Welcome to my Multi-Profitz review. Everybody wants to find a way to make money online and that fuels the need for more and more products that claim to be able to do just that.
Unfortunately that also brings out the scam artists who put together products with the sole intention of ripping you off. This Multi-Profitz review will determine which one this is.
We will be giving you an in depth look at the product itself to find out the truth and when we know that we’ll take a look at what the vendor claims on the sales page.
If this has any good bits we’ll find them as we will with any bad bits, we’ll also let you know who this would benefit the most.
The members area will get a look as will the upsells to see what they are and how much they are going to cost you.
If you manage to stick around til the end you’ll find out what we really think of this and if it’s a product worthy of your money and time or if it’s just another in a long line of scams.
NAME: Multi-Profitz
OWNER: Rick Nguyen
PRICE: $17
WEBSITE: https://multi-profitz.com/live-3/
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Multi-Profitz Review – What’s It About?
So, what is Multi-Profitz about? Well, I’m sure you’re dying to find out so I won’t beat around the bush.
Basically what this product does is find relevant content from around the web that you can customize and publish to multiple blog, websites and social media at the same time.
It has 500 built in RSS feeds covering a number of different subjects as well as being able to transcribe YouTube videos to use as blog posts.
Once you find an article you want to use you add it to the editor where you can edit different aspects like only adding certain parts of the article or changing the font style and size.
It also has a spin text function as well as the ability to translate the text into different languages and to check for grammar.
The addition of a spinner suggests that any content you get needs to be spun which can result in not only text that is unreadable, but implies that you will get hit with a duplicate content slap from Google if you post the articles as they are.
I’m not fully versed in content curation, but just taking someones content and using it verbatim will surely be viewed as duplicate content or worse still, stealing content.
That is what Multi-Profitz is about.[su_divider top=”no”]
Multi-Profitz Sales Page
Now we know what this is about we can take a look at the sales page to see what the vendor has to say about it and what sort of claims are being made, truthful or otherwise.
If all you are doing is taking other peoples content and re posting it on your site then it’s never going to be “Auto Ranking” it’ll be lucky to get ranked at all.
And how on earth are you going to get free traffic in minutes?
You don’t just create a new site and expect it to outrank everybody else, it would be nice if you could, but it doesn’t work like that.
Have you ever heard of the Google sandbox? It’s a suspected filter that effectively stops new sites from gaining top rankings.
New sites must be able to show expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness otherwise known as E.A.T before they will consider giving top rankings.
Without those you’re not going to get any traffic, let alone unlimited.
I think we both know that’s total rubbish. Vendors seem to have a real thing about their products only taking 3 steps, I see it so many times, but yet to see one that can actually live up to the claim.
Another tactic vendors like to use is to show income shots that are supposedly from using the product, but they could be from absolutely anything and that’s going on the assumption they haven’t been faked.
Talking of fake, these income shots are meant to be from using Multi-Profitz in September 2020 as the image below shows:
What if I told you this same vendor released a product back in March this year, some 6 months ago and had the exact same income shots on that sales page. We’d know he was lying wouldn’t we.
It’s a shame when vendors feel the need to lie to you. Doing this just shows that Multi-Profitz doesn’t work otherwise they wouldn’t use income shots from a totally different product.
The same goes for the fake testimonials, they couldn’t even be bothered to change the name of the product![su_divider top=”no”]
Who Is Multi-Profitz For?
This is for someone who is new and looking for a shortcut to riches. I say new because anyone with any experience will know from the hard work they have had to put in that there are no shortcuts.
This will be one of those products that because of the sales page will get sales, but the people who do buy it will soon realise it doesn’t live up to the hype.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Good Bits
- 30 day money back guarantee
- ????
The Bad Bits
- Had trouble getting it to work when fetching articles
- Not sure why it has a spinner
- Articles don’t translate well from video transcription
- Lying on the sales page
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Inside The Members Area
Let’s take a quick look inside the members area to see what that looks like so you know what to expect should you want to buy this:
This is the default page when you log in. The navigation is along the top bar as is access to the training which consists of just 4 videos:
- How to add integrations – 2.49
- How to add WordPress integration – 4.17
- How to create a post on WordPress – 8.01
- How to use planner – 2.55
As you can see from the length of the videos the training isn’t really that in depth.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
As with any products like this they all have upsells and this is where the vendor will make his money so most of the time they try and cram in as many upsells as they can in the hope you’ll buy some if not all of them.
- OTO #1 – Pro version – $37 with a downsell to $27
- OTO #2 – Enterprise – $37 with a downsell to $27
- OTO #3 – Lockfit – $37 with a downsell to $27
- OTO #4 – Reseller rights – $47, $67 or $127
- OTO #5 – White label – $97 then $9/m with a downsell to $67
- OTO #6 – Engageboostz – $37 with a downsell to $27
That little bundle will set you back $372 if you bought all 6 of them. A word of warning before you do though.
Some vendors try and trick people when it comes to money back guarantees on the upsells. Sometimes they leave a guarantee off completely, some will put it on the first couple then leave it off the rest.
Either way it means that you could potentially lose a lot of money just like Matthew did when it happened to him. You can read his comment here.
Do you need these upsells? Absolutely not. If the front end product isn’t good enough to make you money then you shouldn’t be wasting more money on stuff that isn’t worth the money.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
Rick Nguyen is someone who I haven’t come across before and whenever I get to review a product by someone new it’s always exciting to see what they come up with.
I have to say I’m not impressed. I don’t feel this is a sustainable way to make money online, any money. If you are just taking other peoples content and sticking it on your website you’re on to a loser from the start.
You’re never going to rank in the search engines with duplicate content and chances are you’ll very likely be in trouble with the original creators of the content you stole.
Using the transcription form YouTube videos might seem like a good idea, but what works well in video doesn’t translate well in a blog post.
It needs so much editing for it to make sense that you might as well write your own unique content which is going to stand much more of a chance of ranking, but more than that your readers will get a much better experience which should be your focus.
Please don’t believe that all this takes is 3 steps to get Google to start sending you thousands of free buyers, it’s total BS.
The sales page is full of lies, trying to get you to believe that Multi-Profitz has made the vendor a lot of money in the past month which again is total BS.
The testimonials from what looks like Facebook, again total BS.
I think I’ve made clear what I think of this and as such I won’t be recommending this to you guys to waste your money on.
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What Now?
I really hope this Multi-Profitz review has helped you make a decision on whether to buy this or not. If it turned out to be something you don’t want to do then I’d like to offer you an alternative to it.
Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online, if you’re familiar with the concept you can check out this quick explanation here.
If you like the sound of that I would recommend you choose Wealthy Affiliate as the people to teach you, they have been teaching people how to make money with affiliate marketing since 2005.
I’ve been a member for over 5 years now and I have a full WA review that you can take a look at to get a better idea of what Wealthy Affiliate can do for you.
The free membership that they are offering at the moment means you don’t have to risk any money, all you need to do is simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.

I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way. You’ll even meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you, but whatever you decide to do I sincerely wish you all the best because there is honestly no feeling like it when you can earn money online :)[su_divider top=”no”]