EZ Bay Payday Review

Welcome to my EZ bay Payday review. Today we’re going to be looking at a product that has been out for a while now, but it seems to be getting a lot of attention from people who are quick to call it a scam.

Are they right?

Well, that’s what we will both know by the end of this review. I’m not just going to look at the sales page, I’m going to dig deep and go through the actual product itself to see just what it is and if it has any chance of standing up to the claims made on the sales page.

I’m not just going to follow the crowd and call it a scam if it isn’t one, that’s not me. If a product is decent and I can see the potential to make you some money then I’ll say so, regardless of what everyone else is saying.

But, on the other hand if what other people are saying is true then I’ll have no hesitation in agreeing with them.

You’re in the right place to find out either way, so let’s crack on.

NAME: EZ Bay PaydayEZ Bay Payday Review

OWNERS: Steve Richards (Glynn Kosky?)

PRICE: $37

WEBSITE: http://ezbaypayday.com/live/

#1 recommendation for making money online

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What Is EZ Bay Payday 2019 About?

Before we go over the sales page I want you to know exactly what this is. Now, we should be able to figure it out from the name, but it doesn’t always work out like that unfortunately.

This is all about drop shipping on eBay. Now, that’s a big problem right there. eBay are bringing the hammer down on drop shippers big time so I’m not really sure if this is going to be of any use.

They do say on the sales page that this is fully updated and brand new for 2019 so it’ll be interesting to see if they’ve got a workaround for this situation.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Sales Page

OK, so I’ve just gone over the sales video and I’m a bit confused, i know, it doesn’t take a lot to confuse me 🙂

Why is there Google Play Store and App Store badges on there? This isn’t an app. Turns out they’re as fake as the CNN and Forbes badges:

Fake badges

Let’s move on to the limited number of people that he’s taking on before he takes down the page. Take a look at how many copies are available:

number of EZ bay payday copies available

Just 7 copies left, right, but look at how many people are in the queue waiting for access:

waiting for access

So if they only have 7 copies left there’s not much point in you even trying to buy this cause there is 1,269 people in front of you!

He tells you to keep watching the video which he calls a ‘training video’ because he’s going to show you can make a full time income from the internet.

I’m going to save you some time, don’t bother. He doesn’t show you anything.

And how’s this for a guarantee!

sales video success guarantee

That’s just not possible, sorry, and as for a system that care of everything for you, well I’ve been through the system and this doesn’t take care of everything for you.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Testimonials

All the so called testimonials of people who have apparently joined only yesterday and have all made just over $500 are all fake.

They are paid actors from Fiverr:

fake testimonialsThey will say whatever you want them to say, they have never made any money with this system.

To make matters worse the picture of their ‘expert dream team’ has a photo of Jenny who is apparently the Managing Director:

expert dream teamWell if you look just above that on the sales page where it says LIVE social proof ( another lie!) you’ll notice Jenny there only with a different name, Anna Cofer:

Anna Cofer or JennyThat is so funny :)[su_divider top=”no”]

Who Is Steve Richards?

That’s a good question because at the bottom of the sales page we’re told that it’s a pen name. So we know Steve isn’t his real name.

Now, while watching the video I recognized the voice or at least narrowed it down. At 7.36 he tells us that he is Steve Richards the owner and creator of EZ Bay Payday.

It’s either Glynn or Leigh Kosky. How do I know that? Well, I’ve reviewed many of their products before and as such can recognize their voices.

Oh yeah and this gives it away as well:

kosky addressThat’s the URL of the members area, so we now know this is a Kosky product.

You know what, it was only yesterday that I reviewed a product that is polar opposites to this one, regardless of being different niches. There was no fakery involved and it just had a real good feel to it.

I’m definitely not feeling it with it this one![su_divider top=”no”]

Inside EZ Bay Payday 2019

This is the part of the review that you’ve probably not seen from the other reviewers, a lot of them concentrate on that joke of a sales page which is fine, i’ve done that myself at times and will do in the future.

wealthy affiliate sign up

Where ever possible though I like to show you inside the members area so you can get a really good look at what you’re buying before you make the decision to actually buy it.

It also gives me the chance to go through the training to see if it’s any good.

Before you get into the members area however you will have to get past the upsells. Now, don’t worry about buying them at this point, regardless of what they say the upsells or upgrades are readily available inside the members area.

So, what I strongly suggest you do is just click ‘No Thanks’ at the bottom of each page, besides i’ve seen the upsells and they are seriously not worth it so just skip these.

EZ Bay Payday Members Area

Once you get inside the members area you’re going to see a welcome video by Glynn Kosky which is step #1.

Step #2 involves registering for the VIP Members Workshop which is John Crestani’s webinar sales funnel for his Super Affiliate System which if I remember rightly is around $997, of course Glynn is an affiliate of that product.

