Welcome to my Atomic Profits Review. Today we’re looking at a product that makes claims that making 8k a month is possible using this simple, untapped method.
I’ve reviewed a previous product by two of these guys before and it wasn’t pretty so it’ll be interesting to see if they’ve upped their game or are continuing with the same sort of rubbish they put out before.
NAME: Atomic Profits
OWNERS: Bill Hugall, Simple Spencer
& James Sancimino
PRICE: $7.97
WEBSITE: http://atomicprofits.net/live.html

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what is atomic profits about
Before answering that question I’d like to go over the sales page quickly, after all that’s what it’s meant to be about right.
All too often though the sales page won’t even tell you what it is you’ll be buying and after going over this sales page and video a couple of times I couldn’t find out what the hell this is.
All it seems to say is what it isn’t and showing income shots of all the money he’s supposed to be making. The video just says that it’s super easy to do with nothing techy involved.
So what they’re expecting you to do is part with your cash without the slightest idea of what it is you’re going to be getting. Is it just me or is that just a slightly bit crazy?
Who pays money for something when you don’t know what it is, Would you buy something that is hidden so you couldn’t see it, but told how great it is and It’ll change your life if you do buy it? Crazy right.
Well that’s exactly what’s happening here, you don’t know what it is.
So looking at that image I think the one that jumps out is the ‘Surefire job replacer’ but all of them look good don’t they?
I mean anybody that is new is going to be looking for something that is as newbie friendly as it gets right and banking $6k to $8k a month well it’s a no brainer.
But still no clue as to what it is.
Well I’ve had the opportunity to go through this amazing product so I’m in the perfect position to actually tell you what your’e going to be getting.
One thing I’d like to point out is that I thought it would be a video course seeing as the sales page clearly states:
So you can imagine my surprise when I found out this is just a 25 page PDF.
Even though I have this in front of me It’s taken me a while to figure out what it is simply because around the first 13 pages are just waffle about how he was sick and tired of the rat race and more income shots.
Finally, the words “That is what Atomic Profits is about”, I had to go over the previous pages again thinking i’d missed something, but no I hadn’t missed a thing.
It turns out Atomic Profits is about using your skills and passions to make money. How? That’s a good question, I’m not really sure at this point, but what I do know is another word for using your skills to make money is freelancing so It’ll be interesting to actually see how that is done.[su_divider top=”no”]
inside the training
OK so now we have some idea of what it is you’re letting yourself in for let’s take a look at the training that you get inside the 25 page PDF.
So we already know that nearly half the product is taken up with his life story and showing you how much money he’s made, but what’s in the rest of it?
Atomic Profits training consists of 7 steps:
- Step 1 – What are you good at?
- Step 2 – What are your “Bankable” Talents?
- Step 3 – Finding an Atomic-ly PROFITABLE Niche
- Step 4 – Finding the GOLD in the Hills
- Step 5 – Don’t Underprice Yourself
- Step 6 – Quick Clients On Demand
- Step 7 – Sell yourself like a pro even if you’re terrified & think it’s impossible
This is by far the worst product if you can even call it a product that I’ve seen in quite a while. I have no idea what it is i’m meant to do. Absolute rubbish.
I mean step 6 – quick clients on demand sounds great doesn’t it, but the training tells you to “use your existing contacts” or “talk to other freelancers in your field” or the best one “start for free” like that’s going to earn you 8k a month LOL.
To finish with they have these words of advice
“Don’t do anything to jeopardize your full time employment as you still need to sustain it while you grow your freelance business on the side”
That’s priceless.
Remember this on the sales page
I can honestly say I really didn’t see any of that in there, I don’t know if he forgot what his best kept secret was, but he didn’t let on inside the training.
Actually I’m not even sure what that has to do with this anyway, he doesn’t say anything about choosing offers. I think that sales page is just full of hype and really shouldn’t be taken any notice of.[su_divider top=”no”]
As if the main product isn’t bad enough, they’re even trying to get you to buy expensive upsells!
- OTO #1 $27
What you get with this upgrade is 15 niches and Done For You campaigns
- OTO #2 $37
Every product seems to offer resell rights nowadays and this is no different
- OTO #3 $197
This is access to an exclusive training group called 10k Ninja[su_divider top=”no”]
final thoughts
Total rubbish! I wouldn’t touch this one with a 10-foot barge pole attached to another 10-foot barge pole.
How people can put together a sales page like that and then expect you to be able to earn that sort of money with what they’re offering in the way of training is beyond me.
How can freelancing be an untapped method, I just really don’t get it.
As for looking over his shoulder to see how he sets everything up how do you do that when it’s a PDF?
I don’t know if he’s making the sort of money he’s claiming to make, but I do know that if you’re thinking you’ll be doing the same then i’m afraid you’re going to be left very, very disappointed.
I’ve been through the 25 pages a number of times and each time I get a little bit more angry knowing that people are going to be trowing their money away if they buy this.
Here’s a snippet of step 7
I had to look up what an elevator pitch was. My point is there is nothing in there that shows you how to do what it is he wants you to do, you’re left to your own devices to work it out.
I don’t think I’ve ever been as confused as to what something is as this one, but you know the worst thing, there are people reviewing this product and saying how great it is just to get you to click their link so they get the commission without a thought for if it works or not.
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what now
If you want a training platform that doesn’t leave you in the dark then I would highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate. It’s the #1 affiliate marketing platform on the internet today and it didn’t get that way by treating people like dummies.
I found it over 3 years ago and haven’t looked back.
To start you off you’ll get 10 FREE lessons and 1 FREE website so you can build it as you follow along with the training.
Click the banner below to get instant access, there’s no credit card needed, just your name and email address and you’re good to go.
I’ll personally see you on the inside 🙂
Thanks so much for the review, I was a little bit skeptical when I read this. because I had just purchased profit prospector. (which is also there product) It was a lot like what you are saying about this one, no real product. in fact when I asked for a refund I told him I was expecting a product. Since there is no real product here please refund my money so I can purchase a product to make money with. I am surprised They had to of had a lot of people ask for a refund and they are big name marketers. did not expect that from them thought it was a one time thing and I almost bought this one.
I’m glad I managed to save you some money 🙂 Can I ask did you get a refund?
Hi Sharon,
Thanks for a SOLID review on Atomic Profits and thank you for not allowing me to lose more money on a big-hyped program with empty promises.
Cheers for you and your hard work on a great website that tells it how it is!
Thanks PJ, it’s comments like that that keep me going 🙂 Really happy to have saved you some money.
Hey Sharon,
Thanks for the review.
$8 so it’s not the money but what is this thing? Wonder how refunds they are stuck with.
Gives marketers a rather sleazy name.
Didn’t buy the scam – cause that is what it is.
It really is my pleasure Jerry, great to know I’m helping people. Thanks for taking the time to comment.