Welcome to my review of The Fame Jacking Method. Today we’re going to be looking at a couple of firsts.
This is the first time I’ve had the opportunity to review a product by Nate Fancher and it’s his first time releasing a product on Warrior + Plus.
So, it should be an interesting review, hopefully he’s going to bring something new to the table and hasn’t just decided to jump on the bandwagon of rehashing old products or worse still just giving some PLR product a new name and pretending it’s a new and crazy method that’s never been heard of before.
Like I said I’ve never come across this guy before, I’ve never even heard of him so he’s an unknown quantity to me which to be fair is quite refreshing, it can become a bit tedious seeing the same old crap day after day.
So, without further ado let’s take a look at The Fame Jacking Method.
NAME: The Fame Jacking Method
OWNER: Nate Fancher
PRICE: $13.20
WEBSITE: https://www.famejacking.com/fjm-fe
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What Is The Fame Jacking method About?
Before we get into what the sales page says this let’s just cut to the chase and tell you what it’s really about. I haven’t really been through the sales page yet so I can’t compare the 2 at the moment, I will do, but for now I’ll just tell you the facts.
The Fame Jacking Method is basically about building your Instagram followers using this method. Here’s his official definition of Fame Jacking:
“Fame Jacking is the process of taking an existing
famous person, place, or thing and leveraging its
popularity to build your own personal brand”
This is done by way of a 58 page PDF which also has an audio companion to go with it which I thought was a really good option.
The method itself is a 16 primer system that cover thing like your brand/niche, content, engagement and business/money.
Now as well as the PDF and audio you do have the 4 musts of Fame Jacking which is covered in the book, but in a video format which again is a very nice addition.
I’m going to go out on a limb here which I don’t do very often, but from first impressions I think this is going to be a worthwhile product. I like the way he’s gone into so much detail so he caters for everyone and I think that bodes well for the actual course.
Only time will tell of course, but seeing so many products you tend to get a gut feeling and mine is telling me this is a pretty good one.
I’ll go over the method in more detail in a later section, but for now that’s it. Now let’s take a look at what the sales page claims this can do shall we.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Sales Page
Whenever I review a product regardless of what it is I always look at the sales page just to see what sort of claims they are making and then seeing if they are realistic once I’ve been through the training itself.
So many times I’ve seen outrageous claims that never materialize inside the product which for the most part is probably why you bought the said product in the first place.
So I just like to bring a bit of reality to the proceedings so you know exactly what you can expect.
The only thing I don’t like about that headline is the word easy, whenever I see that it never turns out that way, there’s nothing easy about anything, but hey, this might be different, but I doubt it.
I’ve just been going over the sales video and I have to say at this point I’m quite impressed with what he’s saying. A lot of other Instagram courses tell you to make use of bots to grow your followers, or buy fake followers, not only i this going to cost you money, but Instagram isn’t stupid, they know.
This isn’t about trying to get around the Instagram algorithm, it’s about using it to your advantage all the time staying within their T&Cs;. How refreshing to hear that 🙂
I can honestly say I can’t remember seeing such honesty on a sales page for a very long time, take this for example:
So, if you don’t like the idea of consistent effort and focus then I guess this isn’t for you, but if you’re not going to focus and be consistent then i’m here to tell you that you’re going to be jumping from one thing to another for the rest of your life, forever chasing the get rich quick scheme which doesn’t actually exist by the way just in case you thought it did.
As far as sales pages go this is actually very understated in terms of ridiculous claims[su_divider top=”no”]
Inside The Members Area
Before we get into the members area, and this is for the people who might not be aware, you’re going to be presented with upsells.
we’ll get into the upsells in the next section, but I thought you should know that these upsells have a downsell to them when you first see them.
They are available to purchase inside the members area, but you won’t get the chance of the lower price, like I said I will go over all that in the next section.
It’s a very easy to navigate members area unlike one I reviewed yesterday which was the most user unfriendly members area I’ve come across.
This is divided into 5 modules. The first module contains the method itself in the form of the 58 Page PDF along with an audio version of it and then a 15-minute video of the 4 Musts of Fame Jacking.
so if you can’t quite grasp it by reading it you have the option of listening to it and then it all being reinforced with the video, so all bases are covered.
You then have the following 4 modules that concentrate on the primers. Let me give you an example without giving too much away.
