Welcome to my Wealth Flip review. If you are looking for information on Wealth Flip then you are in the right place. We will be taking an in depth look at this latest product by Sabin Timsina and Ang Qi Jin.
This review will cover all the important parts of this product so you can make a better buying decision.
We’ll be taking a look at the actual product as well as the sales page to see how the claims on there compare to the product and we’ll also be letting you know who this product would best be suited to.
We will be highlighting any good bits as well as any bad bits so you know what to expect if you buy this. The members area will also be getting a look as will the upsells to see what they are and how much they cost.
If you manage to stick around til the end you’ll find out our final thoughts on whether this is a decent product that can help you make some money of if it’s just another lemon that you should stay away from.
NAME: Wealth Flip
OWNERS: Sabin Timsina & Ang Qi Jin
PRICE: $9.97
WEBSITE: https://sabintimsina.in/wealth-flip/
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Wealth Flip Review – What’s It About?
To have something to compare to the sales page we need to know what Wealth Flip is all about. I know you want to find out what is as do I so I’ll cut straight to the chase.
Wealth Flip is about using Fiverr, for those of you who haven’t heard of Fiverr it’s a marketplace where you can get almost any service done. Most services start a $5 hence the name.
This apparently is going to show you how to sell a service that takes only a couple of minutes to complete.
One thing I will say is it’s very difficult to understand Sabin at times, but I’ll do my best to relay what is being said.
The overview video states that you’ll be learning how to make a proper Fiverr profile in order to create trust. You’ll also be learning how to rank at the top of Fiverr marketplace plus get organic traffic using Facebook and Google.
He’s also going to show you 5 different services that you can sell on Fiverr which only take 5 – 10 minutes to complete
The modules inside Wealth Flip are:
- Setting up your Fiverr account
- Choosing a service
- Setting up a service
- Getting ranked on Fiverr
- Fiverr ranking hack
- End Game
- Case study
I won’t disclose the 5 services that they suggest you deliver as I don’t think that would be fair on the vendor, but I will say this they are simple and doing a bit of research on Fiverr I can see they are services that will be used.
I was reviewing one of his products a while back and I remember that one giving me a bit of a headache simply because the speed at which he talks, he goes a hundred miles an hour, he must have had too many energy drinks.
The same goes for this one, so just be prepared and have some headache tablets on hand.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Sales Page
Now we know what Wealth Flip is about its time to see if the claims on the sales page relate in any way to the product, hopefully they do because I see so many that don’t.
Not sure if getting $189 per day is achievable to begin with, but with enough work it’s certainly possible. Of course the traffic you do get is going to be buyer traffic, They are there looking for a service so they are buyers.
Bu that doesn’t mean you’re going to get that traffic, you obviously have to build up your reputation first in order for people to pick you over the more established sellers.
While this is something that newbies can do there’s no way you’re going to be living the laptop lifestyle form this, that’s complete rubbish.
I don’t know if there is a manual for all vendors when they are building a sales page, but there is one thing that seems to appear on every single one I see.
They all claim their product is so easy to use and start making money that you’ll only need to follow 3 steps which of course is total hype.
- Step 1 – Grab a copy of Wealth Flip
- Step 2 – Watch the training and set up the system it will only take 2 minutes
- Step 3 – Start getting orders and profit in just a couple of minutes
The first step is simple enough so that only really leaves 2 steps. I can testify that watching the training is going to take a lot longer than 2 minutes.
As for the 3rd step, I just wish it really was that easy. Fiverr has a lot of competition and for these guys to say you’re going to be getting orders and profiting in just a couple of minutes is irresponsible.
People are going to see that and believe what they are reading, why wouldn’t they?
They are then going to buy this thinking they’ll be making money in no time at all. Sorry guys, that ain’t gonna happen.
They try and bribe you with bonuses that they claim are worth $2,626 which again is not true.[su_divider top=”no”]
Who Is This For?
I think that this is a good product for newbies, everything is included to enable you to start advertising gigs, but that is very different to actually getting sales.
You’re not going to need any money upfront for listing your services which is a plus and the services that Sabin has highlighted won’t cost you anything to fulfill either.
The hard bit is going to be getting your listings seen and I’m not convinced by his method as it doesn’t even seem to work for him.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Good Bits
- 7 day money back guarantee
- Very doable method
- No extra costs involved
The Bad Bits
- Unrealistic sales page
- Very difficult to understand
- His ranking formula doesn’t work, his listing is nowhere near the top.
- $189 per day is a bit ambitious
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Inside The Members Area
Let’s take a quick look at the members area to see what’s inside there shall we. It’s a very simple members area, but to be fair you don’t need anything fancy.
It’s a straightforward list style menu with each section having it’s own video directly underneath so you don’t have to keep scrolling back up like you do with the more fancy ones.
I’ve already covered what you get in here so we’ll move on the what the upsells are.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
Before we look at the upsells I think you should be aware that some vendors will offer a money back guarantee on the front end product, but then leave it off the upsells.
You only realise that is the case when you try and get a refund and get refused. The same thing happened to one of my readers and he was good enough to leave a comment here outlining what happened.
- OTO #1 – Pro version – $37 with a downsell to $17
- OTO #2 – Ninja secret – $60 with a downsell to $30
- OTO #3 – Done for you services – $70 with a downsell to $35
- OTO #4 – Done for you package – $197 with a downsell to $97
- OTO #5 – Reseller rights – $197 with a downsell to $97
I really don’t like it when the same product is advertised at one price, but then instantly dropped by a massive amount. If you bought it at the full price and then found out you could have got it a lot cheaper I’d imagine you’re going to fell pretty pissed off, I know I would.
This is one of those products that the warning I gave you relates to. Some of the upsells even have a money back guarantee, but the more expensive ones don’t have any guarantee, all sales are final and no refunds.
I feel that is even worse, having a guarantee on some and not the others, it leaves you a false sense that all of them have one.
My advice is to skip the upsells because you’re not going to miss out on them as they are available inside the members area.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
Although this does have the resources you need to start advertising on Fiverr, advertising is very different to selling and remember any sales you do make you still have to give 20% to Fiverr.
I think that if you can tolerate Sabin and I mean that in the nicest possible way, then you are going to get some value out of this product.
The trick with the upsells is something that I really think needs to be stamped out and there is no need for such a young vendor to tarnish his reputation so early on in what could be a promising career.
You don’t need the upsells anyway, but that isn’t really the point, he is still trying to con you.
Because of that I’m really struggling to make a decision with this one. I think I’m going to have to approve this although that only stands for the main product, stay away from the upsells!
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What Now?
I hope this Wealth Flip review has helped you out in some way, but selling services on Fiverr is only one way to make some money online, my favourite way is affiliate marketing. If you’re not sure what affiliate marketing is you can check out this really quick explanation of it.
The thing is you need to have the right teachers. My recommendation for anyone looking to get started with affiliate marketing is to use the same people who helped me, Wealthy Affiliate.
They have been around since 2005 and continue to grow their platform to stay the number one affiliate training resource on the internet today.
It’s why I’m still a member over 5years after finding them. You can read my WA review here to get a better idea of who they are and what they do.
If you like what you see I’ve got some good news for you, at the moment they are offering free membership so there is no financial risk to you.
All you need to do is simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.

I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way. You’ll even meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you, but whatever you decide to do I sincerely wish you all the best because there is honestly no feeling like it when you can earn money online :)[su_divider top=”no”]