20 Minute Tactics – Is It Really Worth Your Time?

This review is going to be looking at a product called 20 Minute Tactics by Bobby D. This will be the second time i have reviewed a product by Boddy D, the last didn’t turn out so well!

I am forever the optimist, so hopefully this one will be a lot better than last time he was associated with people who were less than honest on the sales page. This time he’s on his own, so it’s all going to be his own words and won’t have anybody to hide behind if i do find anything that is less than truthful.

NAME: 20 Minute Tactics20 minute tactics


PRICE: $7.00 + 1 upsells

WEBSITE: http://24hourmoney.online/sales-page/

#1 recommendation
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what is 20 minute tactics about

This is yet another product claiming to be made specifically for anyone who is new to affiliate marketing and basically guarantees your success, well actually there isn’t any guarantees because he doesn’t give any refunds whatsoever.

So if you don’t like what it is you get after you purchase ….. tough, cause he ain’t giving your money back.

Now the reason he says he does that is simply because if you take action you cannot fail to make money with this system.

I think I’ll be the judge of that LOL.

This is a set of 15 video based lessons taking you from finding CPA and clickbank offers all the way to speeding things up with paid traffic.

It’s all very basic stuff.[su_divider top=”no”]

the sales page

Recently the sales pages I’ve come across in course of doing the reviews have been extremely poor in terms of totally over hyping the claims of what the product can do, giving an entirely false representation of what it is.

So let’s hope this one isn’t as bad.

20 minute tactics sales headlineWell I’ve got to say that is very tame compared to a lot of the others out there. No outlandish claims of $$$$$ being made in a matter of hours, in fact there’s no mention of money at all.

That’s really quite refreshing.

sales pageNow i’m pretty certain you’ve seen statements like that before, i know i have, but seldom do they actually hold any truth in them

If all it takes is 20 minutes a day, I’ll be gobsmacked, i just can’t see that being possible and hopefully he remembers what it is like to be a newbie because a lot of these product creators simply forget what it’s like to be new and not really understand what the hell is being said or how to do it.

After I’ve gone through the training I’ll be in a better position to make that call.

Well apart from the 20 minutes a day claim there really isn’t much to complain about with this one. He’s made it very plain and simple to understand without the need to make the sort of money making claims his fellow vendors seem to be making all the time.

Well done Bobby D :)[su_divider top=”no”]

what i liked

  • price
  • clear and concise videos with good audio (you’d be surprised by the quality of some products)
  • free traffic methods
  • no hype!

#1 recommendation

what i didn’t like

  • tells you to look on YouTube if you get stuck setting up your autoresponder
  • $77 for Instabuilder to build your squeeze pages
  • no refunds![su_divider top=”no”]

what’s in the training

Like I’ve already said the cost of this is $7 so the training you’re going to be getting is obviously going to reflect this price.

  1. Introduction 1.57training dashboard
  2. Overview 2.52
  3. finding CPA offers and Clickbank 14.56
  4. Lets get some hosting 5.21
  5. Instabuilder – Making your first squeeze page 14.24
  6. Your first bridge page using two methods 7.53
  7. Setting up your autoresponder 6.31
  8. Free traffic method using Quora 7.24
  9. Free traffic method using Facebook 6.34
  10. Free traffic using Facebook groups 5.50
  11. Free traffic Warrior forum or blogs 10.06
  12. Free traffic Google alerts 3.23
  13. Speed things up with free traffic 5.39
  14. Last minute video! How to get affiliate or review access 7.56
  15. Sign off and Take action! 2.52

So there you have just over 2 hours of training which i thought catered pretty well for someone who is new to this, if only to see if it’s something they could see themselves doing, the $7 price tag is probably worth it, but i would like to point out at this stage that you can get access to the best affiliate training platform around at this moment in time for absolutely nothing, zilch, nada by using my link:


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the oto’s

Again with recent reviews that i have done the amount of upsells you’re hit with after you buy is beginning to border on the ridiculous, with 4 or even 5 being shown.

This on the other hand has bucked the trend currently being pursued by most of the more established marketers out there at the moment and the upsells are no different.

There is ONE upsell ….. yes you read that right, one solitary upsell and the price of it is $9.95 compared to most others price tags of $37.

In the upsell you have an additional free traffic method using YouTube along with a cheat sheet. you also get a squeeze page and thank you page template.[su_divider top=”no”]

final thoughts

I have to say credit where credit is due, this may not be the most in depth training you can get, but hey, it does exactly what it says on the tin.

It doesn’t dress itself up as a wolf in sheeps clothing, what you see is what you get which is a rarity in this industry at the moment so well done Bobby D 🙂

He gives some good advice such as steering clear of certain sellers in the solo ads market so you don’t get burned if you decide to try paid traffic.

Gives you a decent amount of options so you don’t have to go down the paid traffic route. All in all i would say for a complete novice this is good and honest product and you won’t go far wrong if you buy it.


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what next

If you like what you see with 20 Minute Tactics and want to take it to the next level then I’m going to tell you of another platform that i have absolutely no hesitation in recommending to you.

Wealthy Affiliate has been a major part of my success online and has never led me down the wrong path, if you’d like to check them out then read my full review about them first here, then make your mind up.

If you do join I’ll be there to welcome you and help you with any problem you may encounter along the way, but it’s not just me, there’s a whole host of people willing to help you at no extra cost.

That’s the great thing about being part of a community like Wealthy Affiliate. Hope to see you soon 🙂

wealthy affiliate

About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here: https://goo.gl/rUv7ep

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