Side Hustles for Science Teachers

Welcome to todays post where I’ll be exploring some great side hustles for science teachers to supplement their income.

Teaching is an incredibly rewarding, but also demanding profession. Science teachers often find their days filled with lesson planning, grading, meetings and guiding students.

Although they find great purpose in their roles, a teacher’s salary does not always match the levels of commitment and effort required.

This is why supplementing with a side hustle can be an appealing option for those looking to earn extra income.

A side hustle refers to taking on additional work outside one’s regular 9-5 employment.

For teachers, this could mean spending a few hours a week providing online tutoring, selling self-made lesson plans, or taking on weekend work related to their skills and interests.

The options are vast, providing exciting potential to both supplement earnings and pursue personal passions.

Side Hustles for Science Teachers

The benefits of a side hustle

Adding a side hustle as an educator can offer a wealth of advantages if managed wisely alongside existing workloads.

Primarily, it serves as an additional revenue stream to provide more financial breathing room. With teachers earning a median salary of £32,000 nationally, creating space for supplemental earnings can make a notable positive difference.

Beyond purely financial incentives, side hustles also allow teachers to continue building skills, expanding networks and diving deeper into subject areas they feel passionate about.

These opportunities can enhance professional abilities and open new doors. The flexibility of taking on part time work on their own terms can also let educators pursue other aspects of life outside the classroom they feel called to explore.

In this post, the aim is to have an open and honest discussion about the realities of taking on side projects as busy science teachers.

The goal is to comprehensively explore genuine benefits, but also address very real hurdles educators face when trying to balance multiple priorities.

The intention is to provide advice to help teachers evaluate if and how a side hustle could work for their unique situations.

Why Science Teachers Might Consider Side Hustles

Teaching is often driven by passion, but earnings potential remains an practical consideration for most when assessing career options.

Side hustles present a chance for educators to supplement their income in ways aligned with their skills and interests.

The Financial Benefits

The reality is teachers work tirelessly, often going above and beyond traditional hours spent in the classroom and lesson planning at home.

But salary growth is limited, with pay in the UK for secondary school educators averaging £32,000 nationally.

Though rewarding, teaching is not a path to wealth and those with families or financial responsibilities can find making ends meet challenging.

Taking on a side hustle delivers a chance to directly boost earnings without fully changing careers.

Activities like tutoring, e-learning content creation, curriculum design, summer camp directing and more allow teachers to leverage their expertise for added compensation.

Determining one’s hourly rate and availability, the income from a side hustle can make a major difference in financial security.

Expanding Professional Horizons

Beyond purely supplemental earnings, side hustles also allow educators to expand their professional abilities while embedded in the education field.

Designing online courses, blogging about new techniques, consulting with other teachers, organizing workshops – these activities build tangible skills.

They expose teachers to new people, ideas and ways of thinking that enhance classroom teaching.

Staying nimble and continuing to advance allows science teachers to become viewed as leaders and innovators in their areas of expertise.

Side hustles provide professional development opportunities without having to leave the classroom full time. Growing these professional horizons expands possibilities for the future.

The Allure of Flexibility

Teaching is highly structured, with school terms dictating much of life’s pace. Summer breaks do allow some flexibility for exploration or time with family.

However trying to balance broader ambitions like writing a novel or launching a startup outside of scheduled holidays can pose challenges in the teaching profession.

Here side hustles offer teachers the flexibility to control their own working hours and pace. If one has the energy to take on designing an educational YouTube series after grading papers all day, they can.

But they aren’t bound to someone else’s schedule. This flexibility provides freedom to explore other aspects of life that may get overlooked in the routinely demands of full-time teaching.

top recommendation for making money from home

Side Hustle Ideas for Science Teachers

Leveraging experience helping students grasp complex concepts to provide online tutoring is a natural fit for science educators seeking to supplement their income. The flexibility and potential to be well compensated makes this a popular side hustle choice.

