In todays’ post we’re gonna be asking can pimpr make you money? The sales page makes some bold claims. So lets take a look.[divider]
NAME: Pimpr
OWNER: Trevor Carr
PRICE: $7.08 (+upsells)
OVERALL RANKING: 3 / 5 stars
[yasr_overall_rating size=”medium”][divider]
let’s find out what pimpr is
Pimpr is quite simply the process of rewriting PLRs and launching them as your own product on places like warrior plus.
PLR stands for Private Label Rights and you receive a license with the product to enable you to change certain elements to make it your own from which you keep 100% profit on any you sell, no money has to go back to the original seller of the PLR.
I’m sure you’ve all heard of ‘pimp my ride’ right. Well the concept is basically the same.
You take a battered old car ( in this case a PLR) and turn it into something good looking and wonderful.
The Pimpr front end product is a 48 page ebook along with a 7 step cheat sheet.It takes you through the various stages all the way from finding a product to the final destination of the actual launch itself.[divider]
pros and cons
- Price
- not just theory
- no expensive software needed
- no huge learning curve
- 30 day money back guarantee
- Expensive upsells
- No videos in front end product
- Sales page scarcity trick
- The need for writing skills
- The need for design skills
who’s most likely to benefit from this?
This is a great starting point for anyone looking to get started with their own product because it eliminates the need to start from scratch which by its very nature is going to be very time consuming.
Now don’t get me wrong this model isn’t going to be something you can accomplish overnight, it’s going to take a lot of work, just not as much as a totally new project.[divider]
what do you get for your $7
Right, so for $7 you get the 48 page Pimpr ebook which tells you all you need to know about turning an old PLR into a brand new product.
You also get the Pimpr cheat sheetYou also get to join the Facebook mastermind group and register for live training[divider]
can you get support?
There is no contact details on the sale page or on the download page or the Pimpr ebook to be able to get in touch with Trevor Carr.
The only way of contact/support i could see is in the form of the Facebook groupwhich from what i could see is fairly active.[divider]
any hidden costs?
As it seems with most products these days it wouldn’t be complete without the seemingly obligatory upsells and downsells.
Upsell #1 Pimpr Video Course which is the same as the ebook only in video format. You also get the Affiliate & Buyer Tap Video Tutorial. Cost = $19.97
Downsell is Pimpr video course on its own. Cost = $12.47
Upsell #2 4 Week LIVE Coaching Cost = $197
Downsell pay as you go Cost = $53 for 4 weeks
Upsell # 3 Private members club Cost = $27 per month
Downsell 7 day trial period Cost = $1 after which billed @ $27 per month.
So as you can see there are quite a few options which do become a bit tiresome. [divider]
final thoughts
I like the concept behind this but can pimpr make you money? Yes it probably can.
Will it make you rich overnight? Definitely Not.
Will you make the $8694.99 from a $5 product? probably not, at least not to start with.
This isn’t a get rich quick scheme, you’re going to have to put in the hard work to make it happen, but the potential is there to make some money and for that reason i’m gonna approve it. If you’re serious about wanting to make money online without having to create your own product then check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate here.
Have you used Pimpr? or know someone who has? Share your story below.