There seems to be a lot of products being released lately surrounding CPA. Well this review is going to be looking at CPA Reloaded to see if it’s a contender or complete waste of time.
I’ve never had the pleasure so to speak of reviewing one of Nick Marks products before, so this is uncharted territory for me. Let’s see what he’s come up with.
NAME: CPA Reloaded
OWNERS: Nick Marks & Alex Wong
PRICE: $6.10
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what is cpa reloaded about
Well if you look at the sales page you’d be forgiven for thinking this is the last product you’re ever going to need, i mean you’re going to be filling your pockets with $257 a day right? Wrong.
I’m going to tell you what the sales page won’t tell you about Cpa Reloaded. In fact that’s the worst sales page I’ve seen in a long time for all out hype, but I’ll get onto that in a minute.
This is all about using Max Bounty as a CPA network and then using Craigs List as a way to get your offer seen by people.
And …… that’s it.
Trouble with Max Bounty is that it’s incredibly hard to join and he doesn’t even tell you that or give you any idea as to how you can stand a better chance of approval, all he says is don’t tell them you’re new and name drop some other CPA networks.[su_divider top=”no”]
the sales page
Let’s take a look at this incredible sales page shall we.
I really hate sales pages like this, they give a totally false representation of what a newbie can expect, i mean come on are we meant to believe that if you’re running short of money and need some more all you have to do is create another CPA reloaded?? And as for all explained inside, I’ve been through the “training” and i haven’t seen anything that explains it.

Let’s take a look at these statements one by one
- It’s not any different from any method
- Ok you don’t need a website or a list, but you’re going to need some technical skills because he doesn’t cover everything you need to know
- Little Known free traffic method? Please, who hasn’t heard of CraigsList
- Approved with in minutes? No you’re not, it’s one of the hardest networks to get approval for, but it is one of the best for offers
- keep getting paid over and over? Possibly if you choose the right offer, good luck with that cause you’re not getting any help from him.
The video is even worse, it starts off by asking you “would you like to earn $257 by tonight?” and just goes progressively downhill from there.
The sales page is just full of contradictionsThat’s probably the most truth on the entire page, it is hard for newbies to get approved, trouble is it’s STILL going to be a problem with his “method” and you know why? Because his method doesn’t actually show you how, he simply tells you not to tell the network you are new.
That’s just incredible.
I’ve seen enough of this rubbish, and i mean that, it’s complete rubbish, don’t believe it.[su_divider top=”no”]
what did i like
what i didn’t like
- totally over hyped sales page
- very superficial training videos which really don’t tell you anything
- some of the training is just a blank screen with him talking, notice it’s half way through that particular one.
- no direction on what offers to choose if you get accepted
- in module 6 he says to post ONE ad per day. How on earth are you meant to seriously make the $257 by tonight with one ad? It doesn’t make sense.[su_divider top=”no”]
the training
OK let’s take a look at the “training” you’re going to be getting if you decide to part with your cash
- Module 1. Introduction 2.58
- Module 2. Account Setup 5.15
- Module 3. Make Money Formula 9.52
- Module 4. Offer 8.35
- Module 5. Campaign Setup 11.37
- Module 6. CL Best Practices 3.58
- Module 7. Alternative to CraigsList 3.13
It really is pretty poor, i can see why it’s only $6, it’s got absolutely no substance to it at all.[su_divider top=”no”]
the oto’s
I’m really annoyed that he has put together a sales page that makes it look like you’re going to be earning tons of money, delivers a product like that and then has the audacity to try and sell you one time offers!
He should take a leaf out the book of a recent review that i did that delivered in so many more areas than this has and only had 1 upsell
This has an incredible 3 upsells and although i didn’t get access to them, but i can tell you what to expect
OTO #1 $97 – downsell to $47
A 30 min/15 min consultation call to help you start making money
OTO #2 $47 – downsell to $27
Using paid traffic
OTO #3 $97 – downsell to $47
5 or 2 done for you campaigns.
If they are of the quality of the main product i suggest you don’t touch them with a ten-foot barge pole.[su_divider top=”no”]
final thoughts
I think it’s obvious that his whole strategy is to hook you in with a low price, low quality product, then hope you buy his upsells.
I can’t stress enough how bad the information in the training is, it shouldn’t even be called training, and as for the sales page, well I’m a little lost for words to describe how bad that is.
It’s only when you’ve bought the product that you will realise what i realise. You can really do better than this one.
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what next
Well you can carry on jumping from one lame product to the other or you can start getting serious and realizing that you need to focus on one strategy, you need to stick to one thing to the extent of all others if you are to ever realise your dreams.
I can help you do just that. I will help you do that. You’ve most likely come to this review because you wanted to know a bit more about CPA Reloaded, well I wouldn’t be doing the right thing if i didn’t point you in the direction of another review of the number 1 training platform in Affiliate Marketing in the world right now as far as i know. Check my review here, you won’t regret it.