So, you’re looking for a 48 Hour Income System Review, well you’ve come to the right place. Unlike all the rest of the reviews you see this one will actually tell you like it really is.
No B.S, no hype, no just copying the sales page. Just an honest review so you can see if it’s actually worth your time and money.
NAME: 48 Hour Income System
OWNERS: Jeff Grow, Samuel Cheema
& Edwin Mik
PRICE: $11.65
what is 48 hour income system about
Reverse engineering, getting a product first and rather than straight off promoting it, you pre-sell the idea to either your Facebook following or your email list by asking a question which that product would fulfill.
Something he likes to call an engagement campaign.[su_divider top=”no”]
the sales page
I’ve seen many, many sales pages in my time and i can say without a shadow of a doubt that a good fair number of just full of total hype with no real substance or any correlation to the actual product.
It’s for that reason that in my reviews i always take a look at the sales page to see what they are putting on there in order to get people to part with their cash.
The first i see is this:
Now i see this type of headline A LOT.
So we have a “newbie” making $402.47 in 48 hours. First, what’s your definition of a newbie, mine is someone who is an inexperienced newcomer to a particular area.
So if you look at these dates you see that it’s February of this year, 4 months ago, OK i’d say a newbie.
The “newbie” in question is Jeff Grow who in the training admits himself that he’s actually been an affiliate marketer for over a year, not quite what I’d call a newbie.

Let’s go over some of these claims:
- Nothing you’ve seen before …….. it’s just email and Facebook marketing, I’ve seen that before.
- Anyone can start doing it …… yes that’s probably true, but doing and seeing results are 2 very different things.
- No waiting …… Yes you do have to wait and it’s a lot more than 30 minutes, getting approval from a product vendor if you are new will take anywhere from a day to a week.
- Step by Step case study ….. Yep that’s in there.
- Scalable method …… Yep it’s scalable.
These claims are extremely misleading, if you are a complete newbie then you’re going to really struggle to get affiliate approval for starters.
It’s never going to take a few minutes to set up, you have to design a squeeze page, a bridge page all these things take time especially as you’re a newbie with no experience remember.
So you’re definitely not going to have $400 in your PayPal account in 48 hours! Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s the reality of it.
Why oh why do they have to over hype their claims, the product isn’t bad, just stop making people think it’s all really easy to do with very little work, please.[su_divider top=”no”]
so who’s going to use this
Well i think you can see from what I’ve shown you that they want it to be used by newbies, unfortunately there are a number of flaws that is going to make that a bit difficult.
For starters the whole getting approved thing, in the training there is absolutely no mention of how you could do that or any tips to increase your chances.
As a newbie chances are pretty good you’re not going to be familiar with getting a domain name or hosting your domain, using an autoresponder or even a page builder.
And don’t forget before you’ve even earned any money you have to pay for the recommended page builder which is going to cost you $77 along with domain name and hosting
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what i liked about this
- Training is nice and short
- His emails are there for download so you don’t have to worry about what to write
- 30 money back guarantee
what i didn’t like
- No mention of how to get approved for a product – no product – no chance of money
- The need for paid traffic if you haven’t got an email list – if you’re new you’re not going to have one
- All the extra stuff like autoresponder
- The need to do a review video – so you’re going to not only need to be approved, but also need review access[su_divider top=”no”]
what’s actually in the training
For your $11 you’re going to get 4 videos ( i said it was short)
- Video 1 – The Set up 9.21
- Video 2 – The Promotion 8.23
- Video 3 – The Results 6.01
- Video 4 – How To Build Your List (paid traffic) 11.51
So there you have it, 35 minutes of training. It is very basic stuff, nothing in depth so if you are new there’s no 2 ways about it you are going to struggle to fill in the blanks. If you’ve got some experience then i think you’ll find it a good way to make some extra cash.
I’ve never really been into email marketing as you can see from the lack of any pop ups or email capture forms, but i would use this method if i ever think of going into it.[su_divider top=”no”]
the oto’s
Every single product launch comes with it’s own upsells, it a way for the product creators to earn some money. You see all the money from the sale of the main product goes to the affiliates who are promoting it and the oto’s is where the owners make their money.
After you purchase the front end you’re going to get presented with 2 otos’ which is quite a shock if I’m honest because I’ve seen some products’ comes with up to 5 upsells.
- OTO #1 $37 with a downsell to $17
This is a Done for you package that includes Instabuilder training, templates and a $1000 case study, again if you get it for the downsell price of $17 i think it’s good value especially if you’re new.
- OTO #2 $47 with a downsell to $27
This is the reseller license which i basically lets you resell the entire funnel and keep 100% commissions.[su_divider top=”no”]
final thoughts
It didn’t start off to well, what with the hype on sales page, but i actually like this. It’s concise and to the point and gets its message across in minimum time needed without filling the time up with fluff.
If i had one message for them it would be stop with the over exaggerations, you don’t need to do it, if your product is good enough it will sell itself, just be honest with your customers.
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what now
The only flaws i could find in this was the lack of training for the very people who it is aimed at. How to choose a domain name, set up your domain hosting etc.
I can remember when i was new that was a big issue for me as well, all the videos on Youtube were a bit hit-and-miss and you never really knew if what you were doing was right or wrong.
The training platform i used teaches you how to do all that and will even give 1 FREE website and TEN FREE lessons to get you started and you know the best bit of it, It’s totally FREE for as long as you want it to be 🙂
You can check out my review of it here before you commit yourself to anything.[su_divider top=”no”]
Now it’s your turn to have your say.