Platforms for Online Tutoring

The past decade has seen a boom in online tutoring platforms streamlining the process for tutors to connect with students needing help.

Top options like, Varsity Tutors, Wyzant, Chegg Tutors and more allow easy profile setup. Tutors list their subject expertise, experience level, availability and hourly rates. Students then browse profiles and book sessions.

The platforms handle payment processing, scheduling, and provide lesson features like file sharing or virtual whiteboards to simulate an in-person experience.

Some even offer bonuses for tutors who rack up positive student reviews or high numbers of sessions. With countless students now comfortable with online learning, signing up for a few hours of tutoring a week on reputable platforms can be highly worthwhile.

Marketing Tutoring Services

While tutoring platforms handle a lot of the heavy lifting in finding clients, teachers can further market their services to drive demand.

Creating social media profiles highlighting tutoring offerings and achievements helps establish credibility. On these channels and school newsletters, tutors might also share tutoring discounts or content highlighting their skills to stand out.

Networking with nearby school administrators to be listed privately as a tutor resource for struggling students is another avenue.

Word of mouth spreads fast in the teaching community, so prioritizing early students and asking for referrals or reviews helps efficiently build a client base.

Setting Competitive Rates

One major advantage of tutoring as a side hustle is the high earning potential. On average, tutors charge around £20 per hour but rates often range from £15 on the low end up to £50+ per hour depending on subject complexity, tutor experience levels and student budgets.

Science subjects tend to sit at the higher end given their technical nature.

Reviewing competitor rates and the pricing tools suggested by tutoring platforms helps teachers land on an hourly fee balanced to drive demand, earn strong part time income, and offer fair pricing for students getting much needed help mastering scientific subjects.

As tutors build reviews and expertise, they can raise rates over time accordingly.

Curriculum Development & Consulting

Leveraging teaching insights to create reusable curriculum resources, advise other educators on best practices, or establish one’s self as an expert in instructional design offers exciting side hustle potential.

Creating and Selling Lesson Plans

Experienced teachers have a vault of lesson plans, activities and assignments refined over years in the classroom.

Packaging these resources by topic and selling them to other educators helps monetize this intellectual property.

Platforms like TeachersPayTeachers, GoTeachMe and more enable listing lesson bundles for purchase by fellow teachers.

Designing supplementary science resources tied to national curriculum standards is a great starting point given the demand.

Offering Consulting Services

Every school aims to deliver high-quality STEM education, but not all have teachers with an extensive background in the science topics covered.

Offering private consulting services to administrators or teachers designing science programs is a way to monetize teaching expertise.

Teachers might advise on ideal curriculum frameworks, lab design, purchasing decisions for equipment and resources or general best practices learned from experience.

Building Expert Branding

Establishing a personal website, speaking at conferences, publishing guest blog articles for education outlets, maintaining a lively social media presence – these activities help position teachers as experts.

District leaders or school boards looking for support designing science initiatives turn to trusted names with proven track records of innovation and impact.

Building one’s expert personal brand opens consulting and advisory opportunities.

The exciting thing about curriculum development and consulting side hustles is they allow educators to multiply their impact.

By packaging successful teaching methods, resources and mindsets, outstanding teachers can share their gifts at scale – benefitting more students than just those in their single classroom. The monetary rewards stem from expanding this expertise across the education landscape.

Science Blogging & Content Creation

Developing written, video or audio content to share science teaching insights and experiences allows educators to build an audience and potential revenue streams.

Starting a Science Education Blog

Launching a simple WordPress blog discussing successes and hurdles trying new instruction methods, reviewing curriculum resources, highlighting great science content found online, or profiling innovators in STEM fields teachers admire allows free sharing of insights with peers globally.

Incorporating affiliate links to relevant products or advertising through mediums like Google AdSense over time can slowly monetize content.

But the more immediate reward is recognition and value for the teacher. Publishing practical experiments, lesson ideas and more establishes expertise. Other educators turn to trusted teacher-bloggers for advice.

