Welcome to my Your Dream Websites review. Today we’re going to be looking at a product that is getting a lot of attention lately, but for all the wrong reasons.
I see a lot of people calling this a scam. But are they right to call it that?
Well I’ve got access to the whole kit and caboodle so what I’m going to do is actually go through the product, not just look at the sales page, I will be doing that, but that’s not the only thing I’ll take into consideration when I make my decision.
By the end of this review you are going to know the ins and outs of this product and more importantly will know if it’s a good product or indeed a scam product.
So, hold on tight, here we go!
NAME: Your Dream Websites
OWNER: Jake?
PRICE: $37
WEBSITE: http://yourdreamwebsites.com/
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What Is Your Dream Websites About?
That’s an excellent question because it looks like it could be rehashed version of another product or just identical, I don’t know cause I haven’t reviewed that other product.
The thing is I actually thought I’d been sent to the wrong website because the product labeling is actually Instant Profit Sites not Your Dream Websites???
So, that says to me that they are selling 2 products that lead to the product. Like I said I haven’t had the chance to review Instant Profit Sites yet, but I might look into doing that in the future, for now let’s stick with the task in hand.
Basically this product revolves around Clickfunnels. Setting up a lead capture, promoting products from Clickbank and Clickbetter and using Clickmagick or Click.org to track your clicks.
One thing that struck me was the lack of any traffic methods, I mean what good is it having a landing page if you’ve not got any way of getting traffic to it???
Perhaps that’s in the upsell that keeps popping up in the form of registering with your millionaire mentor:
but if that’s the case then that’s a bit of a cop out, why would you put together a product and leave out a major part of it only to try and upsell it??[su_divider top=”no”]
The Sales Page
OK, so now we know what it’s about let’s see if the claims on the sales page match up with what we know. The first thing we see if this headline:
Weird trick?? ‘ve been through the whole thing and I haven’t seen anything that could be considered weird or even a trick for that matter.
The only weird thing I saw was when ‘Jake’ tells us he’s just created us an online business and he’s going to turn our system on by clicking his mouse a few times! What the hell is he talking about?
He also says he’s going to show us LIVE proof of making US money, of course he is, LOL.
Here’s something on the video that you really should take notice of:
That is so true, unfortunately this is a tactic used by people who are actually out to scam you, they try and come across as genuine.
Here’s another strange thing, in the video he says that he “reminded her that I take care of all of the work for my partners, I would set up her websites and her account”
I say that’s strange because inside the members area you’ve a FAQ page and that says this:
So do they or don’t they?? I would say no they don’t. So basically that sales video is not telling you the truth and it’s not until you buy this and get inside that you’re going to realise this.
Suppose you bought this on the fact that he’s meant to set everything up for you? You wouldn’t be happy finding out you’ve got to do it all on your own would you.
And that’s why I like to go through what they say on the sales page because a lot of time they say anything just to get you to buy which is so wrong in my opinion.
Remember he said he’s going to show us LIVE proof of us making money from the site he set up for us? Well here it is:
He reckons that once we sign up and are on the inside that account will be handed over to you. I’m here to tell you that is complete and utter BS!
He then tries to trick you with fake scarcity by claiming he’s closing the doors on this offer tonight. That’s never going to happen.
I’m going to put the video here so you can have a look yourself if you want and the good thing is the controls are on there so you can skip forward:
The whole video is as fake as my finger nails![su_divider top=”no”]
Inside The Members Area
OK, time for a look inside Your Dream Websites to see just what it is you get with this product.
When you first get into there that image above is covered with that Millionaire Mentor pop up that I mentioned earlier and they are pretty insistent that you ring the number before you do anything else, so I suspect that is going to be their opportunity to upsell you the upgrades, needless to say I didn’t ring that number.
The dashboard is made up of a menu that contains 5 modules:
- HOME – 2.56 – An overview of the system with the goal to get you up and running within the hour
- ADVANCE TRAINING – Again you have to ring the number to unlock this section, a bit strange when you even haven’t been through the main training yet.
