Welcome to my InstaAudience review. Bobby D, the creator of this product is someone whose products I’ve reviewed before. Sometimes he teams up with other people and sometimes he goes it alone, but he’s not one of these that releases product after product just for the sake of it.
To be fair to him when he’s on his own the product is much better, I don’t know if he’s the kind of guy who’s easily influenced by those around him, but I wouldn’t expect so seeing as he was a member of the London Metropolitan Police, he might still be actually, I don’t know.
But with his solo products List Tastic and 20 Minute Tactics we saw something that is very unusual and that was the number of upsells he had. Normally you can expect 4 or 5 upsells from vendors, those ones had ONE.
There have been some inconsistencies in what he says and I’ll go over that a bit later.
My hope for this one is he carries on where he left off because he’s on his own again for this so there isn’t anyone else to distract him.
NAME: InstaAudience
OWNER: Bobby D
PRICE: $9.95
WEBSITE: https://instaaudience.com/sales/
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What Is InstaAudience About?
I have to say normally this is the part where I would rip the sales page apart for not telling you what the product is about, you see a lot of the time vendors will expect you to buy their product without even telling what it is you’d be buying.
A lot of the time that’s because if you really knew what it was about before you bought it, you wouldn’t buy it cause it would be a load of rubbish so they hype it up on the sales page to make sound better than it really is.
But not this one, in fact I couldn’t find one mention of over inflated income claims, no income claims at all actually which is REALLY unheard-of.
And he actually tells you what it is you’re going to be buying.
This is mainly a PDF course accompanied by a few video that compliment the PDF covering how to use Instagram for the purpose of making some money.
One thing I did see a potential problem with is the length of time he’s been using Instagram, in the sales video at 1.30 he admits he’s only been on the platform a couple of months and yet here he is putting together a course on teaching you how to use it when he’s very much new to using it himself.
The sales page goes on to tell you some of the things you’ll learn inside the course such as:
learning how to grow a successful IG account without posting a single photo. Which will be interesting seeing as Instagram is such a visual site.
How to grow your account 10x rapidly using simple and easy tricks.
It also comes with a check list and a cheat sheet which I’ve found to be very useful in past products so this is a nice addition to have.[su_divider top=”no”]
What Did I like
- 30 day money back guarantee
- Cheat sheet and Check list
- Videos along with the PDF
What I Didn’t Like
- Main training is the PDF, would have liked to have seen it the other way around
- 2 upsells
- Something I can’t quite put my finger on.
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Inside The Course
Ok, so you’ve decided to buy this course and are excited to get started but before you get to the good stuff you have to get past the upsells.
Remember at the beginning I said he only had one upsell on his other products? Well, he’s doubled it to 2 on this one and the second one is pretty expensive.
My advice to you is just skip those upsells for the moment, I’ll leave the links to the sales pages in the next section, but for now just breeze on by, there’s a good reason I’m telling you that and I’ll let you know that too in the next section.
In the members area you’ll see the videos which cover the main points and are only there to serve as a reminder.
- Video #1 – 6.12 – Overview
- Video #2 – 4.07 – 3 things you need to stop doing to your Instagram account
- Video #3 – 2.01 – Grow your channel fast
- Video #4 – 4.06 – Set up Your Instagram account
- Video #5 – 5.44 – 20 ways to build your Instagram following
As he says these videos only act as reminders and the main information is in the PDF.
The PDF itself is 38 pages long and is made up of 8 chapters:
- Chapter 1: Who Is the Instagram Audience
- Chapter 2: Make a Profile and Business Account
- Chapter 3: Making Your First Posts
- Chapter 4: Building Your Following – Some Tips
- Chapter 5: Photography and Pictures
- Chapter 6: Using Stories and Instagram Live
- Chapter 7: Including Instagram in Your Marketing Strategy
- Chapter 8: Monetizing Your Instagram Account
I’ll be honest with you, when I first saw this I immediately thought it was a PLR product, the first thing that made me think that was this:
The whole PDF is that light grey colour and his name is quite black and there are a couple of other instances where that happens which one would assume is where additional content has been added.
Another thing that makes me think PLR is the writing style changes and doesn’t really sound like him if you know what I mean.
I could be totally wrong, but seeing as a good friend of his teaches people how to ‘pimp’ PLR products and release them as their own it wouldn’t come as a total surprise.
Another clue to the potential for this being PLR is the cheat sheet. Inside there they recommend Google URL shortner as an option for shortening your Bio URL in Instagram.
The trouble with that is this course is meant to be a new course, right. Well, that service was discontinued in March 2019 and from April 2018 only existing users were able to create short links.
I might just be too skeptical, it could all be totally innocent, but there are plenty of Instagram PLR out there to choose from if that is what this is.
The content in those 8 chapters just doesn’t sound like him for some reason and the information is just too generic for my liking.[su_divider top=”no”]
The Oto’s
Right, let’s go over the reason for skipping these when they were first shown to you. Now, I do have to say credit to him for this cause he does actually tell you at the bottom of the sales page for the upsells that these are NOT covered by any money back guarantee. There are NO refunds.
- OTO #1 – $14.95 – 3000 photo package + 5 Videos – https://instaaudience.com/oto1/
- OTO #2 – $149 – A 12-day package that has a member of their team handle your IG account https://instaaudience.com/oto2/
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Final Thoughts
To be honest I really wanted to like this, but for one reason or another I just can’t. I can’t quite put my finger on it, there’s something not quite right about it and I’m not sure what it is.
At the beginning of this review I said he has got a history of inconsistency in terms of what he says, take his website for example, at the moment is says this:
But it used to say this:
So, I guess I’m not really sure who he is, I’m not sure he does either!
He also says he still works 60 hours a week, but on his Youtube channel video he reckons that he doesn’t slave away for 60 hours a week and only does about 5 – 10 hours a week???
Am I being too cynical?? What do you think?
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So What Now?
Instagram is a great option for marketing for sure, but it’s only one weapon you should have in your arsenal and it’s something I should really look at getting into.
But I think I’d rather learn from the people who have taken this far in my online journey for one simple reason, I trust them.
Simple as that.
There’s a quote that something like this:
Do exactly as I say until you find out it doesn’t work or until you find out I’m lying, well I don’t lie and it does work.
That’s why I’m still there over 4 years down the line.
If you want to read a detailed review of Wealthy Affiliate then click here.
Alternatively if you’re feeling adventurous you can click the banner below to go straight to the sign up page, you only need your email and you’re good to go, no credit card, the starter membership is free.

I’ll meet you on the inside and help you every step of the way :)[su_divider top=”no”]
In checking out this offer and following him for a while, I had some of the same feelings about him and what he has been saying about himself and his career. His FE is now free and he is charging $14.95 for OTO 1. I figure that I will try him out for a little less than $15 bucks and see what I get. If it is a bunch of junk, especially for what I actually pay money for, then he has lost all my trust and I will never buy from him again. When he offers a no return policy then the product should be good enough that it is a nonissue. If not, then there is the trust and reputation issue again. After reading your review, I think he may be charging $0.00 for the FE because you were right and all he did was use a PLR product for the majority of a product that may not be as current as it needs to be.
Thanks for providing a real review instead of a sales pitch dressed up to mascarade as a review.
Thomas Chapo Sr.
That’s good to know about him not charging for the front end now. I would be interested to find out what you think when you’ve had a chance to go through it.
Nah, you ain’t being too cynical. Go with your gut, always
That’s what I thought