Elephant Affiliate Programs

Welcome to todays post on Elephant affiliate programs.

Elephants, the gentle giants of the animal kingdom, have long held a special place in our hearts and in the natural world.

These magnificent creatures, with their incredible intelligence, complex social structures, and awe-inspiring presence, have captured the imagination of people around the globe.

However, they face numerous threats, from habitat loss and human-elephant conflicts to the illegal ivory trade.

The conservation and protection of elephants and their habitats have become crucial to ensure their survival. Fortunately, there are numerous organizations and initiatives dedicated to this noble cause.

In this guide, we will introduce you to some of the prominent organizations working tirelessly to safeguard the future of elephants and the ecosystems they inhabit.

Each of these organizations plays a unique and essential role in preserving these remarkable animals, from providing sanctuaries for rescued elephants to conducting ground breaking research on their behaviour and needs.

Moreover, they offer affiliate programs that allow individuals and groups to support elephant conservation efforts while earning commissions.

By becoming an affiliate with these organizations, you can contribute to the conservation of elephants, support local communities, and help raise awareness about the importance of preserving these iconic species.

Join us as we explore these remarkable organizations and their affiliate opportunities, and discover how you can make a meaningful impact in protecting elephants and the natural world they inhabit.

Save the Elephants

save the elephants
  • Description: Save the Elephants is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of elephants and their natural habitats. Founded in 1993 by Iain Douglas-Hamilton, a prominent elephant researcher and conservationist, the organization is at the forefront of efforts to secure a future for elephants.
  • Commission Rate: Affiliates can earn a 10% commission on all donations made through their unique referral link.
  • Cookie Period: 30 days
  • More Information: Save the Elephants conducts extensive research on elephant behaviour, ecology, and conservation, providing critical insights to support elephant conservation efforts.

    They work with local communities and governments to promote the coexistence of humans and elephants, ensuring the protection of these magnificent creatures.

    Through public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives, they aim to raise awareness about the importance of saving elephants and their ecosystems. Sign Up Here

Elephant Nature Park

Elephant Nature Park
  • Description: Elephant Nature Park is a sanctuary located in Thailand that provides a safe and loving home for rescued elephants. Founded by Sangduen “Lek” Chailert, it is a place where elephants that have been mistreated, abused, or orphaned can live freely and peacefully.
  • Commission Rate: Affiliates can earn a 15% commission on all tickets and products sold through their unique referral link.
  • Cookie Period: 45 days
  • More Information: Elephant Nature Park is not just a refuge for elephants; it’s also an educational center and a hub for ethical elephant tourism.

    Visitors can learn about the challenges elephants face and how they can contribute to their well-being. The park also takes in other rescued animals and supports local communities. Sign Up Here

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
  • Description: The World Wildlife Fund, commonly known as WWF, is a global conservation organization with a mission to protect the world’s natural resources, including endangered species like elephants. WWF works to preserve biodiversity, address climate change, and promote the sustainable use of resources.
  • Commission Rate: Affiliates can earn a 6% commission on all donations made through their unique referral link.
  • Cookie Period: 60 days
  • More Information: WWF is one of the world’s largest and most recognized conservation organizations, operating in over 100 countries.

    They engage in various projects to safeguard wildlife, their habitats, and the environment. WWF’s elephant conservation efforts include anti-poaching initiatives and habitat protection to ensure the survival of these majestic creatures. Sign Up Here

Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
  • Description: Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (SWT) is a Kenya-based non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of orphaned elephants. Established by Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick in memory of her husband David Sheldrick, the trust has been a beacon of hope for elephant orphans in Kenya.
  • Commission Rate: Affiliates can earn a 10% commission on all donations made through their unique referral link.
  • Cookie Period: 30 days
  • More Information: SWT specializes in hand-rearing orphaned elephants and reintegrating them into the wild when they are ready.

    Their efforts extend to other wildlife species as well. The trust is deeply involved in anti-poaching and conservation projects, and they actively work to protect the fragile ecosystems in Kenya. Sign Up Here

International Elephant Foundation

International Elephant Foundation
  • Description: The International Elephant Foundation (IEF) is a non-profit organization that is committed to supporting elephant conservation efforts worldwide. IEF’s mission is to promote the conservation of elephants and their habitats through various projects and initiatives.
  • Commission Rate: Affiliates can earn a 10% commission on all donations made through their unique referral link.
  • Cookie Period: 45 days
  • More Information: IEF works with conservation partners around the world to fund and support projects that focus on elephant conservation, research, and education.

    The organization is dedicated to ensuring the survival of both African and Asian elephants by addressing critical issues such as habitat protection, anti-poaching efforts, and community-based conservation. Sign Up Here

Elephants Without Borders

Elephants Without Borders
  • Description: Elephants Without Borders is a conservation organization that primarily focuses on protecting elephants in southern Africa. They conduct research, conservation efforts, and community outreach to safeguard elephants and their habitats.
  • Commission Rate: Affiliates can earn a 10% commission on all donations made through their unique referral link.
  • Cookie Period: 30 days
  • More Information: This organization plays a vital role in monitoring elephant populations and understanding their migration patterns in southern Africa.

    Through their efforts, they aim to reduce human-elephant conflicts and conserve these iconic animals for future generations.Sign Up Here

African Wildlife Foundation

African Wildlife Foundation
  • Description: The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) is a conservation organization dedicated to the protection of elephants and other wildlife in Africa. AWF works across the continent to ensure the conservation of iconic African species and their habitats.
  • Commission Rate: Affiliates can earn a 10% commission on all donations made through their unique referral link.
  • Cookie Period: 60 days
  • More Information: AWF’s approach involves a combination of community-based conservation, anti-poaching efforts, habitat protection, and sustainable development.

