Welcome to my Matic review. The focus of todays review will be the latest product from none other than Billy Darr. If you haven’t heard of him before let me tell you that he has one of the worst names for producing absolute rubbish.
You only have to do a quick Google search of his name to see what I mean. I would like to say I hope this product is going to be something different and not just as product that is being released to rip more people off, but I’m not too optimistic about that.
What I will do though is give this product a fair crack of the whip to see if it something worthwhile and I’ll be doing that by giving you a thorough review.
By the end of this Matic review you’ll every detail about it and you will be able to make your own mind up as to whether this is something you want to buy.
NAME: Matic
OWNERS: Billy Darr, Justin Opay
& Finn Goswami
PRICE: $17
WEBSITE: https://grabmatic.org/early-preview/
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Matic Review – What’s It About?
Matic is a cloud based piece of software that allows you to connect your Facebook account which is where you’ll be generating traffic from.
It has different tools within the software such as affiliate tools which shows the top offers on 3 platforms, JVZoo, Warrior Plus and Clickbank.
It also has a 1 click affiliate page builder which has 4 steps so I don’t know why it’s called 1 click, but that’s not the most worrying part.
When you create a page and go to view it you get this message:
I tried numerous times and got the same message each time.
It also has a DFY page builder where you have different templates to choose from and after a lot of testing I’m happy to say that this one did work.
Not really sure what you’re meant to do with though, there is an option for you to download the finished page, but what do you do with from there?
You then have the comment automation section where you can automate things like comments, replies and automate your campaign that you share on Facebook.
After that you have auto posting tools that has the options of posting 3 different types of post, a multimedia post, a call to action post and a carousel/video post.
The other option is social blast where you can post your campaign to 50 different social channels, of course you’re going to need to have accounts at all 50 in order to use them.
I had trouble here as well. A lot of those 50 site were not accessible, they returned a 404 page not found error.
The final section is supposed to be where you access the training, but there isn’t any training which you’re really going to need.
I know this is a review copy and it could be that they are in the process of adding it, I really hope they are.[su_divider top=”no”]
Matic Sales Page
Now we know what Matic is let’s take a quick look at the sales page to see what kind of claims are being made and how it compares to the actual product.
These guys have a real problem with their sales pages almost every one I see has the words unlimited, free traffic and sales in 60 seconds.
Having reviewed as many products as I have I know for certain that isn’t possible and having seen this product I can assure you this won’t let you do that either, it’s all lies.
Why are they claiming automated sales from 50 traffic sources in 3 clicks?
First off a lot of those platforms are really obscure and secondly chances are you’re going to need to create accounts at each of them so that means you’re going to be new and not have anybody following you.
Without an audience how are you going to make sales if no-one sees your campaign?
It’s all rubbish.
I have had so many complaints about Billy Darr that I highly doubt they would honour a 365 day money back guarantee or a $1,000 pay out if you fail to get any results.
You’re definitely not going to get autopilot traffic and sales in 60 seconds. Please don’t be fooled.
It’s like there is a secret manual for building these sales pages because every one I see claims all it takes is 3 steps to see results which is complete BS.
This one reckons all you need to do is:
- Login
- Select an offer
- Hit activate for unlimited free traffic and affiliate sales in as little as 60 seconds
As we know there is no “Activate” button that you can hit.
They’ve put a lot of effort into this sales page to try and convince you this product will end all your worries. If only they put that effort into the product then they might be on to a winner.
One of the most cringey lines on there is where it says this will even work if you are lazy ….
They claim the 50 social media sites are the most visited on the planet, now this might just be me, but I’ve never ever heard of the likes of Sina Weibo, Odnoklassniki or Douban to name a few.
This has got to be one of the worst sales pages I’ve seen in a long time, take everything you see on there with a massive handful of salt.[su_divider top=”no”]
Who Is Matic For?
It’s obvious from the sales page this is aimed well and truly at the newbie because Billy Darr addresses you as “Dear Frustrated Newbie”.
Unfortunately it’s only newbies who maybe don’t know any better that will buy this because anyone with any experience will see straight through it and see it for what it is, a piece of rubbish that won’t work.[su_divider top=”no”]
- I’m not even going to say the money back guarantee or the $1,000 payout if you don’t get results because I don’t believe it
- ????
- You need a massive social media following for the chance to get anyone to click your campaign link
- Unreliable cloud based software
- Unheard of social media sites
- Totally unrealistic sales page
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Inside The Members Area
Time for a quick look inside the members area, I won’t spend too much time in here you already know what to expect, but I’ll just show you the layout:
The navigation is pretty straightforward with everything you need in the menu on the left, I say everything, but there is no training at the time of writing this review.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
Its’s common place for products like these to have upsells and this one has 5 of them. Before we take a look at what they are and tell you how much they cost I need to give you a warning.
My warning concerns the money back guarantee, some vendors advertise one on the front end sales page, but then leave it off the upsells. Some even advertise it on the upsell sales pages then leave off at the checkout.
People naturally assume the guarantee covers all the upsells as well and only realise they don’t when they try and get a refund and find out they can’t.
Matthew had the same experience and you can read his comment here to see how much he lost.
- OTO #1 – Limitless edition – $37
- OTO #2 – Automated edition – $37
- OTO #3 – Done for you edition – $197
- OTO #4 – 50 DFY campaigns – $37
- OTO #5 – Machine edition – $197
Do you need these upsells? No of course you don’t.
My advice is if you are thinking about buying Matic then just skip them. It’s better than risking over $500.[su_divider top=”no”]
Complaints About Billy Darr
It would be remiss of me not to mention the complaints that I have received from past customers of Billy Darr.
Just to give you an idea of what they are in case you can’t read those the complaints are about having trouble with refunds on the front end products as well as the upsells and also about the poor quality of the products in general and terrible support.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
I really think you should stay far away from this as you can, it’s complete rubbish, you’re never going to get unlimited traffic and you certainly won’t get any sales especially not in 60 seconds.
He really doesn’t seem to want to change, this isn’t that different from all the other products he’s put out in terms of both quality and subject.
I suspect this one will attract it’s fair share of complaints as well as refund requests, how successful those will be only time will tell, but I don’t hold out much hope if I’m honest.
I don’t know how he can make such wild claims about unlimited traffic and sales in 60 seconds knowing full well that it isn’t possible.
You’re basically just going to grab an affiliate link from somewhere like Clickbank that doesn’t need for you to be approved to promote it and make a landing page and send people to it from all those social media sites.
You’re going to need such a big following that you’ll be spending all your time building relationships in order to stand even the smallest chance of someone trusting you enough to buy from you.
I think you all know which side of the fence I’m coming down on with this one.
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What Other Options Are There?
I hope this Matic review has given you all the info you need to make the right decision on whether to buy this or not, you know my feelings on it, now it’s up to you to choose.
The thing with selling you need to build a rapport with the people you’re selling to. You can’t expect people to open their wallets just because some random person followed them on Odnoklassniki, you know, that well known platform.
I’d like to offer you another option, a better option. It’s still to do with affiliate marketing because I feel it’s the best model to follow, but you need to know how to do it the right way.
Wealthy Affiliate has been teaching people like you and me since 2005 and having been there for the last 5 years I can wholeheartedly recommend them.
I’ve got a full WA review here that you can read to find out a bit more about them and if you like what you see you can join them for absolutely nothing.
All you need to do is click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.

I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way. You’ll even get to meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you.
Whatever you decide I wish you the best in your online endeavours and remember I’m here to help you anyway I can :)[su_divider top=”no”]