Affiliatio Review – Is This Really For Beginners

Every single person that makes their living as an affiliate marketer has to start at the beginning, in this Affiliatio review we’re going to be looking at whether this is the product to help you do just that like it claims or if it’s just going to leave you with more questions than answers.

I’m personally looking forward to taking a look at this simply because as I’ve stated in reviews before a lot of these products that make such bold claims about being newbie friendly when in reality they are anything but.

NAME: Affiliatioaffiliatio review

OWNERS: Trevor Carr, Jonas Lindgren

& Bauke Vreeswijk

PRICE: $9.95


#1 recommendation[su_divider top=”no”]

what is Affiliatio about

First off I’ve got to say that in the stupid name stakes this wins hands down, i mean whoever thought of that name needs to find a new job LOL.

This is supposed to be totally geared towards someone who is completely new to affiliate marketing, giving them step by step instructions to enable them to earn their first commission.

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the sales page

As with all my reviews i always like to have a look at the sales page, after all it’s this that is going to determine if you’re going to buy it isn’t it.

Unfortunately there are some product owners out there that really over hype the claims just to get you to purchase it and then once you have you realise that none of the outrageous claims are true.

Luckily you’ve found this review and i have done all the hard work for you so you can look at the sales page with a new perspective.

One of the main things i notice when i land on the sales page is the lack of headline that usually tells how a total newbie found this weird trick to earn $500000 before breakfast!

To be fair it is really quite a shock, but at the same time refreshing not to be hit with such rubbish because them types of headline are so common with products like these.

The creator of the course, Bauke, does claim to started Affiliate marketing 4 years ago and in 2017 made over $50,000 on Clickbank.

affiliatio sales page

Now clickbank figures are easily manipulated, but that’s not to say that’s the case here.

It goes on to show some big money being made in a single day on different networks.

sales page income

He goes on to tell you how Affiliatio is a simple way to make money online and to be fair that’s the craziest claim i could actually find on the whole sales page which as i said at the beginning is almost unheard-of in this area of product.

The other point I’d like to make is that you actually get to know what it is you’re going to be buying before you buy it.

sales pagewhich again is a rarity, normally you’re just fed a sales page full of how much money is being made without them telling you what it is you’re buying.[su_divider top=”no”]

who’s going to use this

From the sales video you can see that it revolves around people who are looking to get that first commission in affiliate marketing.

So anyone who has experience in this market is probably not going to find anything of any use in this. That being said there is no mention on the sales page that this aimed directly at the newbie, only on the video.

In so many courses they promise to show you from the ground up how affiliate marketing works and how to implement it, but fail miserably on all fronts and leave the student in complete bewilderment as what to do next.

This claims to be different.

#1 recommendation
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the good bits

  • The idea behind it
  • The amount of information
  • Not just relying on paid traffic

not so good bits

  • Promotes the use of backlinks
  • Not enough training on setting up certain aspects of a website
  • The use of Instabuilder ( it costs a minimum $77)
  • Doesn’t show HOW to do the SEO part, simply says “go for low hanging fruit” but doesn’t show the process. This video is only 3.30 long so that tells you how much info is in there.[su_divider top=”no”]

what’s in the training

Affiliatio is made up of 4 modules each containing anywhere between 4 and 8 videos and comes with a bonus launch jacking course.

  • MODULE 1 Affiliate Offersaffiliatio training
  1. Niches 8.26
  2. Affiliate Networks 11.26
  3. Finding Affiliate Offers…and Some Sexy Income Proof! 29.19
  4. Guaranteed Affiliate Link Approval on JVZoo and Warrior Plus 8.27
  • MODULE 2 The Affiliatio Control Centre….Your Website
  1. Domain & Hosting 10.33
  2. Setting Up Your Domain & Hosting 13.00
  3. Website Content 5.41
  4. Setting Up Your Blog 17.20
  5. Landing Pages 5.03
  6. Creating a Landing Page With Instabuilder 7.53
  7. Lead Magnets 3.38
  • MODULE 3 Email Marketing
  1. Email Autoresponders 7.08
  2. Follow Ups & Broadcasts 7.32
  3. Putting Your Funnel Together 34.16
  4. Power Up Your PLR 5.40
  5. Creating the Email Series 23.20
  • MODULE 4
  1. Introduction 9.50
  2. On Page SEO & Keyword Research 3.30
  3. YouTube Videos 5.19
  4. Advanced YouTube Video Ranking Strategies 20.50
  5. Backlinks 5.03
  6. How to Get Your Website & Videos Ranked….REALLY, REALLY FAST! 12.03
  7. How to Structure Your Posts to Rank 18.05
  8. How to Rank Videos in Other Top Niches at the Top of Youtube! 12.53

  • BONUS COURSE Bauke’s Launch Jacking Mastery
  1. Introduction 3.02
  2. Finding a Product to Promote 8.15
  3. Get Approval & Review Copy 7.56
  4. Bonuses 9.34
  5. Your Bonus & Review Page 12.03
  6. Bonus Delivery Pages 8.46
  7. Case Studies 9.11
  8. Using Your Done For You Pages 7.04

So there you have the training for Affiliatio (still a stupid name)[su_divider top=”no”]

the oto’s

This particular product is no different to all the others out there in relation to trying to get you to purchase more expensive upsells straight after you buy the main product.

  • OTO1 – $27
    This first upsell is going to give you approval and the rights to give them away to two previous products of Trevor Carrs

  • OTO2 – $17
    This is a Facebook ads training course consisting of 6 videos
  1. oto 2Introduction 11.58
  2. How to create a business manager account in Facebook 6.03
  3. Campaign Structure 25.24
  4. Audience 16.29
  5. Audience Research 20.42
  6. Campaign Optimization 20.41
  • OTO3 – $47
    This is simply the resale rights so you get 100% commission on the entire sales funnel.

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final thoughts

To tell you the truth I’m a little bit disappointed on this one. When i saw the sales page with the distinct lack of hype i was hopeful this was really going to deliver for the person who is new to this industry.

Unfortunately although it goes someway to giving you what you need you are going to be left with areas that you are not going to know what to do with.

Take for example the recent GDPR update, which I’m sure you’ve had the near endless email notifications about, not one single mention of it in the setting up a blog section.

And that’s the problem, there are so many different facets to this business that trying to fit them all into a $9.95 product is near on impossible.

Although it doesn’t cover what you need to do in anywhere near enough detail for a newbie you are still going to get a good overview of what’s involved and for the price you’re getting some solid information that you can use.

approved[su_divider top=”no”]

what now

Unfortunately you’re going to be left with questions. Now when i couldn’t get the answers to the many questions i had at the beginning and still do if I’m honest, i was lucky enough to find a platform that covers every single aspect of affiliate marketing.

To the best of my knowledge it’s the only one of its kind that leads you by the hand from start to continued finish because it never really finishes, there’s always something new to learn which is why I’m still a member over 3 years after i joined.

If you would like to know more about not only a platform for learning affiliate marketing, but a fantastic community of like-minded people who are always willing to help you out then you can check out my review of them here

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Now it’s your turn to share your thoughts.

About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here:

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