Primers 1-4 is Brand and Niche primers, they are:
- Be clear on your niche
- Define your brand
- A memorable username, profile pic, etc.
- An optimized profile bio
Now obviously this video gives examples so you know what direction you’re heading in. The PDF elaborates a bit more on it so make sure you do both, read the book and watch the videos.
Primers 5-7 is all about what you should be posting
Primers 8-12 covers the engagement aspect as well as hashtags.
Primers 13-16 This is where the money part of it comes in and one of the things he advises is to monetize as soon as you can.
Now that is basically it for The Fame Jacking Method and I must say he does a great job of putting it all together in an easy to understand way even for an Instagram virgin like me 🙂
He does include some bonus videos like a Will Smith interview with Michael Hauge that I’ve actually seen before on Youtube:
The other one is an 8-minute video about the secret behind Coca-Cola marketing strategy.
All in all a very nice, complete course.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
Right, let’s move on to the upsells. Now, any of you that read this blog regular will know i’m not the biggest fan of upsells, i really don’t see the need for them if the main product does what it’s meant to do.
My personal opinion is they distract you from focusing on the task at hand and that is learning all about the product you bought, not spreading yourself so thin that you don’t really make any real progress.
My advice to you is stick with main course, master that, then if you feel you’re ready and want to buy these upsells then you can inside the members area.
Remember I said that they won’t have the downsell option inside the members area, well the only one you really need to worry about in terms of savings is OTO #3 which has a $200 discount, but you won’t get the whole package for that amount.
- OTO #1 – $27.95 with a downsell to $17.95 – Instagram Money Power Pack
- OTO #2 – $37 with a downsell to $27 – Instagram Influencer Fast Track Case Studies
- OTO #3 – $297 with a downsell to $97 – (ABB only) Audience Business Blueprint Bundle & 30 Day DFY Fame Jacking Kickstart
- OTO #4 – $97 with no downsell – License Rights
Do you need these? No, you don’t. Not at the moment anyway.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
When I first saw the name of this, Fame Jacking, it conjured up images of another crappy product that would claim to exploit a weird little known loophole in the Instagram algorithm.
What I found was something the total opposite.
I’ve never heard of Nate Fancher before, but wow, what a breath of fresh air he was. There are a lot of so called guru’s out there that can learn a lot from this guy, the way he comes across, you can tell what sort of person he is.
I’m not even on Instagram and I loved this. I actually can’t get over how genuine i found this and that is a sad indication of the state of affairs in this industry.
It’s been poisoned by people who have no interest in your success whatsoever, all they want is for you to keep buying their product that promise the earth with little to no work.
So, when I see something like this it just gives me hope that there are good people out there who genuinely want to help you.
It gives me immense pleasure to approve this one and if you happen to be reading this Nate, congratulations on a job well done.
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What Next?
In the section about business he puts a great deal of emphasis on moving people to a platform you own. In the book he tells a story about how there was some sort of glitch with Instagram which resulted in a lot of people losing massive amounts of followers.
They did eventually regain those followers, but only after freaking out at the amount of potential money they lost out on.
The thing is with any type of social media following, be it on Instagram, Youtube, Facebook or Twitter, if they were to vanish tomorrow so would all your followers.
So what you need to do is get them on to a platform that you actually own, namely a website where you can collect information like emails.
Then regardless of what happen to those other platforms you’ll always have your own list and website.
Don’t know how to build a website? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. It’s actually pretty simple if you have the right information and tools.
Wealthy Affiliate has both and then some.
Wealthy Affiliate are the #1 affiliate training platform on the internet today and with the development they do they’re sure to stay #1 for a long time.
They are the perfect partner for The Fame Jacking Method
If you want to know more about them you can check out my review of them here or if you want to dive straight in and see for yourself then CLICK THE BANNER below for access that won’t cost you a single penny, all you need is your name and an email address and you’re good to go.
You’ll get 2 FREE websites and 10 FREE lessons on how to set them up ready to make money online. Simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.
I’ll meet you on the inside and help YOU every step of the way :)[su_divider top=”no”]
Nice! Now THAT’S what I’m talking about! Let’s see if certain serial product releasers learn from this. Speaking of, I haven’t seen any Art Flair and Jason Fulton/Mosh Bari products on this website lately. How are they doing? Still up to their old tricks?
Hey David, yeah this one was a breath of fresh air for me and as for the others, I’m really not sure, I’m sure they’ll feature again very soon