Club Shanghai Review

Welcome to my Club Shanghai Review. Today we are going to be looking at a product that has recently been released on Clickbank.

Now for those of you that may not be aware, Clickbank has a bit of a reputation for selling products that are borderline scams, I say borderline because the only good thing is with Clickbank you can at least get your money back under their 60 money back guarantee.

The thing is I don’t see that as the point, I think they should be more vigilant as to what they allow to be sold, some people will buy these products after seeing the sales pages and then think it’s themselves who can’t make it work, when in reality it’s the low quality product they just bought.

A lot of the time with these products, and I’m not just singling out Clickbank here, they have simply been renamed, so it’s just a re-hash of an old product, a product you might have even bought in the past. But of course they don’t mention any of that in the sales video.

Which is why it’s a good job you’ve looked into this product before buying it because I’m going to let you know what sort of product it really is and if it’s been sold before under a different name.

NAME: Club Shanghaiclub shanghai review

OWNER: Jermaine??

PRICE: $497 > $7


#1 recommendation for making money from home

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what is club shanghai about

That’s a really good question. And the reason I say that is because you’re not really told anything about what this is on the sales video apart from it having something to do with messaging apps.

It’s apparently based on China’s WeChat app technology that has now made it’s way to the western world.

club shanghai sales page headlineSo all we have to go on is that headline that expects us to believe that for just $7, well actually it’s meant to be $497, but they’re very nice people and they’re going to give you a $490 discount and let you have for $7.

So for $7 they’re going to show you how with just 13 clicks of a mouse he made $128,538.50 and that it a system so easy even a 3-year old could follow

sales page 3 year old claim

Well I have Grandchildren who are actually 3 years old, they’re twins and I showed them this product and it didn’t surprise me, but they obviously didn’t have a clue what was going on, they can’t even read at the moment.

So don’t believe that for a start that this is a super simple system. a 3-year old cannot follow it.

From everything that is being said I’m convinced that this is an actual club that I’m going to be joining with inside information, updates and help along the way.

How wrong was I, all you get in the Shanghai Messenger system is 2 PDFs

shanghai club members area

The first one is Called The China Secret by some guy called Rob Walter who sounds exactly the same as Jermaine in the sales video for this product.

the second one is called FB Chatbot secrets which is simply a PLR product

plr product

The interesting thing is they are both by Rob Walter so I can only assume the first one is a PLR product as well.

I reviewed a product a while back that showed people how to “pimp” PLR, perhaps he took that course? Either way it’s pretty poor stuff and it certainly won’t make you the kind of money he bleats on about no matter how times you click!

There are a couple of other sections that I’ll go over in a while, but while doing my research into The China Secret I’ve seen it is exactly the same members area as Club Shanghai??

In fact, Club Shanghai used to be another product called Club 365

club shanghai or club 365What a tangled web we weave…..

One other point that I thought was just rubbing salt into the wounds was this bit in the video where he says you’ve been lied to over and over again so people can stuff their pockets with your hard earned cash, never a truer word spoken. Especially when he’s the one doing the lying!

sales page hypeHaving been through the 2 PDF documents I can see absolutely no reason why the headline goes on about “13 clicks” I have no idea what he means by that because there is no reference to it once you get inside.[su_divider top=”no”]

inside club shanghai

Once you get into the members area you can find the navigation dashboard that has 5 sections:

club shanghai members area

  • Welcome – This is just an orientation to show you how to use the dashboard, I mean it’s not too hard, you simply click on the section you want. There is also a big blue button that says “claim bonus bundle” and all that does is take you to another product called Daily Cash App which has another of those over hyped videos.
  • Shanghai Messenger System – As I already pointed out this has 2 PDF’s one of which I know is a PLR product and the other one I strongly suspect is a PLR product from an old product called The China Secret.
  • Cryptocurrency – This section consists of a page PDF that talks about Airdrops, no I didn’t know what the hell that was either, and a calendar to keep track of the crypto oppportunities
  • Ecommerce – There are 4 downloadable resource here, 1. The Ultimate Guide To Shopify (Video Training) – It says video training, but I couldn’t find any videos, only a 56 page PDF that has a lot of copied content. 2. Ecom Kickstart – which is a 56 page PDF about becoming an Amazon Associate and some basic, and I mean basic, info on setting up an Amazon site. 3. EBay Secrets – This is simply a 51 page PDF on how to sell on EBay. 4. The Amazon Rush – This is exactly the same as Ecom Kickstart, word for word.
  • Schedule – This is where they let you know if there is anything coming in the future.

