Ablaze Review

Welcome to my Ablaze review. Dawud Islam is someone who I’ve reviewed quite a few times and at the beginning was quite impressed with what he put together.

Unfortunately with his schedule of releasing a product twice a month the quality inevitably slipped and the products really suffered as a result.

He’s partnered up with Al Cheeseman this time round and he is someone that has featured on this blog in the past as well, normally he will partner up with different people and I’ve never approved his products before apart from one when he partnered with Dawud with a product called Expansion.

Hopefully these two guys can follow in the footsteps of that product and put together another winner. One thing I like about Dawud Islam is the lack of any hype on his sales pages.

He does have a tendency though to be influenced by people he partners with so I’m hoping he’s managed to keep the hype under control with this one.

This review will cover all the important aspects that you need to know and if you stick around till the end you’ll find out our final thoughts as to whether this is a product worthy of your money or a complete lemon you should stay away from.

So, without further ado, let’s get this show on the road…..

NAME: AblazeAblaze review

OWNERS: Dawud Islam

PRICE: $16.95

WEBSITE: https://ablaze.click/ablaze-live

my recommendation for making money online

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Ablaze Review – What Is It About?

Whenever I get access to a product I like to take a look at the overview video in order to understand what it’s really about. You naturally think just looking at the sales page would give you all the information you need, but that unfortunately is not always the case.

If we do it this way round we then have something to compare to the claims on the sales page, so what is this really about?

This product revolves around a software that that allows you to create “prizes” that you can giveaway, it can be anything you like such as an ebook, training or a PLR product.

Once you’ve done that you create a campaign and that prize you just made is an incentive for people to join your campaign. They will get a link you set how many times that link has to be shared before they get access to their prize.

That process is the whole mechanism for getting people into your funnel for high ticket commission webinars such as John Crestani and his Super Affiliate System.

I’m sure I’ve seen this in another product, I’ll keep racking my brains to try and remember where.

That ladies and gentlemen is basically it.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Sales Page

Now we know what this is all about let’s quickly see if the sales pages says the same thing. I’m really hoping that he keeps the hype under control because it doesn’t do anybody any good.

Ablaze sales page headline

Well, there goes any hope for a non hyped sales page out of the window. Free buyer traffic in under 60 seconds, not only that, but high ticket sales as well.

What a load of crap!

These pages are meant to give you an idea of what the product can do, but that is just ridiculous to think you can do that in under 60 seconds.

The next bit about it being a never seen before push button app is a joke, it must be because I’ve just remembered where I’ve seen this before.

Al Cheeseman released a product in March this year called Hypnotic which you’d be mistaken for thinking it’s the same product.

The only difference seems to be is the inclusion of the high ticket items which you can get your links for from Clickbank anyway.

How can they put that in the headline when they only released the other one about 5 months ago? This is just a rehash of an old product people, don’t be mislead by that headline.

The thing is if they are going to lie about that, what else are they lying about?

I really dislike sales pages like this, it’s way too long and just full of hype. it’s totally useless for letting you know what you need to know.

Dawud Islam really needs to reign in his partners in the future, all they are doing is ruining his reputation.[su_divider top=”no”]

Who Is This For?

Well, if you bought Hypnotic or indeed Multiply which worked on the same basis, you’re not going to need this. If you didn’t buy any of those you’re not going to need this either.

Newbies might be persuaded by that sales page to buy this, but will quickly realise it’s just a pipe dream. Experienced marketers wouldn’t go anywhere near this.[su_divider top=”no”]


  • 30 day money back guarantee
  • ??????


  • Way Too much hype on the sales page
  • How to get people to the offer in the first place
  • People aren’t going to be looking to buy, they’re looking for a freebie
  • Cloud based software isn’t the most reliable
  • How long are they going to maintain the site

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Inside The Members Area

This has two members areas, one is presented by Dawud Islam where he gives an overview and some token training which is really isn’t training.

The second part is where Al Cheeseman takes over and where you can access the software and some more token training.

Ablaze members area

Ablaze software members area

It really is a nonsense product.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Oto’s

Before we take a look at what the upsells are, how much they cost and if there are any discounts available for you I need to give you a quick heads up.

Sometimes vendors will offer a 30 day money back guarantee on the front end, but then leave it off the upsells. This can catch people out.

They buy the upsells thinking they can get a refund when in reality they can’t and they only realise that when they try. The same thing happened to one of my readers, Matthew, how lost a lot of money.

You can read about it here in the comment section.

  • OTO #1 – Ablaze pro version – $47 with a downsell to $27
  • OTO #2 – Steal our traffic – $197 with a downsell to $97
  • OTO #3 – Reseller rights – $37 with a downsell to $17
  • OTO #4 – DFY campaigns – $197 with a downsell to $97
  • OTO #5 – VIP package – $37 with a downsell to $17

I don’t like upsells at the best of times. My view is they should put more effort into the main product and worry less about the upsells.

The other reason I don’t like them is because can you imagine paying $197 and then finding out you could have got the same thing for $100 less!!

You will see these right after you buy the front end, but before you get access. My advice is to skip past these because for one you don’t need them and secondly they are available inside the members area anyway.[su_divider top=”no”]

Final Thoughts

I didn’t really like the other product that this is a copy of and I don’t like this one either. It all sounds like it would be a great way to get traffic in theory, but it doesn’t turn out that way.

The people who are likely to take you up on your offer of a free prize and subsequently free training are going to be people looking for free stuff and not looking to buy a high ticket item.

Getting people to part with their real email is hard enough so you’re going to need to put together something special to persuade people to do that.

The training in here suggests using PLR which I’m sure you’ve all seen at one time or another and can be of extremely poor quality.

So even getting an email is going to be an uphill task let alone getting them to sign up to the high ticket webinar. And don’t forget this is all going to happen in under 60 seconds ?????????????

Needless to say I won’t be approving this one.

Ablaze not approved

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What Next?

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money online, but you need to know the right way to do it. Using software like this isn’t going to cut it.

You need to know the training that you’re using is tried and tested which is why having been around since 2005 Wealthy Affiliate is my go to affiliate training platform.

So much so that I’ve been a member there for over 5 years because of their continuing development of the platform.

If you want to test the waters without any financial risk then you can sign up for FREE with no obligations whatsoever by clicking the banner below.

wealthy affiliate free sign up

I’ll meet you on the inside and help you every step of the way, even the owners will stop by to say hello and help any way they can.

Hopefully this Ablaze review has helped you out, but whatever you decide to do I really wish you he best and hope you find a way to make money online because it really is the best feeling in the world :)[su_divider top=”no”]

About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here: https://goo.gl/rUv7ep

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