Welcome to my Revive review by Ashley Parry. This is a guy which I’ve never come across before out of the hundreds of reviews I’ve done.
That is something that is refreshing for me because after a while of reviewing the same old rubbish by the same old faces you do get a bit despondent.
I’m really hoping that Ashley Parry has come up with something different and I include the sales page in that because in general they are so full of hype that the product has no chance of living up to the claims.
And that is exactly what you’re going to learn in this review. We’re going to look at the sales page to see how those claims compare to the actual product because most of the time you guys won’t find this sort of thing out until you’ve bought the product and then you’ve got to jump through hoops to try and get a refund.
Once we’ve compared the sales page to the product we’ll give our opinion on who would benefit from this product as well as go over any good points as well as any bad points.
The members area will also get a look as will the upsells to see what they are, how much they are and if you can get any discounts on them.
Finally, we’ll finish the review with our final thoughts on whether this stands any chance of making you money or if it’s just another scam product designed to get you to part with your money.
So, without further ado, let’s get this show on the road…
NAME: Revive
OWNER: Ashley Parry
PRICE: $9.95
WEBSITE: http://revivenow.net/live
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Revive Review – What Is Revive About?
Before we look at the sales page let’s take a look at the actual product. The first thing I notice that is different to what I normally see and that is this product is going to show Ashley Parry teaching his friend how to start an online business in real time.
I’ve never seen that before and it’s sounds like a great way to do things. The other thing that caught my eye was when he mentions that he guarantees you’ll make money if you implement everything he teaches.
Not sure what form that guarantee comes in, but he seems pretty confident.
Now this front end is pretty cheap at $10 and that normally suggests that there are a good number of upsells and that they are pretty pricey.
The first thing I don’t really like about this is the way he’s pushing his upsells and you haven’t even gone through the training yet!
So, what is Revive about? ……… Launch jacking via review videos on Youtube.
This product actually does take you by the hand and shows you from the very beginning how to start your own affiliate marketing business and from what i’ve seen so far he goes into such detail that explains things that I haven’t seen other vendors do before.
This product requires you to have Commission Gorilla to build your bonus pages which is going to cost you pretty much $100 and that is for a years’ subscription.
Obviously you’re going to need the usual equipment for recording your video such as a camera and a decent mic because there is nothing more annoying than poor quality audio.
Now we know what Revive is let’s take a quick look at some of the claims on the sales page.[su_divider top=”no”]
Revive Sales Page
A sales page is just what it says it is, a page designed to sell, but that isn’t always a good combination because some vendors will push the limits while other will totally cross the line as to what is truth and what is just made up.
To be fair that headline isn’t the worst I’ve seen and I have no doubt that he can do that. The real question is can you?
The sales page doesn’t actually make any outlandish claims of how much money you’re going to be making or that you’re going to make money in 60 seconds or less.
The only real bone of contention I had with this page is the statement about replacing your crappy day job.
Now while that is absolutely possible it’s not going to happen overnight with just a couple of review videos, you’re going to need to put in sustained effort as well as doing your day job which for some people just isn’t realistic.
Let me just say there is nothing on the sales page that I couldn’t find inside Revive so congratulations to Ashley Parry for that.[su_divider top=”no”]
Who Is Revive For?
Without a doubt this is for someone who is completely new to affiliate marketing, people who may never of even heard of places like Muncheye or JVZoo.
It’s for people who don’t know how to apply for an affiliate link or don’t even know what an affiliate link is.
Someone who has any experience in this arena won’t find anything new in this product that they don’t already know about.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Good Bits
- Shows you teach an actual student step by step
- 60 day money back guarantee
- Very different to what is out there in a good way
The Bad Bits
- Getting affiliate approval isn’t easy
- No training on making a Youtube video
- Some additional costs involved
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Inside Revive Members Area
Time for look inside the members area, but before we do a quick warning about the upsells. As we know this is a fairly low priced product and as such does come with some expensive upsells which you’ll see straight after you buy this.
It’s those upsells I want to warn you about. Sometimes vendors will give you a money back guarantee on the front end product, but then leave it off the upsells.
You buy them thinking they have a guarantee as well. To see how much Matthew lost when the same thing happened to him you can read his comment here.
My advice is to skip past the upsells at this point, they are available inside the members area anyway so you won’t miss out.
Once you get past the upsells you’ll get access to your purchase and you’ll login to the members area of Revive that looks like this:
It’s very easy to navigate your way around with the menu on the left and all the corresponding videos being shown on the right.
The course is split up into 3 modules taking you all the way from the idea to what you’re going to be doing all the way to what you do after your video is live.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
Let us quickly go over what the upsells are, how much they cost and if you can get any discounts on them. Like I already said these are available inside the members area so you don’t have to think you’re going to miss out on them if you don’t buy them straight away.
- OTO #1 – Adrenaline Shot – $37 with a downsell to $17
- OTO #2 – Caffeine Booster – $97 with a downsell to $47
- OTO #3 – Reseller rights – $67 with a downsell to $47
- OTO #4 – Unlimited Energy – $67 with a downsell to $47
- OTO #5 – Masterclass – $197 with a downsell to $97
So there you have the upsells. My personal thoughts on upsells is you don’t really need them. What you need to do is concentrate 100% on the main training and make a real go of that first then once you’re making some money you might want to think about them, but for now I wouldn’t.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
As you know this is the first time I’ve come across Ashley Parry and I can honestly say that I’m really happy with what he’s put together.
He’s actually made a product that is going to of use to the person that buys it rather than just reel them in with a sales page full of hype and a product that fails to deliver.
I really like the way he takes a friend form complete newbie and explains all the necessary parts needed to put together an affiliate campaign.
That is something I haven’t really come across before, not in so much detail anyway. I would have liked to see how they put their videos together, but I suppose that would be quite tricky.
The good thing is you can see the results of George’s efforts in the case study and you can actually see his review videos that he has actually made as a result of this training which is really cool.
I see so much rubbish in my line of work that it’s always a pleasure to find that diamond in the rough and I think that is what this is and I have no hesitation in approving this for you.
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What Now?
Not all people are comfortable either being on camera or even speaking on camera. The thing is affiliate marketing is such a fantastic opportunity it would be a real shame if that stopped you from venturing into it.
I personally know people that have great success on Youtube, but it’s not something I’m very interested in. I much prefer to use blogs to make money.
I have a number of websites, some small, some quite big, but they all make some degree of money for me. The key to making it work is getting the right training.
The sort of training I’m talking about is the sort that enable you to create your own affiliate marketing business. Wealthy Affiliate has been teaching those skills since 2005 so you can see they are a legitimate business.
I found them 5 years’ ago and although it’s taken a lot of time and effort I can enjoy paydays like this:
And don’t forget that’s just one income source, the key to this business is having multiple sources of income.
Imagine having 3 or 4 sites all producing money like that. I think you can see the potential.
At the moment Wealthy Affiliate is offering free starter memberships, they’re also throwing in a free website and 10 free lessons.
Simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.

I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way. You’ll even meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you :)[su_divider top=”no”]
Hi i am interested in learning more
Hi David, that’s great, I’d be only to happy to help do that. Let me know if there’s any specific area you want to learn about.