Creating YouTube Videos & Podcasts

science podcast

For visual learners, creating a YouTube channel offers a dynamic medium. Teachers might showcase how they organize hands-on experiments in their classroom, film short lessons on essential concepts students struggle with, highlight STEM role models through interviews, provide lab walkthroughs…the options are endless.

Like blogging, the platform makes it simple to gradually monetize popular content through ad revenue sharing. The more valuable impact comes through developing a leadership voice in science education that garners a subscribed audience.

Podcasting follows a similar model but relies solely on voice and narrative. Teachers discuss experiences, interview fellow educators and explore topics relevant to the practice of science teaching through a media channel that can be listened to anywhere.

Podcast creation and hosting platforms make publishing straight forward similar to the ease of blogging.

Monetizing Science Education Content

Once a teacher establishes an audience and consistent content schedule, adding advertiser sponsorships, premium content subscriptions, merchandise stores, accepting donations through platforms like Patreon and more all provide avenues to monetize without distracting from the core objective – sharing exceptional science teaching perspectives.

For passionate communicators, blogging, vlogging and podcasting offer ways to both enhance teacher leadership influence and earn income.

Science Camps & Workshops

Designing science programming beyond the walls of traditional classroom environments allows teachers to spark fascination and a passion for discovery amongst students in immersive settings while earning extra income.

Organizing Summer Camps

Launching even a small weeklong summer science camp leveraging school lab facilities can prove highly popular with parents looking to fill kid schedules during holidays.

Tailoring programming by age groups and designing a mix of activities spanning lab experiments, outdoor learning, competitive science challenges, field trips to local ecosystems, gaming, guest speakers and more creates an engaging offering.

Managing just a few hours of morning sessions for small groups with a dedicated focus on sparking scientific curiosity and wonder can be marketed at parents seeking added enrichment.

Weekend Workshops

Hosting single workshops is an easier lift than full camps for busy educators. Developing half day or full day weekend workshop programming focused on specific topics like forensic science, computer programming, drone technology, renewable energy, microbiology, etc. offered on Saturdays taps into student specialty interests not covered deeply during crowded school terms.

Field trips to universities, businesses or museums aligned to workshop themes also spice up sessions. Students pay a per workshop fee making this scalable side income tied directly to teacher passions.

Local Community Partnerships

Opportunities abound to collaborate with local organizations like museums, universities, libraries, businesses and more to co-create community science programming for families – often funded by sponsorships.

Reaching out to leads in a teacher’s region to scope partnership potential based on respective resources (educators bring curriculum and teaching excellence, while partners provide facilities/technology) is a great starting point to explore workshop or short program options.

Building these networks strengthens teacher leadership depth locally alongside income generation.

Educational Resources Marketplaces

Teachers have the inside track on exactly what materials best engage students and help concepts resonate. Leveraging this to create reproducible resources sold online is a lucrative endeavor.

Selling on TPT & Similar Platforms

As highlighted earlier, TeachersPayTeachers (TPT) revolutionized enabling educators to monetize curriculum, lesson plans and supplementary resources by listing them for sale online, with the site handling payment, delivery and even taking small commissions.

Science teachers can take existing materials or develop new ones tailored to curriculum standards across grades and topics, bundling these into zip files.

Titling resource packages around specific struggles students face and promoting them in relevant Facebook teacher groups helps them stand out in the busy marketplace.

While becoming a TPT “seller” has an application process, similar sites like GoTeachMe also provide great starting points to test demand.

Developing Educational Apps & Games

For educators with a technology background, designing educational mobile or web apps focused on turning science concepts into interactive games opens entrepreneurial opportunity.

While a more intensive endeavour, apps that resonate can find global audiences. A freemium model with free trial periods and upgrades to unlocked content provides a means to earn at scale.

Equally, pitching developed app ideas to established education app companies may provide potential licensing deals. Rapid shifts to online learning provide chances for teachers to inject innovation into digital experiences that truly captivate young minds.

