Welcome to my Auto Profit Sites review. Today we’re going to be looking at the latest release from the Kosky boys who are very familiar to this blog having released a lot of products which in all honesty aren’t the best.
I haven’t reviewed one of their products for a while now, the last one being around December last year. Most of their products are pretty much the same as are the sales pages that tell you all the usual rubbish like how this is going to be the last product you’ll need to buy.
You see that sort of stuff all the time, but very rarely if at all do they live up to the claims which is why this blog exists so you can get an unbiased view of products rather than just from the vendor or the affiliates who just promote it to get a commission.
Today you’re going to get a review that is based on fact and if this is a good product you’ll know about it, likewise if it’s a steaming pile of d#gs##t, you’ll know that as well.
NAME: Auto Profit Sites
OWNERS: Glynn & Leigh Kosky
PRICE: $17.00
WEBSITE: http://autoprofitsites.net/
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What Is Auto Profit Sites About?
Before we take a look at the claims on the sales page let’s find out what Auto Profit Sites is all about. Basically this is meant to be a 4 in 1 automated free traffic and sales app.
The 4 in 1 refers to the 4 pages you get, a blog page, a bridge page, a webinar page and a download page. You can customize each of these pages.
The blog pages have banners for monetization as well as the main content for making money online with different strategies.
On those pages is a button that advertises a live training workshop that people are encouraged to sign up to. When they click on it they see a drop down for them to put in their email address which then sends them over to the bridge page.
This page offers some freebies just for watching the webinar and all they have to do to get them is share it on Facebook after which the webinar button will load.
Once they click that they will be taken to the webinar page where they will watch the presentation and have the opportunity to buy the webinar product via your affiliate link.
The final page is a download page where your customers can download the freebies you promised on the bridge page.
And that is Auto Profit Sites in a nutshell.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Sales Page
Now we know what Auto Profit Sites is about let’s just take a quick look at the claims on the sales page and see how they compare.
I say a quick look, but to do that I’ll have to condense it because the sales page is absolutely massive.
Headlines like that certainly capture your attention, but they’re pretty useless in real terms. I Mean, who’s really going to believe this is going to get you high ticket recurring sales in 60 seconds, it’s just rubbish.
Then you have the whole thing about it generating him $1,000 per day. Then why on earth go to all this trouble if all he needs to do is implement this 100% done for you system? It doesn’t make sense.
So, the sales page reckons all this will take is 3 steps? Steps 1 and 2 are simple enough, but what about step 3? I couldn’t find any “get traffic button” I could hit anywhere in the entire product.
There is actually a free traffic section, but that is access to other software that they have released like Viral News Jacker which was one of their better products.
But as far as hitting a “get traffic” button to get free buyer traffic and sales in 60 seconds, forget it, it’s never going to happen.
The main takeaway from the huge sales page is how easy it is to set this up and start making money. From my experience of going through the product I don’t think that’s a very realistic outcome, I personally think that if you do buy this you’re going to be quickly asking for a refund.
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What Did I Like
- The additional training programs included
- 180 day Money back guarantee
What I Didn’t Like
- Unrealistic claims on the sales page
- Not enough training on how to set everything up
- Confusing!!!!
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Inside The Members Area
Time for a look inside the members area, but before we do I need to give you a warning about the upsells which you’re going to see after you buy this, but before you get access to it.
Buying the upsells at this point can lead to big problems with getting a refund, now I’m not saying that’ll happen here, but it’s better to be aware especially when 7 upsells involved.
To get a better idea of what could happen take a look at Donna and Stephane’s comments here, hopefully you’ll never be in that position.
Once you get past the upsells and into the members area you’ll see this dashboard:
The layout is pretty similar to a lot of their other products so if you have bought any in the past you’ll be familiar with how to navigate your way around which is fairly easy to do. The menu is on the left with all the corresponding items being shown on the right.
The main gripe I had was how long things take to load, maybe it’s their server and hopefully it won’t get any worse, but that’s the trouble with cloud based apps.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Upsells
I’ll quickly go over those 7 upsells we spoke about earlier, 6, by the way, is totally over the top in my opinion.
- OTO #1 – Unlimited – $67 with a downsell to $37
- OTO #2 – 100% Done for you – $97 with a downsell to $67
- OTO #3 – Unlimited traffic – $147 with a downsell to $47
- OTO #4 – 30k per month – $147 with a downsell to $47
- OTO #5 – Super affiliate – $97 with a downsell to $37
- OTO #6 – License rights – $147 with a downsell to $67
- OTO #7 – Auto profit boost – $47 witha downsell to $37
One of the things that really gets me apart from the fact you really don’t need these is imagine being the person that just paid $147 and then finding out you could have got the same thing for $100 less.
I’m pretty sure you’d feel like they had ripped you off, I know I would.
If you are looking to buy these and get the discounted prices it isn’t hard, all you need to do is click “No Thanks” at the bottom of each page.
One last thing I noticed just as I was about to publish. OTO #3 is Unlimited traffic, right. Well isn’t that what the headline of this product said so why would you want to pay another $147 for something that this app is supposed to do anyway???[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
I was hoping that seeing as I hadn’t reviewed one of their products for a while that this one might be different to so many of their others, but I can’t say that unfortunately.
I think the sales page is so unrealistic it shouldn’t be allowed, actually I don’t know how something that bad can be allowed. As well as the software being terribly slow you never know when they are going to pull the plug on the whole thing.
Say for arguments’ sake that this manages to work and bring you in regular money If they were to pull the plug you’d be left high and dry.
Who’s to say they won’t get bored with this and move on to something else, everything you’ve built up will be lost.
The product itself isn’t something I would recommend to people I know so I won’t be approving this to you.
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What Other Options Are There?
Affiliate marketing works, no doubt about it, unfortunately there is no shortage of products like this looking to over complicate the whole process just to sell a product.
If you can learn affiliate marketing the from the right people you’ll be in a position to grow from there and it’s that growth that takes time.
And it’s that time that these product vendors don’t want you to know about that’s why you’ll see headlines like free buyer traffic and sales in 60 seconds.
If you are willing to break the vicious circle of looking for a quick fix only to find it doesn’t work then looking for the next one then I can help you out.
I found Wealthy Affiliate over 5 years ago and many people can spend that time jumping form one product to another trying to find the holy grail.
How do I know that? Because I spent so much time doing just that before Wealthy Affiliate so I know what I’m talking about.
Wealthy Affiliate will train you just as they trained me and trust me if I can do it then most people can. Having been there for the amount of time I have I’m in a great position to know how they work so I have a review here that you can read over or if you like you can click the banner below for instant access.
Don’t worry it’s a starter membership that is TOTALLY FREE. You really do have nothing to lose.
You’ll even get 1 FREE website and 10 FREE lessons on how to set them up ready to make money online. Simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.

I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way. You’ll even meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you :)[su_divider top=”no”]