High Ticket Hero Review

Welcome to my High Ticket Hero review. Today we’re going to be looking at a new product by Dan Khan and Philip Johansen.

Dan Khan is someone how I’ve only had the chance to review once before which was quite a good product, but i’ve never seen any of Philip Johansens work so it’ll be interesting to see what he brings to the table.

I like when I get the chance to review someone new because there are no preconceptions. Although I try to keep an open mind with all my reviews sometimes it is difficult when the vendor is someone who clearly doesn’t want to change and produces rubbish all the time.

This has been out for a couple of days now so I’m sure you’ll have seen some other reviews by now, I must caution you though as most of those reviews will be fake.

Their only intention is to get you to buy so they get a commission.

The good thing I don’t have an affiliate link for this product so all you’ll get here is an unbiased look at this product which means by the end of this review you’ll know if this is worth your investment or if it should be avoided like the plague.

Just to set your expectations we’ll be comparing the actual product to the claims on the sales page to see how truthful they’ve been.

We’ll give our thoughts on who this would benefit the most before going over any good bits as well as any bad bits.

The members area will get a look to see what you get in there after which we’ll see what the upsells are, how much they cost and if you can get any discounts.

Ultimately we’ll give you our final thoughts as to whether this stands any chance of making you some money or if the best chance of making any money would be to keep it in your wallet.

NAME: High Ticket Herohigh ticket hero review

OWNERS: Dan Khan & Philip Johansen

PRICE: $12.95

WEBSITE: https://gethightickethero.com/discount

my recommendation for making money online

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High Ticket Hero Review – What’s It About?

To be able to compare what is being claimed on the sales page we need to know what this is really about and although there are several ways to do that I prefer to take a look at the overview video because that gives you the truth as to what you have to do.

This is all about using a Facebook profile to generate leads and sales by providing value to people. You’ll be optimizing your FB profile for business.

This profile will only feature business related posts which are full of value. You’ll be posting every day for 30 days, some will be longer than others and will include posts where you teach people how to do affiliate marketing or anything you want to sell, but this focuses on the make money online niche.

You then basically find people who are interested in MMO and add them as a friend.

The high ticket part of this product comes in the form of Clickbank products, 12 Minute Affiliate System and Super Affiliate System. Using Clickbank products means you don’t need to worry about being approved to promote as an affiliate.

And that’s it in a nutshell.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Sales page

Now we know what the product is all about let’s see what sort of claims are being made on the sales page to see just how truthful these guys really are.

high ticket hero sales page headline

Headlines like that look great don’t they. $1,000 days without spending a dime, but don’t forget it’s them that are generating that amount and you can be sure that they have a massive following on Facebook to allow them to do that.

The “no selling” part is a bit strange because you have to sell something to make money, but what they are referring to is as you become an authority and build your following people are supposed to start asking you for product recommendations.

So I suppose you could say it’s a no selling system, but it’s going to take a long time to get to that stage where people will start wanting to know your opinion.

I have to say the sales video is very amusing and makes a change from the usual rubbish.

sales page statementI think that is a bit of a stretch to say that you can make money as soon as today, they know full well it takes time to build up what they want you to build up, 30 days in fact just to get started.

As with most products they try and make out that all you need is 3 steps to start making money and this one is no different.

high ticket hero 3 steps to making money

I’ve only just noticed how many people they say you’re going ot attract …… billions no less. Fortunately we all know that isn’t true, you’re never going to attract billions of people and that step 2 is going to take quite a while to implement even for a modest amount of people.

To be fair the rest of the sales page isn’t that bad, I’ve seen a lot worse.[su_divider top=”no”]

Who Is This For?

I think this would be a good match for someone who is new and has no experience, the training inside does a good enough job of allowing someone to follow along and a make a go of it. The fact that you don’t have to spend anything apart from your time is a bonus.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Good Bits

  • No experience needed
  • No further expense
  • no worries about getting affiliate approval

The Bad Bits

  • Hard to understand what he’s saying sometimes
  • Going to take some time to build up authority and trust
  • Lot’s of expensive upsells

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Inside The Members Area

Before I show the members area I just want ot give you a warning about the upsell. Sometimes vendors will offer a 30 day money back guarantee on the front end then either leave it off the upsells completely or greatly reduce the length of time you have to make a refund claim.

I think Matthews comment here sums it all up perfectly, you might want to read it before you think about buying the upsells. My advice is to skip them, for now anyway, you’ll get another chance to get them later.

Ok, so you’ve got past the upsells and you’ve logged in, the next thing you’ll see is this dashboard:

high ticket hero members area

It’s all very easy to find your way around, the only thing I would say is that as you make you way down the training you will have to keep scrolling back up again to see the training video.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Oto’s

OTO stands for One Time Offer, but I have no Idea why they are calling these that because they are available to buy inside the members area.

Anyway let’s take a look at them and see how much they are going to cost you should you decide to buy them.

  • OTO #1 – Pro version – $27 with a downsell to $17
  • OTO #2 – 30 DFY campaigns – $67 with a downsell to $27
  • OTO #3 – DFY super funnel – $97 with a downsell to $47
  • OTO #4 – License rights – $197 with a downsell to $47
  • OTO #5 – 1 on 1 Coaching – $197 with a downsell to $97

That little lot will set you back an incredible $585! Do you need them? No, of course you don’t and I wouldn’t recommend you get them either. Why?

Remember in the section above when I said some vendors will reduce the time period for you to be able to get a refund? Well this is one such product.

high ticket hero oto 3 day money back guarantee

I’ve heard stories of certain vendors stalling on the refund until the 3 days are up so you lose all your money. Not saying these guys would do that, but just be careful.[su_divider top=”no”]

Final Thoughts

At the beginning of this High Ticket Hero review I said that I like it when I have the chance to review someone new to see what sort of product they can produce.

Well, I’m really happy to say that it hasn’t disappointed me. This is obviously two for two as far as Dan Khan is concerned, but I’ll be keeping an eye out in the future for Philip Johansen as well.

It’s plain to see from the training that Dan Khan uses this method which is what you want from a product.

There’s one vendor who shall remain nameless who just throws products together without much thought and it’s clear he has never used the methods before in his life.

The fact that you can do this with no outlay is great as is the inclusion of using Clickbank for a product to promote. A person with no experience will be able to do this, it’ll take time and effort, but if they apply themselves they I believe they will see results.

It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed a product that I can approve, there’s just so much rubbish out there at the moment so Well done Dan & Philip for putting together something that people will benefit from.

high ticket hero approved

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What Now?

The only other thing that I think would complement this is having your own website, Dan Khan has one and for good reason. When you rely on one income source or one traffic source like Facebook you always run the risk of falling foul of their terms and conditions.

When that happens you’re going to lose all that hard work you’ve put in, but if you have your own website you can funnel people to that and capture their email in the process thus enabling you to market to them in the future.

Building a website sounds difficult, right?


These days you can create a website in under 30 seconds, alright, you still have to build it out, but you can have your website live and on the internet in record time.

Wealthy Affiliate will also give you a free website along with 10 free lessons to get you going into the exciting world of affiliate marketing.

And the best part is at the moment they are offering free membership.

Simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.

wealthy affiliate free sign up

I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way. You’ll even get to meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you :)[su_divider top=”no”]

About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here: https://goo.gl/rUv7ep

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