Building an E-Commerce Store

Teachers often assemble or even create from scratch unique physical teaching materials geared precisely to curriculum needs but not available to purchase retail.

While sites like TPT cater more to digital goods, platforms such as TeachersNotebook provide e-commerce storefronts for educators to sell these tactile creations.

Ranging from science lab supplies to interactive notebooks, hands-on demo equipment, revision games, poster sets or even testing tools, science teachers can monetize the resources they produce at volume for own students through online stores. Fulfilment logistics do take some managing but can prove worthwhile.

Tips for Success

helpful tips

Taking on additional work inevitability places strain on personal time management. This holds true for side hustles as a teacher. But creating structures and discipline around schedules helps ease the pressure.

Balancing Responsibilities

Teaching should remain the priority focus. No side income outweighs core duties educating students. With this ethos established, block out set weekly times slots for side hustle dedication slotted around existing planning and grading tasks.

Limiting side hustle working hours to these slots ensures they enhance rather than hinder teacher responsibilities.

Start modestly with less than 10 dedicated hours a week. Assessing if this extra time obligation infringes too heavily on personal wellbeing helps shape a sustainable workload.

Schedule blocks during highest energy periods and guard time for sufficient sleep, which boosts productivity.

Creating Realistic Schedules

Use calendar apps to map out daily and weekly schedules, merging teaching commitments and side hustle blocks to visualize time allocation.

Build reminders before each switch of roles to adapt mindsets – signalling the brain to shift gears.

Schedule in small milestone-based tasks for side projects rather than intimidating multi-hour blocks. “Spend 1 hour brainstorming summer camp workshop ideas” is more tangible than “Work on summer camp plan”. Breaking side hustles into bite-sized accomplishments maintains momentum.

Review productivity honestly every few weeks to judge manageability. Discontinuing some school year responsibilities temporarily or pausing side projects over holidays restores work-life balance when needed.

Marketing & Branding

Organically establishing a personal brand and intentionally promoting side hustle offerings expands success potential.

Create consistent profiles across platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram to form unified presence. Outline teaching background, niche topics mastered, and specific side hustles pursued.

Use consistent profile images, bios and messaging for cohesive branding. Follow peers in education networks and engage thoughtfully – positioning one’s self as an value-adding expert.

Leveraging Social Media

Promote side hustles actively but not overly aggressively on social channels. Share images and clips that authentically communicate offerings.

Seek educator testimonials and user-generated content to highlight value. Run occasional discount codes to spur conversions. Link to expanded offerings on a dedicated side hustle website.

Follow all relevant hashtags and spark community discussions to expand reach.

Showcasing Niche Expertise

Launching a dedicated side hustle site provides a hub to demonstrate specialized skills and offerings. Write detailed bio emphasizing niche qualifications.

Publish blog content around specific education topics mastered with unique perspectives. Open an online shop with tailored products and resources.

Promote thought leadership content or media interviews. Position first and foremost as an expert teacher – with monetized offerings stemming naturally from this strong foundation.

The core marketing foundation for successful teaching side hustles centres on establishing community trust through high-value free content and engagement before ever asking for conversions.

Patiently yet consistently building brand authority sets the stage for income generation.


Expanding professional connections multiplies opportunities dramatically. From partnerships to promotions, networking nurtures success.

Build relationships with teachers across districts by engaging in relevant LinkedIn groups, Twitter chats, Quora forums, Facebook groups and more.

Share experiences, offer insights and highlight others’ great content. Follow educators with influence and aim to provide value versus directly promoting offerings.

These seed connections blossom into guest blogging opportunities, product affiliates, brand endorsements, loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing.

Collaboration with Education Organizations

Research education non-profits, school boards, tutoring centres, publications, associations etc. operating in your region.

Follow their work and identify potential alignment to your expertise and side hustles. Craft personalized outreach emails to introduce yourself and summarize creative collaboration ideas you believe could mutually benefit respective objectives.

Even small partnerships lend credibility and expand reach.

