”]
final thoughts
Anyway let’s wrap this thing up shall we. Whatever he wants his story to be true or not, that’s up to him, it doesn’t say too much about the integrity of the man though, but I suppose that’s the world we live in today.
Still, I would expect a bit more from a former officer of London’s finest, tell the truth and all that.
As far as the course is concerned it’s not bad, it is old, but it does what it sets out to do. they don’t make any unrealistic claims which to be fair is a rarity these days.
I do wish he wouldn’t team up with other people though, they’ve obviously been a bad influence on him.
Still, this is one of the better products that I’ve reviewed lately and if you can get past the way he’s been portrayed on the sales page and his reinvention then you won’t go far wrong if you’re looking for a bit of extra money, but aren’t in a rush for it.
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what next
If you want more than just some extra money then affiliate Marketing might be what you are looking for. I’m not a “GURU” like Bobby d, but i do know how to make money online and I am honest.
I was taught the right way to do it and it will continue to be a source of income for me for many years to come.
The best way I know to make money online is by building your own website.
The thing is you need to build it right, you need solid foundations, you need to know how to make it grow and I don’t know of anywhere better than Wealthy Affiliate, their back story doesn’t change, it’s been the same since 2005.
Not only is it the best place for learning how to build, rank and monetize your website, It’s also the #1 affiliate training platform on the internet today.
If you want to read about the full features of this amazing community you can read my full review here, I’ve been a member there for nearly 4 years now so I know what I’m talking about.
Or if you just want to dive straight in you can click the banner below for free sign up, no credit card and you’ll even get the first 10 lessons for free and 2 totally free websites

I’ll be there to personally welcome you on the inside :)[su_divider top=”no”]
Not bad. The sales page was decent at least, and I like how they don’t make unrealistic claims. I remember the whole backstory thing from your Flipadom review but that’s something I can get past if I know the vendor, know the quality of product is good, and all that. Only thing is if it’s your first experience with someone you may not take too well to them lying to you as a first impression. And if someone’s gonna call themselves a “guru,” I don’t know how trustworthy I would find them either. That word seems to have a negative connotation
I totally understand where you’re coming from, perhaps that is why he has changed his story and doesn’t call himself a guru anymore, I just think he needs to be his own person and not listen to other people if you know what I mean