Step #3 is where you can claim your ‘FREE’ website. I put the word free like that because the only thing that is free is the domain name. Take a look at this screenshot:

free website

So if you consider $143.04 free, then yes it’s free. If you do actually want a free website then scroll to the bottom of this page.

Step #4 and don’t forget we still haven’t actually got to the course yet!, is their highest recommendation which is a Brendan Mace product called Traffic Takeover which is another $32.95.

Right, finally we get to the actual course. This is made up of 11 modules which each contain 1,2, 3 or 4 videos.

MODULE 1EZ Bay Paydays video training

  • Introduction – 0.44
  • Income Proof – 0.40
  • What You Need – 2.26


  • The Basics – .28
  • Why eBay – 1.03
  • What Is Drop Shipping – 1.39


  • What Is PayPal – 1.31
  • Setting Up PayPal Acc – 3.26


  • eBay Set Up – 2.08
  • Setting Business Policies – 6.19
  • Site Preferences – 4.51
  • Choosing Your Store Name – 1.18


  • Choosing Your Sources – 2.48
  • Example of Sources – 4.45


  • Finding Items To List – 3.34
  • Find Items That Are Selling Well – 1.36
  • Find the Item At Your Source – 2.09
  • Words Of Caution – 2.52


  • Choosing A Listing Software – 3.50
  • Setting DSM Tool And Listing Your First Item – 14.18
  • Setting DSM Tool – 11.30


  • Title Optimization – 2.16


  • Your First Sale – 0.35
  • Using Cashback – 3.53
  • Fulfilling GSP orders – 3.22


  • Why Tracking numbers Matter – 1.40


  • Up loading Tracking Numbers Manually – 1.49

That’s it for the EZ Bay Payday course, pretty basic stuff actually and not very in depth as I’m sure you can tell from the length of the videos.

It then has totally unrelated stuff in the form of youtube videos from other peoples’ channels.

The first one is about making money by taking surveys via your mobile phone, the second one is about using a site called Usertesting, the third one is about freelancing and the fourth one I have no idea because the link is dead.

All very strange seeing as they have absolutely nothing to do with dropshipping.

The Oto’s

Let’s quickly go over what the upsells consist of so you know what you’re potentially letting yourself in for.

  • OTO #1 – $147 – Pro version – You know i said earlier that I was confused, well now I well and truly haven’t a clue what’s going on. Here’s the sales video for this upsell:

You’d think this has something to do with being a premium version of the main product wouldn’t you?

Well, I’ve just been through it and it looks like a PLR product called Evergreen Internet Profits, 2 courses split into 20 videos. These have no relation whatsoever to EZ Bay Payday.

  • OTO #2 – $97- 1000x Your Earnings – He reckons he’s got an inside man at eBay who told they had dropped the ball big time that of course you can exploit using this upsell. The reality is it’s another PLR product.
  • OTO #3 – $97 – EZ Bay Payday 10x Duplicator – Apparently a fault in a piece of code that you can again exploit. The reality is somewhat different. There is no fault in the eBay’ code for you to exploit. This is about product creation, it’s a 20 video course by Glynn Kosky.

Thankfully that’s it. What a total load of BS![su_divider top=”no”]

Final Thoughts

Having seen the sales page and actually having been through the training I can see why so many people are calling this a scam.

I wouldn’t go that far because you do actually get something for your money just not what you’re expecting after having seen the sales video.

The content of the training is extremely thin as is reflected in the length of the videos, the majority of which is very basic stuff like setting up a PayPal account.

What totally baffles me is how they can make a sales video that goes on about something that the product bears very little resemblance to, especially those upsell video, they were horrendous.

Like i said at the beginning I’m not afraid to stick my neck out and go against the majority if I feel a product deserves it, but I’m afraid this product deserves all the bad press it gets.

There was nowhere in the ‘training’ that even mentions that eBay are cracking down on dropshipping and this is meant to be new and updated for 2019.

There is no way on earth that I would ever approve this for you guys to use as a viable way to make money.

not approved

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So What Now?

Now I’m not going to claim to be able to get you earning a million in no time at all, in fact the platform I’m a member of is probably the most well-known affiliate training platform on the internet today.

You’ve probably guessed who I’m talking about, Wealthy Affiliate. A place you can be sure of not getting ripped off, a place you can learn how to finally be given the chance to make the sort of money you’ve always wanted online.

If you want to know exactly how it’s done then just copy me, I’m serious, copy what I’ve done.

There’s a quote that I love that goes something like this:

“Do exactly as I say until you find out it doesn’t work or until you find out I’m lying, well I don’t lie and it does work”

That’s why I’m still there over 4 years down the line.

If you want to read a detailed review of Wealthy Affiliate then click here.

Alternatively if you’re feeling adventurous you can click the banner below to go straight to the sign up page, you only need your email and you’re good to go, no credit card, the starter membership is free.

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I’ll meet you on the inside and help YOU every step of the way :)[su_divider top=”no”]

About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here: https://goo.gl/rUv7ep

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