I’ve been asked by a friend recently is Nu skin a scam? to be fair i hadn’t even heard of them before that so i decided to take a look into this company and assess whether it’s a good opportunity for her to earn money or whether she should stay well clear of it.
You too may well be thinking of joining this company and have the same reservations, well hopefully i can put them to rest with this post and you can be clear on your next step.
NAME: Nu Skin
PRICE: Free to join
WEBSITE: http://www.nuskin.com/[su_divider top=”no”]
Having been around since 1984 Nu skin is what’s called a direct sales company, now within my research i have found out that it has been called a pyramid scheme by some, in fact it was charged by the Federal Trade Commission for actually running one of these schemes in China and for making product claims that just weren’t true.
However, at the time of writing this review Nu Skin holds an A+ with the BBB
Not sure what a pyramid scheme is? take a quick look at this video
Nu Skin runs a MLM scheme which some people say is no better than a pyramid scheme and i can see where they’re coming from, however MLM does have products being sold whereas with a pyramid scheme there is no real product only money being charged to join which leads to the person desperately trying to recruit more people to compensate for the money they’ve already spent to join.
The line of products that Nu Skin works with is all based within the wellness sector which incorporate a number of different areas, such as:
- skin care
- anti-aging
- essential oils
- cosmetics
in fact they offer over 200 different products.[su_divider top=”no”]
how to get started
It actually took me a while to figure out what it was you have to do once you’ve signed up with them because you’re very much left to your own devices, at least i was.
After much digging around i found out my next step to take once you’ve actually registered as a distributor.
You are then encouraged to set up something called Automatic Delivery Rewards which is basically a monthly subscription where you order something your interested in and that will continue to be delivered month after month.
* it’s important to note here that to receive commissions you need to remain ‘active’ and to remain active you must have a minimum of 100 personal sales volume per month*
You then make a list of at least 100 names or FFBC as they like to call it ( family, friends, business and community)
So although it is free to join you are going to have to buy stuff from them in order to have any chance of making commissions and the price of the products vary greatly from $11 for a moisturizer to $286 for a Galvanic Spa, bearing in mind your need for you to hit your PSV each month.
To set up an ADR your order cannot be less than 50 PSV.[su_divider top=”no”]
what can you earn
Nu Skin has a sales compensation plan that you are given when you sign up, however good luck going through it!
It has to be without doubt the most complicated thing i have seen in a long time, but i will endeavor to break it down for you if i can.
So to begin with you’re going to be starting out as a distributor and then hopefully move on to becoming an executive and eventually a leader.
As a distributor you are going to get 30% on retail orders with a further 5% on all first level recruits after which there is a 3 step process to enable you to move up to an executive.
These steps to qualify are in the
- first month LOI you do 1000pts
- second month 1500pts
- third month 2000pts
or you could do it all in one month at 4500pts in one fell swoop.
As an executive you are helping others to qualify for their LOI as well. As with the distributor you have 30% on retail, 5% first level recruits plus 9-20% group sales volume (gsv) from their entire group.
As leaders, you get the 30% from retail, 5 – 30% from 1st up to 6th level, 9 – 20% gsv
This is by no means a comprehensive breakdown, but hopefully I’ve given you an overview and if you want to check out the official document you can do here
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is there a market
The beauty industry is forever growing it would seem, peoples endless pursuit for that youthful look. Take a look at this graph showing the interest in beauty cream alone
And what with Nu Skin having over 200 products you can see that there is an enormous market for type of product.

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can you make money with nu skin
In the course of this review I’ve come across many reports claiming that 90% Nu Skin distributors make no money at all, the money being made is from the executives and leaders which is what you are encouraged to aim for when you sign up.
So simply selling a few products to your family and friends simply won’t cut it, you need to be actively looking to move up the ladder into a position that is going to allow you to earn the money.[su_divider top=”no”]
are there any complaints
As with any company this size you’re going to get complaints and Nu Skin isn’t any different. The main complaint seems to be about the amount people are being charged compared to what it is they are receiving and then not having any real luck getting all their money back.
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final thoughts
You would think that this is all about the products wouldn’t you, well you’d be wrong. This program focuses on selling the process to people, mainly your family, friends and businesses and the community, remember the FFBC from earlier.
That being said i honestly don’t think that Nu Skin is a scam, but i also don’t think it’s a good investment of either your time or your money.
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what now
Did you know that if getting into the beauty industry is really what you want to do then you can without the need to buy any inventory, without the need to continually recruit family and friends or sell to them.
Of course to do that you’d need a website and the training to go with it and i can’t recommend this one place, which is where I’ve been an active member for over 3 years, highly enough, it’s changed my whole life and it can change yours too.
Click here to find out a more about the company behind it.[su_divider top=”no”]
Have you had any experience with Nu Skin and want to share your thoughts? just leave a comment below.