- STEP 1 – PROFIT ACCELERATOR – 3.07 – Getting signed up with Clickfunnels which will cost $97 month
- STEP 2 – LEAD CAPTURE – 4.15 – Setting your GVO account
- STEP 3 – INCOME ACCOUNTS – 2.54 – Signing up with Clickbank and Clickbetter
- STEP 4 – MAKE 10X MONEY – 19.45 – Setting up your Click.org account which will cost you $39 month
- STEP 1 – STEAL MY PAGES – 2.40 – This video goes over choosing a landing page template that you MUST use with clickfunnels
- STEP 2 – CUSTOMIZE PAGES – 4.15 – A walkthrough showing you how to set up and customize your pages
- STEP 3 – LEAD COLLECTION – 5.43 – Integrating your GVO account with Clickfunnels
- STEP 4 – SEE IT ALL IN ACTION – 6.38 – Making sure it works like it should with your affiliate links from either clickbank or Clickbetter. Towards the end of this video it does get a bit weird, he starts talking about Module 3 where you use certain services to get traffic, the thing is that section isn’t in here, it’s only in the video?? The first traffic source he talks about and recommends is something called ClickBanger which I couldn’t find any info about apart from the domain name has expired so I really don’t know what’s going on with that.
And that is basically it with your dream Websites. There are a couple more sections, one called Operation Hub where weird goes to a whole new level.
It’s basically where you can log into your account for Clickfunnels, Clickbank etc, but take a look at the video they’ve got at the top:
That is a 51-minute documentary about Heavy Metal. Now i might be a bit dumb sometimes, but I can’t see the connection?? Really, really strange.
The other section, Bonus Material, is something I’ve never really seen before in a product. It’s a section called ‘Avoid Scams’ which outlines what they call ‘3 of the usual suspects’:
- Push button money getting systems don’t exist
- Money making websites are complete garbage
- Beware of the “what it’s not” type offers
I’m pretty sure this product falls into all 3 of those categories LOL.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
I’ve done a bit more digging and as well as Instant Profit Sites, this is also known as Profit With Our Sites and the Easy Internet Plan:
That’s in their disclaimer, they couldn’t even be bothered to change the name! Also, and I’m not sure if you can see that, but just before that is says “The typical purchaser does NOT make any money using this system” Really? Is this a joke??
The product itself is really a bit confusing, I’m not sure what it’s meant to be or do. In essence all it does is show you how to sign up with a few things and how to customize your Clickfunnels page and that’s it.
This doesn’t show anything that Clickfunnels themselves don’t show so why would you want to spend an additional $37 on something that you get as part of the clickfunnels package??
It doesn’t make sense and that sort of sums this up really, it doesn’t make sense.
The fake scarcity, the fake screenshots of you apparently making money from a site he set up, all the unrealistic claims of all the money you could be making.
You then have the fact that you have to pay for the tools you need to go through with this.
The most disappointing aspect of it is the total lack of any training on getting traffic, I just don’t understand that at all.
I just think it’s one of those sites that is trying to sell something that you can easily get for free and it has to hype it up in order for you to buy it.
Well I think you know what I’m going to do with this one don’t you? Yep you’ve guessed it, I’m not going to approve this to you guys.
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What Now?
This centers around promoting digital products from sites like Clickbank, but there are so many more opportunities including being an affiliate for Amazon.
You can build a site around any one of the categories on Amazon and make a fantastic income, how would $4550 suit you?
The thing is it really is possible, but you need the right training, you need the right community to help you out when you need it.
I looked for those people for a long time before I eventually found them and let me tell you now after being there for over 4 years I have no intention of leaving.
When you find something this good after seeing all the rubbish that you come across while searching you don’t give it up easily.
Wealthy Affiliate are the #1 affiliate training platform on the internet today and with the development they do they’re sure to stay #1 for a long time.
If you want to know more about them you can check out my review of them here or if you want to dive straight in and see for yourself then CLICK THE BANNER below for access that won’t cost you a single penny, all you need is your name and an email address and you’re good to go.
You’ll get 2 FREE websites and 10 FREE lessons on how to set them up ready to make money online. Simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.
I’ll meet you on the inside and help YOU every step of the way :)[su_divider top=”no”]
Well that bit about the scams was interesting. Never saw that before, plus I agree with all of those, plus this product does fall into all 3 categories, which is ironic. What do you mean $4550? $4550 per month?
So ironic LOL. That is the total from a new website that is 7 months old which is pretty damn good if you ask me. The same guy even sold a website for $30,000 a year later. I’m not sure if it was the same site.