Equally, scope local universities and science museums for partnership potential around hosting workshops, speaking opportunities, access to facilities and more.

These entities connect extensive education networks that cross-promotional alliances access.

The teaching community is tight knit and supportive. Proactively networking provides a pillar for side hustle success. But aim to give before receiving.

Challenges and Solutions

Pursuing side hustles amidst teaching demands poses very real challenges. But the hurdles can be overcome through some fundamental strategies.

Limited time is the primary challenge. Teaching devours mental energy across long, draining days.

Summoning motivation for additional endeavours beyond contracted work requires true resilience. The solution centres on scheduling very intentionally – establishing routines that reflect dual priorities without compromise.

Blocking specific hours or days for each focus area and customizing around individual cycles of waxing and waning productivity helps maintain momentum.

Avoiding Burnout

Work-life imbalance and burnout remain risks if not conscientiously combated. Holistic self-care across nutrition, sleep, social connections, recreation and mindfulness grounds wellbeing.

Building breathing room within packed schedules and saying “no” to non-essential obligations preserves sanity.

Most importantly – giving oneself grace and permission to pause any side projects when simply surviving teaching demands in a healthy way must temporarily become the exclusive priority. Sustainable pacing matters most.

Monetizing Content

Creating exceptional education content alone does not guarantee viable income streams. Driving traffic through search engine optimization and social promotion is half the equation.

Converting engaged visitors into paying users via seamless e-commerce, compelling offers and trust in the teacher’s expertise completes the cycle.

This conversion funnel takes relentless testing and nurturing. Start by giving freely, demonstrate genuine value and allow income to follow.

The path of teacher side hustles comes rife with roadblocks. But by pre-emptively acknowledging challenges through pragmatic solutions, educators can adapt around obstacles in route to actualizing fulfilling and financially rewarding supplementary careers.

how Sharon makes over $5,000/mo from her laptop


Pursuing a side hustle as a science teacher offers genuine opportunities to supplement earnings, expand professional development, and exercise entrepreneurial ambitions in alignment with classroom expertise.

This guide covered key benefits ranging from the financial incentives to flexibility and skill building side hustles provide.

We explored varied ideas from tutoring to e-commerce businesses to workshops that tap directly into existing teacher strengths.

Marketing, branding, networking and time management best practices help lay the foundation for success.

Teaching is deeply fulfilling but also highly demanding.

Side hustles present teachers a chance to materially improve their financial situation without abandoning instructional roles they cherish.

The path brings very real challenges from burnout risks to content monetization hurdles. But through intentional planning and priority balancing, these obstacles can be mitigated.

For educators feeling the pull to put their talents to work in service and betterment of more students, while also easing financial constraints, side hustles represent a real opportunity.

With so many models aligning directly with teaching skill sets, current domain expertise and schedules, teachers are uniquely positioned to pursue supplementary career branches certain to enrich lives both within and beyond the classroom walls.

I encourage science teachers to reflect openly on their ambitions. Teaching may provide enough purpose and fulfilment, which is wonderful.

But for those feeling called to expand impact and income simultaneously, side hustles wait with potential.

Helpful Resources & Further Reading

For science educators interested in exploring side hustle options, many fantastic resources provide added guidance and inspiration:

10 Lucrative Side Hustles for Teachers to Make Extra Money – WeAreTeachers article outlining top side gig ideas

50 Side Hustles and Side Jobs for Teachers Outside the School – TheBalanceCareers list of creative teaching side hustles

Lesson Plans and Teacher Resources – TeachersPayTeachers marketplace for selling educational resources

How to Create a Teacher Blog – Tips from TheEdublogger on launching education blogs

YouTube for Teachers: How to Start a Channel – Common Sense Education video guide on managing teaching YouTube channels

Side hustles present a chance to reimagine teaching careers in ways that break from standardized moulds.

I hope the ideas sparked here ignite further exploration of work models that inspire you. Our schools need teacher leadership and ingenuity now more than ever!

About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here:

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