    They are actively engaged in safeguarding elephants from threats such as poaching and habitat loss, while also supporting local communities to coexist with wildlife. Sign Up Here

Elephant Voices

Elephant Voices
  • Description: Elephant Voices is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to advocating for the protection of elephants. They work towards ensuring the welfare and conservation of elephants through scientific research and education.
  • Commission Rate: Affiliates can earn a 10% commission on all donations made through their unique referral link.
  • Cookie Period: 45 days
  • More Information: Elephant Voices is known for its extensive work in understanding elephant communication and behavior.

    They use scientific research to advance the knowledge of elephants and share this information with the public, policymakers, and organizations involved in elephant conservation. Sign Up Here

Elephant Aid

Elephant Aid
  • Description: Elephant Aid is a non-profit organization that provides veterinary care and rehabilitation to elephants in Southeast Asia. They are dedicated to improving the welfare and living conditions of elephants in the region.
  • Commission Rate: Affiliates can earn a 10% commission on all donations made through their unique referral link.
  • Cookie Period: 30 days
  • More Information: Elephant Aid focuses on helping captive elephants in Asia by providing veterinary care and advocating for improved living conditions.

    They work with local communities to raise awareness about the needs of elephants and promote more ethical treatment and management. Sign Up Here


  • Description: WildAid is a non-profit organization that works to reduce the demand for illegal wildlife products, including ivory. Their mission is to end the illegal wildlife trade and protect endangered species.
  • Commission Rate: Affiliates can earn a 10% commission on all donations made through their unique referral link.
  • Cookie Period: 60 days
  • More Information: WildAid takes a unique approach by focusing on reducing the demand for wildlife products, which helps to curtail poaching and trafficking.

    They collaborate with governments, businesses, and individuals to change consumer behaviour and promote conservation. Sign Up Here

Elephants for Africa

Elephants for Africa
  • Description: Elephants for Africa is a non-profit organization that supports elephant conservation efforts in Africa. Their work focuses on research, education, and community involvement to ensure the welfare and survival of African elephants.
  • Commission Rate: Affiliates can earn a 10% commission on all donations made through their unique referral link.
  • Cookie Period: 45 days
  • More Information: Elephants for Africa conducts scientific research to better understand the behaviour and ecology of African elephants.

    They are actively involved in community-based projects that promote coexistence between humans and elephants, reducing human-elephant conflicts in the process. Sign Up Here

Tips For Promoting Elephant Affiliate Programs

Promoting affiliate programs for elephant conservation organizations can be a rewarding way to contribute to the cause while earning commissions. Here are some tips to help you effectively promote these programs:

  1. Understand the Organizations: Before you start promoting, take the time to understand each organization’s mission, projects, and the impact they make. Knowledge about their work will allow you to passionately and authentically communicate their value to potential supporters.
  2. Create Quality Content:
  • Blogging: Write informative and engaging blog posts about elephant conservation, the work of the organizations, and the importance of supporting them. Include your affiliate links in relevant places.
  • Videos: Create educational videos about elephants and the work of these organizations. Share them on platforms like YouTube and social media.
  1. Social Media Engagement:
  • Share regular updates, facts, and success stories about the organizations on your social media profiles.
  • Use appropriate hashtags and engage with the elephant conservation community.
  1. Email Marketing:
  • Build an email list of subscribers interested in wildlife conservation.
  • Send out newsletters and updates about the organizations and include your affiliate links.
  1. Educational Resources:
  • Develop downloadable resources like e-books, infographics, or guides about elephants and conservation. Use these to capture email addresses and promote affiliate links.
  • Offer webinars or online courses on related topics.
  1. SEO Optimization:
  • Optimize your content for search engines to increase organic traffic. Use relevant keywords related to elephant conservation.
  • Consider guest posting on other blogs to build backlinks.
  1. Paid Advertising:
  • Use paid advertising on platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or Instagram to reach a wider audience.
  • Target your ads to people interested in wildlife conservation.
  1. Collaborations and Partnerships:
  • Collaborate with other conservation organizations or influencers in the niche to promote the programs.
  • Host joint events or initiatives to raise awareness.
  1. Engage Your Audience:
  • Encourage your audience to share their stories or experiences with elephants.
  • Host contests or giveaways related to elephant conservation.
  1. Track and Analyze:
  • Use tracking tools and analytics to monitor the performance of your promotions.
  • Adjust your strategies based on what’s working and what’s not.
  1. Leverage Seasonal and Current Events:
  • Tie your promotions to relevant events, such as World Elephant Day, to gain more visibility.
  • Address current issues or news related to elephant conservation in your content.
  1. Ethical Promotion: Be transparent about your affiliate relationships. Always disclose that you may earn a commission if someone makes a donation through your affiliate link. Honesty builds trust with your audience.
  2. Persistence and Patience: Building an audience and seeing results may take time. Be patient and continue your efforts consistently.

Remember that the key to successful affiliate promotion is to be authentic, passionate, and well-informed about the cause. Your sincerity and dedication to elephant conservation will resonate with your audience and encourage them to support these organizations through your affiliate links.

If you are not sure how to do any of the above tips then feel free to take a look at my #1 recommendation, that will give all the information you need to successfully promote these elephant affiliate programs.

About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here: https://goo.gl/rUv7ep

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