So there you have Club Shanghai. Do I think you’re going to earn the type of money the sales video goes on about? Not a hope in hell.[su_divider top=”no”]

the oto’s

This particular product has 3 upsells that I would honestly say to you to stay well away from, you see these are why the front end product is so cheap, it’s to get you in and then get you to buy the expensive upsells.

  • OTO #1 – $197 – club Shanghai Priority Lounge
  • OTO #2 – $97 – Shanghai Ecommerce Profiteers
  • OTO #3 – $147 – The Millionaire Calender

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what I liked

  • 60 day money back guarantee
  • ???????

what I didn’t like

  • Crappy PLR products
  • fake scarcity
  • Rehashed info from old products
  • Overhyped sales pitch

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final thoughts

$7 is pretty cheap and you might be thinking well I’ll give it a shot, but I’m going to tell you don’t even bother, go buy yourself a coffee and a doughnut or whatever tickles your fancy.

This is just a complete waste of time and money and it’s only going to frustrate you even further, especially if you’ve been looking for a way to make money online for a while now.

Products like this rarely, if at all make you ANY money, the only person it will make money for is the owner who by the way you never get to see, how are you expected to trust someone who never even shows their face?

There’s no way to actually contact them, now you may have seen this at the bottom of the sales page

support email

I tried contacting them, but the email keeps getting bounced back. There’s no support inside the members area, you’re left totally alone on your own to figure stuff out, don’t forget a 3-year old is meant to be able to follow all this. Yeah as if.

This product has been released before under the name The China Secret and I can only imagine it got such a roasting that he’s changed the name to Club Shanghai, not to mention it was even called Club 365 before this!

No stay well away from this one people, I wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot barge pole attached to another ten-foot barge pole and neither should you.

not approved

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so what do you do now?

The best way I know to make money online is not by using some messenger, but by building your own website.

The thing is you need to build it right, you need solid foundations, you need to know how to make it grow and I don’t know of anywhere better than Wealthy Affiliate.

Not only is it the best place for learning how to build, rank and monetize your website, It’s also the #1 affiliate training platform on the internet today.

If you want to read about the full features of this amazing community you can read my full review here, I’ve been a member there for nearly 4 years now so I know what I’m talking about.

Or if you just want to dive straight in you can click the banner below for free sign up, no credit card and you’ll even get the first 10 lessons for free and 2 totally free websites

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I’ll be there to personally welcome you on the inside 🙂

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About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here:

4 thoughts on “Club Shanghai Review”

  1. This headline does a good job of evoking curiosity, but I mean you should be able to, upon completion of the training or whatever else, be able to look back at the headline and say “ok, I see how he got that in the headline because of this thing here in the training.” How hard can that be?

  2. Club 365? I’m pretty sure I got emails from one marketer trying to sell me on that. This was a couple days ago.

    You know, the idea of “pimping” a PLR product isn’t a bad idea. I mean the whole idea of buying a PLR is so you can do whatever you want with it afterwards. Which may be simply re-releasing it. Only thing about PLRs is that the tendency seems to be that they are of low quality. I wouldn’t mind actually doing that if I could make it of high quality. Take the overall concept of the PLR and use my knowledge to expand and fill in the missing pieces, making it a better and actually useful product. If I am going to release a product there are going to be specific parameters for how I’d go about doing it

    • Totally agree, but there are some people who will simply buy a PLR, slap a different name on it and sell it as a premium course without doing the necessary work to bring it up to standard.


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